Source code for honeybee_idaice.writer

"""Write an idm file from a HBJSON file."""
import math
import pathlib
import shutil
from typing import List, Tuple

from ladybug_geometry.bounding import bounding_box
from ladybug_geometry.geometry3d import Vector3D, Point3D, Plane, Face3D
from honeybee.model import Model, Room
from honeybee.facetype import RoofCeiling, Wall, Floor, AirBoundary, get_type_from_normal

from .archive import zip_folder_to_idm
from .bldgbody import section_to_idm, MAX_FLOOR_ELEVATION_DIFFERENCE, \
from .shade import shades_to_idm, shade_meshes_to_idm
from .face import face_to_idm, opening_to_idm, face_reference_plane

[docs] def ceilings_to_idm( room: Room, origin: Point3D, tolerance: float, angle_tolerance: float = 1.0, decimal_places: int = 3 ): """Translate the ceilings of a Room to an IDM ENCLOSING-ELEMENT. Args: room: A honeybee Room. origin: A Point3D for the origin of the parent Room. tolerance: The minimum difference between x, y, and z coordinate values at which points are considered distinct. angle_tolerance: The max angle in degrees that Face normal can differ from the World Z before the Face is treated as being in the World XY plane. (Default: 1). decimal_places: An integer for the number of decimal places to which coordinate values will be rounded. (Default: 3). """ index = -1000 # if there's only one ceiling, just translate it faces = room.roof_ceilings if len(faces) == 0: return '' if len(faces) == 1: return face_to_idm(faces[0], origin, index, angle_tolerance, decimal_places) # check to see the vertical range across the ceilings min_pt, max_pt = bounding_box([face.geometry for face in faces]) if max_pt.z - min_pt.z <= tolerance: # all the ceilings are the same height return '\n'.join( face_to_idm(face, origin, index, angle_tolerance, decimal_places) for face in faces ) # get the boundary around all of the ceiling parts horiz_boundary = room.horizontal_boundary(tolerance=tolerance) if horiz_boundary.normal.z <= 0: # ensure upward-facing Face3D horiz_boundary = horiz_boundary.flip() if horiz_boundary.has_holes: # remove any tiny holes h_areas = [hp.area for hp in horiz_boundary.hole_polygon2d] if not all(ha > IDA_ICE_BUILDING_BODY_TOL for ha in h_areas): clean_holes = [hole for hole, ha in zip(horiz_boundary.holes, h_areas) if ha > IDA_ICE_BUILDING_BODY_TOL] horiz_boundary = Face3D( horiz_boundary.boundary, horiz_boundary.plane, clean_holes) # get the correctly ordered vertices at the Z height vertices = [Point3D(pt.x, pt.y, max_pt.z) for pt in horiz_boundary.boundary] full_bound = Face3D(vertices, plane=horiz_boundary.plane) vertices = full_bound.lower_left_counter_clockwise_vertices # translate the boundary vertices into an enclosing element dpl = decimal_places vertices_idm = ' '.join(( f'({round(v.x - origin.x, dpl)} ' f'{round(v.y - origin.y, dpl)} ' f'{round(v.z - origin.z, dpl)})' for v in vertices )) count = len(vertices) ceiling = \ f'((ENCLOSING-ELEMENT :N CEILING_{faces[0].identifier} :T CEILING :INDEX -1000' \ ')\n ((AGGREGATE :N GEOMETRY)\n' \ f' (:PAR :N CORNERS :DIM ({count} 3) :SP ({count} 3) :V #2A({vertices_idm})))' ceiling_idm = [ceiling] # write each of the ceiling faces to IDM for fc, face in enumerate(faces): name = f'{face.identifier}_{fc}' holes = face.geometry.holes or [] contours = [list(face.geometry.boundary)] + [list(h) for h in holes] vc = sum(len(c) for c in contours) contours_formatted = ' '.join(str(len(c)) for c in contours) vertices_idm = ' '.join( f'({round(v.x - origin.x, dpl)} ' f'{round(v.y - origin.y, dpl)} ' f'{round(v.z - origin.z, dpl)})' for vv in contours for v in vv ) # add apertures and doors windows = [''] if face.has_sub_faces: if angle_tolerance < face.tilt < 180 - angle_tolerance: ref_plane = face_reference_plane(face, angle_tolerance) else: