Source code for honeybee_radiance_postprocess.en17037

"""Functions for EN 17037 post-processing."""
from typing import Union
from pathlib import Path
import json
import numpy as np

from ladybug.color import Colorset
from ladybug.datatype.fraction import Fraction
from ladybug.legend import LegendParameters

from .results.annual_daylight import AnnualDaylight
from .dynamic import DynamicSchedule
from .metrics import da_array2d
from .util import filter_array

[docs] def en17037_to_files( array: np.ndarray, metrics_folder: Path, grid_info: dict) -> list: """Compute annual EN 17037 metrics for a NumPy array and write the results to a folder. This function generates 6 different files for daylight autonomy based on the varying level of recommendation in EN 17037. Args: array: A 2D NumPy array. metrics_folder: An output folder where the results will be written to. The folder will be created if it does not exist. grid_info: A grid information dictionary. Returns: tuple -- Tuple of lists of paths for da, sda, and compliance folders. """ recommendations = { 'minimum_illuminance': { 'minimum': 100, 'medium': 300, 'high': 500 }, 'target_illuminance': { 'minimum': 300, 'medium': 500, 'high': 750 } } compliance_value = { 'minimum': 1, 'medium': 2, 'high': 3 } grid_id = grid_info['full_id'] grid_count = grid_info['count'] da_folders = [] sda_folders = [] compliance_folders = [] da_folder = metrics_folder.joinpath('da') sda_folder = metrics_folder.joinpath('sda') compliance_folder = metrics_folder.joinpath('compliance_level') for target_type, thresholds in recommendations.items(): compliance_level = None for level, threshold in thresholds.items(): # da da_level_folder = \ da_folder.joinpath('_'.join([target_type, str(threshold)])) da_file = da_level_folder.joinpath(f'{grid_id}.da') if not da_file.parent.is_dir(): da_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True) da = da_array2d(array, total_occ=4380, threshold=threshold) np.savetxt(da_file, da, fmt='%.2f') # sda sda_level_folder = \ sda_folder.joinpath('_'.join([target_type, str(threshold)])) sda_file = sda_level_folder.joinpath(f'{grid_id}.sda') if not sda_file.parent.is_dir(): sda_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True) sda = (da >= 50).mean() * 100 with open(sda_file, 'w') as sdaf: sdaf.write(str(round(sda, 2))) space_target = 50 if target_type == 'target_illuminance' else 95 if sda >= space_target: compliance_level = np.full((grid_count), compliance_value[level], dtype=int) da_folders.append(da_file.parent) sda_folders.append(sda_file.parent) if compliance_level is None: compliance_level = np.zeros(grid_count, dtype=int) compliance_level_folder = compliance_folder.joinpath(target_type) compliance_level_file = compliance_level_folder.joinpath(f'{grid_id}.pf') if not compliance_level_file.parent.is_dir(): compliance_level_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True) np.savetxt(compliance_level_file, compliance_level, fmt='%i') compliance_folders.append(compliance_level_file.parent) return da_folders, sda_folders, compliance_folders
[docs] def en17037_to_folder( results: Union[str, AnnualDaylight], schedule: list, states: DynamicSchedule = None, grids_filter: str = '*', sub_folder: str = 'en17037') -> Path: """Compute annual EN 17037 metrics in a folder and write them in a subfolder. The results is an output folder of annual daylight recipe. Args: results: Results folder. schedule: An annual schedule for 8760 hours of the year as a list of values. This should be a daylight hours schedule. grids_filter: A pattern to filter the grids. By default all the grids will be processed. states: A dictionary of states. Defaults to None. sub_folder: An optional relative path for subfolder to copy results files. Default: en17037. Returns: str -- Path to results folder. """ if not isinstance(results, AnnualDaylight): results = AnnualDaylight(results, schedule=schedule) else: results.schedule = schedule total_occ = results.total_occ occ_mask = results.occ_mask grids_info = results._filter_grids(grids_filter=grids_filter) sub_folder = Path(sub_folder) if total_occ != 4380: raise ValueError( f'There are {total_occ} occupied hours in the schedule. According ' 'to EN 17037 the schedule must consist of the daylight hours ' 'which is defined as the half of the year with the largest ' 'quantity of daylight') for grid_info in grids_info: array = results._array_from_states( grid_info, states=states, res_type='total', zero_array=True) if np.any(array): array = np.apply_along_axis( filter_array, 1, array, occ_mask) da_folders, sda_folders, compliance_folders = en17037_to_files( array, sub_folder, grid_info) # copy grids_info.json to all results folders for folder in da_folders + sda_folders + compliance_folders: grids_info_file = Path(folder, 'grids_info.json') with open(grids_info_file, 'w') as outf: json.dump(grids_info, outf, indent=2) metric_info_dict = _annual_daylight_en17037_vis_metadata() da_folder = sub_folder.joinpath('da') for metric, data in metric_info_dict.items(): file_path = da_folder.joinpath(metric, 'vis_metadata.json') with open(file_path, 'w') as fp: json.dump(data, fp, indent=4) return sub_folder
def _annual_daylight_en17037_vis_metadata(): """Return visualization metadata for annual daylight.""" da_lpar = LegendParameters(min=0, max=100, colors=Colorset.annual_comfort()) metric_info_dict = { 'minimum_illuminance_100': { 'type': 'VisualizationMetaData', 'data_type': Fraction('Daylight Autonomy - minimum 100 lux').to_dict(), 'unit': '%', 'legend_parameters': da_lpar.to_dict() }, 'minimum_illuminance_300': { 'type': 'VisualizationMetaData', 'data_type': Fraction('Daylight Autonomy - minimum 300 lux').to_dict(), 'unit': '%', 'legend_parameters': da_lpar.to_dict() }, 'minimum_illuminance_500': { 'type': 'VisualizationMetaData', 'data_type': Fraction('Daylight Autonomy - minimum 500 lux').to_dict(), 'unit': '%', 'legend_parameters': da_lpar.to_dict() }, 'target_illuminance_300': { 'type': 'VisualizationMetaData', 'data_type': Fraction('Daylight Autonomy - target 300 lux').to_dict(), 'unit': '%', 'legend_parameters': da_lpar.to_dict() }, 'target_illuminance_500': { 'type': 'VisualizationMetaData', 'data_type': Fraction('Daylight Autonomy - target 500 lux').to_dict(), 'unit': '%', 'legend_parameters': da_lpar.to_dict() }, 'target_illuminance_750': { 'type': 'VisualizationMetaData', 'data_type': Fraction('Daylight Autonomy - target 750 lux').to_dict(), 'unit': '%', 'legend_parameters': da_lpar.to_dict() } } return metric_info_dict def _annual_daylight_en17037_config(): """Return vtk-config for annual daylight EN 17037. """ cfg = { "data": [ { "identifier": "Daylight Autonomy - target 300 lux", "object_type": "grid", "unit": "Percentage", "path": "target_illuminance/minimum/da", "hide": False, "legend_parameters": { "hide_legend": False, "min": 0, "max": 100, "color_set": "nuanced", }, }, { "identifier": "Daylight Autonomy - target 500 lux", "object_type": "grid", "unit": "Percentage", "path": "target_illuminance/medium/da", "hide": False, "legend_parameters": { "hide_legend": False, "min": 0, "max": 100, "color_set": "nuanced", }, }, { "identifier": "Daylight Autonomy - target 750 lux", "object_type": "grid", "unit": "Percentage", "path": "target_illuminance/high/da", "hide": False, "legend_parameters": { "hide_legend": False, "min": 0, "max": 100, "color_set": "nuanced", }, }, { "identifier": "Daylight Autonomy - minimum 100 lux", "object_type": "grid", "unit": "Percentage", "path": "minimum_illuminance/minimum/da", "hide": False, "legend_parameters": { "hide_legend": False, "min": 0, "max": 100, "color_set": "nuanced", }, }, { "identifier": "Daylight Autonomy - minimum 300 lux", "object_type": "grid", "unit": "Percentage", "path": "minimum_illuminance/medium/da", "hide": False, "legend_parameters": { "hide_legend": False, "min": 0, "max": 100, "color_set": "nuanced", }, }, { "identifier": "Daylight Autonomy - minimum 500 lux", "object_type": "grid", "unit": "Percentage", "path": "minimum_illuminance/high/da", "hide": False, "legend_parameters": { "hide_legend": False, "min": 0, "max": 100, "color_set": "nuanced", }, }, ] } return cfg