honeybee_radiance_command.options.rcalc module¶
Rcalc parameters.
- class honeybee_radiance_command.options.rcalc.RcalcOptions[source]¶
[ -b ][ -l ][ -p ][ -n ][ -w ][ -u ][ -tS ][ -i format ][ -o format ][ -f source ] [ -e expr ][ -s svar=sval ]
Also see: https://floyd.lbl.gov/radiance/man_html/rcalc.1.html
- to_file(folder, file_name, mkdir=False)¶
Write options to a file.
- to_radiance()¶
Translate options to Radiance format.
- update_from_string(string)¶
Update options from a standard radiance string.
If the option is not currently part of the collection, it will be added to additional_options.
- additional_options¶
- property b¶
Accept exact matches.
The -b option instructs the program to accept only exact matches. By default, tabs and spaces are ignored except as field separators.
- property command¶
Command name.
- property e¶
The -e expr option can be used to define variables on the command line. Since many of the characters in an expression have special meaning to the shell, it should usually be enclosed in single quotes.
- property f¶
Source file.
The variable and function definitions in each -f source file are read and compiled.
- property i¶
Alternative input format.
A -i format option specifies a template for an alternate input record format. Format is interpreted as a specification string if it contains a dollar sign $. Otherwise, it is interpreted as the name of the file containing the format specification. In either case, if the format does not end with a newline, one will be added automatically. A special form of the -i option may be followed immediately by a d or an f and an optional count, which defaults to 1, indicating the number of double or float binary values to read per record on the input file. If the input is byte-swapped, the -iD or -iF options may be substituted. If binary input is specified, no format string or file is needed.
- property l¶
Ignore newlines in the input.
The -l option instructs the program to ignore newlines in the input, basically treating them the same as tabs and spaces. Normally, the beginning of the input format matches the beginning of a line, and the end of the format matches the end of a line. With the -l option, the input format can match anywhere on a line.
- property n¶
Produce single output record.
The -n option tells the program not to get any input, but to produce a single output record. Otherwise, if no files are given, the standard input is read.
- property o¶
Alternative output format.
A -o format option specifies an alternate output record format. It is interpreted the same as an input specification, except that the special -od or -of options do not require a count, as this will be determined by the number of output channels in the given expressions. If byte-swapped output is desired, the -oD or -oF options may be substituted.
- property options¶
Print out list of options.
- property p¶
Alternative / passive mode for input format.
The -p option specifies “passive mode,” where characters that do not match the input format are passed unaltered to the output. This option has no effect unless -i is also specified, and does not make much sense unless -o is also given. With both input and output formats, the passive mode can effectively substitute information in the middle of a file or stream without affecting the rest of the data.
- property s¶
Assign a string variable a string value.
The -s svar=sval option can be used to assign a string variable a string value. If this string variable appears in an input format, only records with the specified value will be processed.
- property slots¶
Return slots including the ones from the baseclass if any.
- property tS¶
Alternative tab character.
- property u¶
Flush output after each record.
- property w¶
- Type:
Warning messages - default