"""A module for functions related to IDM building-bodies."""
from typing import List
from ladybug_geometry.bounding import bounding_box
from ladybug_geometry.geometry3d import Plane, LineSegment3D, Face3D, Point3D
from honeybee.model import Model
from honeybee.room import Room
from honeybee.facetype import Floor, RoofCeiling
# constant used by IDA-ICE to determine if a geometry element is exterior
# geometries within this distance of the building body are considered exterior
IDA_ICE_BUILDING_BODY_TOL = 0.5 # units are meters
# constant used to group rooms into stories by their floor elevations
# the value is meant to be lower than the height of any room in the model
# but not so low that a single step down yields a new Story
MAX_FLOOR_ELEVATION_DIFFERENCE = 0.2 # units are meters of vertical distance
def _section_to_idm_protected(
rooms: List[Room], tolerance: float, decimal_places: int = 3):
"""Create an IDM building section for a group of non-extruded Rooms.
rooms: A list of Honeybee Rooms.
tolerance: The maximum difference between X, Y, and Z values at which point
vertices are considered distinct from one another.
decimal_places: An integer for the number of decimal places to which
coordinate values will be rounded. (Default: 3).
if not rooms:
return ''
XY_PLANE = Plane()
dpl = decimal_places
sections = []
for room in rooms:
room_section = [] # list of IDM strings to be collected
# get the horizontal boundary around the Room geometry
h_bounds = room.horizontal_floor_boundaries(
match_walls=False, tolerance=tolerance)
clean_h_bounds = []
for h_bound in h_bounds:
h_bound = h_bound.remove_colinear_vertices(tolerance)
if h_bound.has_holes: # remove any tiny holes
h_areas = [hp.area for hp in h_bound.hole_polygon2d]
if not all(ha > IDA_ICE_BUILDING_BODY_TOL for ha in h_areas):
clean_holes = [hole for hole, ha in zip(h_bound.holes, h_areas)
h_bound = Face3D(h_bound.boundary, h_bound.plane, clean_holes)
# translate the horizontal boundary to the contours format of IDA-ICE
contours = []
for hb in clean_h_bounds:
if hb.has_holes:
contours.extend(list(h) for h in hb.holes)
# convert the vertices of the boundary into an IDM string
vc = sum(len(c) for c in contours)
contours_formatted = ' '.join(str(len(c)) for c in contours)
idm_vertices = ' '.join(
f'({round(v.x, dpl)} {round(v.y, dpl)})' for vv in contours for v in vv
min_pt, max_pt = room.geometry.min, room.geometry.max
header = f'((CE-SECTION :N "{room.display_name}_SEC" :T BUILDING-SECTION)\n' \
f' (:PAR :N NCORN :V {vc})\n' \
f' (:PAR :N CORNERS :DIM ({vc} 2) :V #2A({idm_vertices}))\n' \
f' (:PAR :N CONTOURS :V ({contours_formatted}))\n' \
f' (:PAR :N HEIGHT :V {round(max_pt.z - min_pt.z, dpl)})\n' \
f' (:PAR :N BOTTOM :V {round(min_pt.z, dpl)})'
# loop through the room faces and add the geometries
wall_count = 0
floor_count = 0
for face in room.faces:
if isinstance(face.type, Floor):
type_ = 'CRAWL-FACE'
index = -2000 - floor_count
floor_count += 1
holes = face.geometry.holes or []
contours = [list(face.geometry.boundary)] + [list(h) for h in holes]
elif isinstance(face.type, RoofCeiling):
type_ = 'WALL-FACE'
index = wall_count + 1
wall_count += 1
holes = face.geometry.holes or []
contours = [list(face.geometry.boundary)] + [list(h) for h in holes]
type_ = 'WALL-FACE'
index = wall_count + 1
wall_count += 1
holes = []
contours = [list(face.geometry.boundary)]
vc = sum(len(c) for c in contours)
contours_formatted = ' '.join(str(len(c)) for c in contours)
vertices_idm = ' '.join(
f'({round(v.x, dpl)} {round(v.y, dpl)} {round(v.z, dpl)})'
for vv in contours for v in vv
identifier = wall_count + floor_count
if type_ == 'CRAWL-FACE':
body = f' ((FACE :N "f{identifier}" :T {type_} :INDEX {index})\n' \
' (:PAR :N NCORN :V 0)\n' \
' (:PAR :N CORNERS :DIM (0 3) :V #2A())\n' \
f' (:PAR :N NCORN :V {vc})\n' \
f' (:PAR :N CORNERS :DIM ({vc} 3) :V #2A({vertices_idm}))\n' \
f' (:PAR :N CONTOURS :V ({contours_formatted}))))'
body = f' ((FACE :N "f{identifier}" :T {type_} :INDEX {index})\n' \
f' (:PAR :N NCORN :V {vc})\n' \
f' (:PAR :N CORNERS :DIM ({vc} 3) :V #2A({vertices_idm}))\n' \
f' (:PAR :N CONTOURS :V ({contours_formatted}))\n' \
f' (:PAR :N SLOPE :V {round(face.altitude + 90, 2)})\n' \
' (:PAR :N NCORN :V 0)\n' \
' (:PAR :N CORNERS :DIM (0 3))))'