ref_plane = Plane(n=Vector3D(0, 0, 1), o=origin, x=Vector3D(1, 0, 0)) for aperture in face.apertures: op_str = opening_to_idm(aperture, ref_plane, decimal_places=dpl, angle_tolerance=angle_tolerance) windows.append(op_str) windows = ''.join(windows) cp = f' ((ENCLOSING-ELEMENT :N "{name}" :T CEILING-PART :INDEX {-1001 - fc})\n' \ ' ((AGGREGATE :N GEOMETRY)\n' \ f' (:PAR :N CORNERS :DIM ({vc} 3) :SP ({vc} 3) :V #2A({vertices_idm}))\n' \ f' (:PAR :N CONTOURS :V ({contours_formatted}))\n' \ f' (:PAR :N SLOPE :V {round(face.altitude + 90, 2)})){windows})' ceiling_idm.append(cp) return '\n'.join(ceiling_idm) + ')'
[docs] def room_to_idm( room: Room, tolerance: float, angle_tolerance: float = 1.0, decimal_places: int = 3 ) -> str: """Translate a Honeybee Room to an IDM Zone. Args: room: A honeybee Room. tolerance: The minimum difference between x, y, and z coordinate values at which points are considered distinct. angle_tolerance: The max angle in degrees that Face normal can differ from the World Z before the Face is treated as being in the World XY plane. (Default: 1). decimal_places: An integer for the number of decimal places to which coordinate values will be rounded. (Default: 3). """ room_idm = [] dpl = decimal_places # get the contours and vertices from the horizontal boundary around the Room's floors hz_bounds = room.horizontal_floor_boundaries(match_walls=True, tolerance=tolerance) if not hz_bounds: # skip this room print( 'Failed to create a horizontal boundary for ' f'{room.display_name}[{room.identifier}]. This room will be skipped.' ) return '' contours = [] for hb in hz_bounds: contours.append(hb.boundary) if hb.has_holes: contours.extend(list(h) for h in hb.holes) contours_formatted = ' '.join(str(len(c)) for c in contours) \ if len(contours) > 1 else '' vertices = [v for vl in contours for v in vl] # flattened list for vertices # derive the origin and the lighting point from the largest floor Face3D if len(hz_bounds) != 1: hz_bounds.sort(key=lambda x: x.area, reverse=True) horiz_boundary = hz_bounds[0] if horiz_boundary.normal.z <= 0: # ensure upward-facing Face3D horiz_boundary = horiz_boundary.flip() origin = horiz_boundary.min if horiz_boundary.is_convex: pole = else: # use a 1 cm tolerance for pole that will not be time consuming to compute pole = horiz_boundary.pole_of_inaccessibility(0.01) # relative coordinates of the pole rp = pole - origin # arbitrary x and y size for lighting fixtures lighting_x = 0.5 lighting_y = 0.5 min_x = round(rp.x - lighting_x / 2, dpl) min_y = round(rp.y - lighting_y / 2, dpl) # set the location of light and occupant light_occ = '((LIGHT :N "Light" :T LIGHT)\n' \ f' (:PAR :N X :V {min_x})\n' \ f' (:PAR :N Y :V {min_y})\n' \ f' (:PAR :N DX :V {lighting_x})\n' \ f' (:PAR :N DY :V {lighting_y})\n' \ ' (:PAR :N RATED_INPUT :V 50.0)\n' \ ' (:RES :N SCHEDULE_0-1 :V ALWAYS_ON))\n' \ '((OCCUPANT :N "Occupant" :T OCCUPANT)\n' \ ' (:PAR :N NUMBER_OF :V 1)\n' \ ' (:RES :N SCHEDULE_0-1 :V ALWAYS_ON)\n' \ f' (:PAR :N POSITION :V #({round(rp.x, dpl)} {round(rp.y, dpl)} {0.6})))' room_idm.append(light_occ) count = len(vertices) elevation = round(origin.z, dpl) vertices_idm = ' '.join( f'({round(v.x - origin.x, dpl)} {round(v.y - origin.y, dpl)})' for v in vertices ) if not room.user_data['_idm_is_extruded']: geometry = '((AGGREGATE :N GEOMETRY :X NIL)\n' \ ' (:PAR :N PROTECTED_SHAPE :V :TRUE)\n' \ f' (:PAR :N ORIGIN :V #({origin.x} {origin.y}))\n' \ f' (:PAR :N NCORN :V {count})\n' \ f' (:PAR :N CORNERS :DIM ({count} 2) :V #2A({vertices_idm}))\n' \ f' (:PAR :N CONTOURS :V ({contours_formatted}))\n' \ f' (:PAR :N FLOOR_HEIGHT_FROM_GROUND :V {elevation}))' else: f_ceil_height = round(room.user_data["_idm_flr_ceil_height"], dpl) geometry = '((AGGREGATE :N GEOMETRY :X NIL)\n' \ f' (:PAR :N ORIGIN :V #({origin.x} {origin.y}))\n' \ f' (:PAR :N NCORN :V {count})\n' \ f' (:PAR :N CORNERS :DIM ({count} 2) :V #2A({vertices_idm}))\n' \ f' (:PAR :N CONTOURS :V ({contours_formatted}))\n' \ f' (:PAR :N CEILING-HEIGHT :V {f_ceil_height})\n' \ f' (:PAR :N FLOOR_HEIGHT_FROM_GROUND :V {elevation}))' room_idm.append(geometry) walls, _, floors = deconstruct_room(room) # write faces used_index = [] last_index = len(walls) + 1 for wall in walls: urc = wall.geometry.upper_right_corner sorted_vertices = sorted(vertices, key=lambda x: x.distance_to_point(urc)) index = vertices.index(sorted_vertices[0]) + 1 if index in used_index: # this is a vertical segment of a wall with the same starting point. # use a new index and hope it doesn't have an aperture index = last_index last_index += 1 used_index.append(index) face_idm = face_to_idm( wall, origin=origin, index=index, angle_tolerance=angle_tolerance, decimal_places=dpl ) room_idm.append(face_idm) for count, floor in enumerate(floors): face_idm = face_to_idm( floor, origin=origin, index=-(2000 + count), angle_tolerance=angle_tolerance, decimal_places=dpl ) room_idm.append(face_idm) ceiling_idm = ceilings_to_idm( room, origin=origin, tolerance=tolerance, angle_tolerance=angle_tolerance, decimal_places=dpl ) room_idm.append(ceiling_idm) return '\n'.join(room_idm)
[docs] def deconstruct_room(room: Room): """Deconstruct a room into walls, ceilings and floors.""" walls = [] floors = [] ceilings = [] for face in room.faces: type_ = face.type if isinstance(type_, RoofCeiling): ceilings.append(face) elif isinstance(type_, Floor): floors.append(face) else: # TODO: support air boundaries walls.append(face) return walls, ceilings, floors
def _is_room_extruded(room: Room, tolerance: float, angle_tolerance: float) -> Tuple: """Check if the room geometry is an extrusion in Z direction. Args: room: A honeybee Room. tolerance: The minimum difference between coordinate values at which point vertices are considered distinct. angle_tolerance: The max angle difference in degrees that the normals of Faces are allowed to differ from vertical/horizontal for the Room to not be considered extruded. """ f_hs = [] c_hs = [] for face in room.faces: type_ = face.type if isinstance(type_, Wall): if abs(face.altitude) > angle_tolerance: return False, -1 elif isinstance(type_, RoofCeiling): if abs(90 - face.altitude) > angle_tolerance: return False, -1 c_hs.append(face.vertices[0].z) elif isinstance(type_, Floor): if abs(face.altitude + 90) > angle_tolerance: return False, -1 f_hs.append(face.vertices[0].z) if len(f_hs) != 0 and len(c_hs) != 0 and max(c_hs) - min(c_hs) < tolerance and \ max(f_hs) - min(f_hs) < tolerance: return True, round(room.max.z - room.min.z, 2) return False, -1
[docs] def prepare_model(model: Model, max_int_wall_thickness: float = 0.45) -> Model: """Perform a number of model edits to prepare it for translation to IDM. * Check room display names and ensure they are unique * Mark rooms as extruded and non-extruded * Mark doors and apertures in the model to avoid writing duplicated doors and apertures Args: model: A honeybee model. max_int_wall_thickness: Maximum thickness of the interior wall in meters. This will be used to identify adjacent interior doors and apertures in the model to ensure that only one version of the geometry is written to IDA-ICE. (Default: 0.45). """ # difference in normal angles that make apertures/doors adjacent min_ang = math.pi - math.radians(model.angle_tolerance) # ensure unique room names for each story and make a note of adjacencies room_names = {} grouped_rooms, _ = Room.group_by_floor_height( model.rooms, min_difference=MAX_FLOOR_ELEVATION_DIFFERENCE) door_tracker = [] aperture_tracker = [] for grouped_room in grouped_rooms: for room in grouped_room: # check the