"""Functions for IES LM post-processing."""
from typing import Tuple, Union
from collections import defaultdict
import itertools
import numpy as np
from honeybee_radiance.postprocess.annual import filter_schedule_by_hours
from ..annual import schedule_to_hoys, occupancy_schedule_8_to_6
from ..results.annual_daylight import AnnualDaylight
from ..util import filter_array
from ..dynamic import DynamicSchedule, ApertureGroupSchedule
from .lm_schedule import shd_trans_schedule_descending, states_schedule_descending
def shade_transmittance_per_light_path(
light_paths: list, shade_transmittance: Union[float, dict],
shd_trans_dict: dict) -> dict:
"""Filter shade_transmittance by light paths and add default multiplier.
light_paths: A list of light paths.
shade_transmittance: A value to use as a multiplier in place of solar
shading. This input can be either a single value that will be used
for all aperture groups, or a dictionary where aperture groups are
keys, and the value for each key is the shade transmittance. Values
for shade transmittance must be 1 > value > 0.
shd_trans_dict: A dictionary used to store shade transmittance value
for each aperture group.
A dictionary with filtered light paths.
shade_transmittances = {}
if isinstance(shade_transmittance, dict):
for light_path in light_paths:
# default multiplier
shade_transmittances[light_path] = [1]
# add custom shade transmittance
if light_path in shade_transmittance:
shd_trans_dict[light_path] = shade_transmittance[light_path]
# add default shade transmittance (0.02)
elif light_path != '__static_apertures__':
shd_trans_dict[light_path] = 0.02
shd_trans_dict[light_path] = 1
shd_trans = float(shade_transmittance)
for light_path in light_paths:
# default multiplier
shade_transmittances[light_path] = [1]
# add custom shade transmittance
if light_path != '__static_apertures__':
shd_trans_dict[light_path] = shd_trans
shd_trans_dict[light_path] = 1
return shade_transmittances, shd_trans_dict
def dynamic_schedule_direct_illuminance(
results: Union[str, AnnualDaylight], grids_filter: str = '*',
shade_transmittance: Union[float, dict] = 0.02,
use_states: bool = False
) -> Tuple[dict, dict]:
"""Calculate a schedule of each aperture group.
This function calculates an annual shading schedule of each aperture
group. Hour by hour it will select the least shaded aperture group
configuration, so that no more than 2% of the sensors points receive
direct illuminance of 1000 lux or more.
results: Path to results folder or a Results class object.
grids_filter: The name of a grid or a pattern to filter the grids.
Defaults to '*'.
shade_transmittance: A value to use as a multiplier in place of solar
shading. This input can be either a single value that will be used
for all aperture groups, or a dictionary where aperture groups are
keys, and the value for each key is the shade transmittance. Values
for shade transmittance must be 1 > value > 0.
Defaults to 0.02.
use_states: A boolean to note whether to use the simulated states. Set
to True to use the simulated states. The default is False which will
use the shade transmittance instead.
Tuple: A tuple with a dictionary of the annual schedule and a
dictionary of hours where no shading configuration comply with the
2% rule.
if not isinstance(results, AnnualDaylight):
results = AnnualDaylight(results)
grids_info = results._filter_grids(grids_filter=grids_filter)
schedule = occupancy_schedule_8_to_6(as_list=True)
occ_pattern = \
filter_schedule_by_hours(results.sun_up_hours, schedule=schedule)[0]
occ_mask = np.array(occ_pattern)
states_schedule = defaultdict(list)
fail_to_comply = {}
shd_trans_dict = {}
for grid_info in grids_info:
grid_states_schedule = defaultdict(list)
grid_count = grid_info['count']
light_paths = []
for lp in grid_info['light_path']:
for _lp in lp:
if _lp == '__static_apertures__' and len(lp) > 1:
shade_transmittances, shd_trans_dict = (
light_paths, shade_transmittance, shd_trans_dict
if len(light_paths) > 6:
if use_states:
grid_states_schedule, fail_to_comply = states_schedule_descending(
results, grid_info, light_paths, occ_mask,
grid_states_schedule, fail_to_comply)
grid_states_schedule, fail_to_comply = shd_trans_schedule_descending(
results, grid_info, light_paths, shade_transmittances, occ_mask,
grid_states_schedule, fail_to_comply)
if use_states:
combinations = results._get_state_combinations(grid_info)
shade_transmittances, shd_trans_dict = shade_transmittance_per_light_path(
light_paths, shade_transmittance, shd_trans_dict)
keys, values = zip(*shade_transmittances.items())
combinations = [dict(zip(keys, v)) for v in itertools.product(*values)]
array_list_combinations = []
for combination in combinations:
combination_arrays = []
for light_path, value in combination.items():
if use_states:
results._get_array(grid_info, light_path, state=value,
array = results._get_array(
grid_info, light_path, res_type='direct')
if value == 1:
combination_arrays.append(array * value)
combination_array = sum(combination_arrays)
combination_percentage = \
(combination_array >= 1000).sum(axis=0) / grid_count
array_combinations = np.array(array_list_combinations)
array_combinations[array_combinations > 0.02] = -np.inf
grid_comply = np.where(np.all(array_combinations==-np.inf, axis=0))[0]
if grid_comply.size != 0:
grid_comply = np.array(results.sun_up_hours)[grid_comply]
fail_to_comply[grid_info['name']] = \
[int(hoy) for hoy in grid_comply]
array_combinations_filter = np.apply_along_axis(
filter_array, 1, array_combinations, occ_mask
max_indices = array_combinations_filter.argmax(axis=0)
# select the combination for each hour
combinations = [combinations[idx] for idx in max_indices]
# merge the combinations of dicts
for combination in combinations:
for light_path, value in combination.items():
if light_path != '__static_apertures__':
for key, value in grid_states_schedule.items():
if key not in states_schedule:
states_schedule[key] = value
if use_states:
merged_array = np.logical_or(states_schedule[key], value).astype(int)
merged_array = np.minimum(states_schedule[key], value)
states_schedule[key] = merged_array
occupancy_hoys = schedule_to_hoys(schedule, results.sun_up_hours)
# map states to 8760 values
if use_states:
aperture_group_schedules = []
for identifier, values in states_schedule.items():
mapped_states = results.values_to_annual(
occupancy_hoys, values, results.timestep, dtype=np.int32)
ApertureGroupSchedule(identifier, mapped_states.tolist())
states_schedule = \
for light_path, shd_trans in states_schedule.items():
mapped_states = results.values_to_annual(
occupancy_hoys, shd_trans, results.timestep)
states_schedule[light_path] = mapped_states
return states_schedule, fail_to_comply, shd_trans_dict