display name and change it if it is not unique room.display_name = \ room.display_name.replace('/', '-').replace('\\', '-') \ .replace('\n', ' ').replace(':', '.') if room.display_name in room_names: original_name = room.display_name room.display_name = \ f'{room.display_name}_{room_names[original_name]}' room_names[original_name] += 1 else: room_names[room.display_name] = 1 # add markers for whether the Room is extruded or not is_extruded, floor_to_ceiling_height = \ _is_room_extruded(room, model.tolerance, model.angle_tolerance) room.user_data = { '_idm_is_extruded': is_extruded, '_idm_flr_ceil_height': floor_to_ceiling_height } # add markers so adjacent interior Apertures and Doors are not duplicated for face in room.faces: # remove AirBoundaries until we learn how to support them if isinstance(face.type, AirBoundary): face.type = get_type_from_normal(face.normal) for door in face.doors: center = normal = door.geometry.normal for data in door_tracker: c, n = data if c.distance_to_point(center) <= max_int_wall_thickness \ and n.angle(normal) > min_ang: door.user_data = {'_idm_ignore': True} break door_tracker.append((center, normal)) for aperture in face.apertures: center = normal = aperture.geometry.normal for data in aperture_tracker: c, n = data if c.distance_to_point(center) <= max_int_wall_thickness \ and n.angle(normal) > min_ang: aperture.user_data = {'_idm_ignore': True} aperture_tracker.append((center, normal))
[docs] def prepare_folder(bldg_name: str, out_folder: str) -> List[pathlib.Path]: """Prepare folders for IDM file.""" base_folder = pathlib.Path(out_folder) model_folder = base_folder.joinpath(bldg_name) if model_folder.exists(): shutil.rmtree(model_folder.as_posix()) model_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # create the entry file bldg_folder = model_folder.joinpath(f'{bldg_name}') bldg_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) bldg_file = model_folder.joinpath(f'{bldg_name}.idm') return base_folder, model_folder, bldg_folder, bldg_file
[docs] def model_to_idm( model: Model, out_folder: pathlib.Path, name: str = None, max_int_wall_thickness: float = 0.40, max_adjacent_sub_face_dist: float = 0.40, debug: bool = False): """Translate a Honeybee model to an IDM file. Args: model: A honeybee model. out_folder: Output folder for idm file. name: Output IDM file name. max_int_wall_thickness: Maximum thickness of the interior wall in meters. IDA-ICE expects the input model to have a gap between the rooms that represents the wall thickness. This value must be smaller than the smallest Room that is expected in resulting IDA-ICE model and it should never be greater than 0.5 in order to avoid creating invalid building bodies for IDA-ICE. For models where the walls are touching each other, use a value of 0. (Default: 0.40). max_adjacent_sub_face_dist: The maximum distance in meters between interior Apertures and Doors at which they are considered adjacent. This is used to ensure that only one interior Aperture of an adjacent pair is written into the IDM. This value should typically be around the max_int_wall_thickness and should ideally not be thicker than 0.5. But it may be undesirable to set this to zero (like some cases of max_int_wall_thickness), particularly when the adjacent interior geometries are not matching one another. (Default: 0.40). debug: Set to True to not to delete the IDM folder before zipping it into a single file. """ # check for the presence of rooms VERSION = '5.00001' if not model.rooms: raise ValueError( 'The model must have at least have one room to translate to IDM.') # duplicate model to avoid mutating it as we edit it for export # otherwise, we'll loose the original model if we want to do anything after export model = model.duplicate() # scale the model if the units are not meters if model.units != 'Meters': model.convert_to_units('Meters') # remove degenerate geometry within the model tolerance model.remove_degenerate_geometry() # merge coplanar faces across the model's rooms for room in model.rooms: room.merge_coplanar_faces( model.tolerance, model.angle_tolerance, orthogonal_only=True) # edit the model display_names and add user_data to help with the translation adj_dist = max_adjacent_sub_face_dist \ if max_adjacent_sub_face_dist > model.tolerance else model.tolerance prepare_model(model, adj_dist) # determine the number of places to which all of the vertices will be rounded try: dec_count = (int(math.log10(model.tolerance)) * -1) + 1 except ValueError: # someone used a tolerance of zero dec_count = 0 # make sure names don't have subfolder or extension original_name = name or model.display_name name = pathlib.Path(original_name).stem bldg_name = name or model.display_name base_folder, model_folder, bldg_folder, bldg_file = \ prepare_folder(bldg_name, out_folder) __here__ = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent templates_folder = __here__.joinpath('templates') # create building file that includes building bodies and a reference to the rooms with'w', encoding='utf-8') as bldg: header = f';IDA {VERSION} Data UTF-8\n' \ f'(DOCUMENT-HEADER :TYPE BUILDING :N "{bldg_name}" :MS 6 :CK ' \ '((RECENT (WINDEF . "Double Clear Air (WIN7)"))) ' \ f':PARENT ICE :APP (ICE :VER {VERSION}))\n' bldg.write(header) # add template values bldg_template = templates_folder.joinpath('building.idm') for count, line in enumerate('r', encoding='utf-8')): # this is to remove the random bug that adds new character  at # the start of the line if count == 0 and line[0] != '(': line = line[1:] bldg.write(line) # site object site_idm = '((SITE-OBJECT :N SITE)\n' \ ' (:PAR :N SITE-AREA :V #(-100.0 -80.0 150.0 100.0))\n' bldg.write(site_idm) has_shade = model.shade_meshes or model.shades if has_shade: bldg.write(' ((AGGREGATE :N ARCDATA)\n') # add shades to building if any shades_idm = shades_to_idm(model.shades, model.tolerance, dec_count) bldg.write(shades_idm) shades_idm = shade_meshes_to_idm(model.shade_meshes, model.tolerance, dec_count) bldg.write(shades_idm) # end of site object if has_shade: bldg.write('))\n') else: bldg.write(')\n') # create a building sections/bodies for the building sections = section_to_idm( model, max_int_wall_thickness=max_int_wall_thickness, decimal_places=dec_count ) bldg.write(sections) # add reference to rooms as zones for room in model.rooms: bldg.write(f'((CE-ZONE :N "{room.display_name}" :T ZONE))\n') bldg.write(f'\n;[end of {bldg_name}.idm]\n') # copy all the template files templates = [ 'plant.idm', 'ahu.idc', 'ahu.idm', 'electrical system.idm' ] for template in templates: template_file = templates_folder.joinpath(template) target_file = bldg_folder.joinpath(template) with'w', encoding='utf-8') as outf, \'r', encoding='utf-8') as inf: for line in inf: outf.write(f'{line.rstrip()}\n') outf.write(f';[end of {bldg_name}\\{template_file}]\n') # write rooms template_room = templates_folder.joinpath('room.idm') for room in model.rooms: room_name = room.display_name room_file = bldg_folder.joinpath(f'{room_name}.idm') with'r', encoding='utf-8') as inf, \'w', encoding='utf-8') as rm: for line in inf: rm.write(f'{line.rstrip()}\n') geometry = room_to_idm( room, model.tolerance, model.angle_tolerance, dec_count ) rm.write(geometry) footer = f'\n;[end of {bldg_name}\\{room_name}.idm]\n' rm.write(footer) if not original_name.endswith('.idm'): original_name = f'{original_name}.idm' idm_file = base_folder.joinpath(original_name) zip_folder_to_idm(model_folder, idm_file) # clean up the folder if not debug: shutil.rmtree(model_folder, ignore_errors=True) return idm_file