if type_ == 'WALL-FACE' and min_pt.z < -tolerance: # below ground geometry
# intersect the edges with the XY plane to create two separate segments
geometry = face.geometry
lines = geometry.intersect_plane(XY_PLANE)
if not lines:
# calculate the top and the bottom segments
line = lines[0]
pt_1 = line.p1
pt_2 = line.p2
vertices = list(geometry.upper_right_counter_clockwise_vertices)
top_part = [vertices[0]]
for vc, v in enumerate(vertices[1:]):
line = LineSegment3D.from_end_points(top_part[-1], v)
if line.distance_to_point(pt_1) < tolerance:
top_part.extend([pt_1, pt_2])
bottom_part = [pt_2, pt_1]
other_point = pt_2
elif line.distance_to_point(pt_2) < tolerance:
top_part.extend([pt_2, pt_1])
bottom_part = [pt_1, pt_2]
other_point = pt_1
vertices_rev = list(reversed(vertices))[:-1]
top_part_2 = [vertices[0]]
for c, v in enumerate(vertices_rev):
line = LineSegment3D.from_end_points(top_part_2[-1], v)
if line.distance_to_point(other_point) < tolerance:
indx = -(c + 1)
if indx == -1:
top_part = top_part + vertices[indx:-1]
bottom_part = bottom_part + vertices[vc + 1:]
top_part = top_part + vertices[indx + 1:]
bottom_part = bottom_part + vertices[vc + 1:indx + 1]
up_count = len(top_part)
btm_count = len(bottom_part)
up_vertices = ' '.join(
f'({round(v[0], dpl)} {round(v[1], dpl)} {round(v[2], dpl)})'
for v in top_part
btm_vertices = ' '.join(
f'({round(v[0], dpl)} {round(v[1], dpl)} {round(v[2], dpl)})'
for v in bottom_part
body = \
f' ((FACE :N "f{index}" :T WALL-FACE :INDEX {index})\n' \
f' (:PAR :N NCORN :V {up_count})\n' \
f' (:PAR :N CORNERS :V #2A({up_vertices}))\n' \
f' ((FACE :N GROUND-FACE)\n' \
f' (:PAR :N NCORN :V {btm_count})\n' \
f' (:PAR :N CORNERS :V #2A({btm_vertices}))))'
sections.append('\n'.join(room_section) + ')')
return '\n'.join(sections)
def _section_to_idm_extruded(
extruded_rooms: List[Room], name: str, max_int_wall_thickness: float,
tolerance: float, decimal_places: int = 3
"""Create an IDM building section for a group of extruded rooms.
The input rooms should all be at the same floor height and a part of the
same story.
extruded_rooms: A list of Honeybee Rooms that are all extruded.
name: text string to be used as a base name for the section.
max_int_wall_thickness: Maximum thickness of the interior wall in meters.
Gaps between Rooms that are less than this distance will be grouped
into the same building section.
tolerance: The maximum difference between X, Y, and Z values at which point
vertices are considered distinct from one another.
decimal_places: An integer for the number of decimal places to which
coordinate values will be rounded. (Default: 3).
if not extruded_rooms:
return ''
# group the rooms according to their floor-to-ceiling heights
groups = {}
for room in extruded_rooms:
max_pt = room.geometry.max
for z in groups:
if abs(max_pt.z - z) <= IDA_ICE_BUILDING_BODY_TOL:
groups[max_pt.z] = [room]
# convert each group of rooms to a separate building section
dpl = decimal_places
sections = []
for group_count, rooms in enumerate(groups.values()):
# get the bounding box around the rooms
geometry = [room.geometry for room in rooms]
min_pt, max_pt = bounding_box(geometry)
height = round(max_pt.z, dpl)
bottom = round(min_pt.z, dpl)
# compute the grouped horizontal boundary around the rooms
fail_msg = 'Failed to calculate the horizontal boundary for level containing ' \
f'{rooms[0].display_name}. Will use a bounding box for this floor. In ' \
'most cases this is because the input value for maximum wall thickness ' \
'is not appropriate for the input model. The current input is ' \
f'{max_int_wall_thickness}. For models where the walls between the rooms ' \
'are touching this value should be set to 0.\n'
boundaries = Room.grouped_horizontal_boundary(
rooms, min_separation=max_int_wall_thickness, tolerance=tolerance
except Exception as e:
print(fail_msg + str(e))
boundaries = []
# if the grouped horizontal boundary failed, use the bounding box as a fallback
bb_boundaries = [
Point3D(min_pt.x, min_pt.y, bottom), Point3D(max_pt.x, min_pt.y, bottom),
Point3D(max_pt.x, max_pt.y, bottom), Point3D(min_pt.x, max_pt.y, bottom)
if not boundaries: # the max_int_wall_thickness is likely too large
boundaries = bb_boundaries
else: # make sure that grouped_horizontal_boundary is not self-intersecting
for bnd in boundaries:
if bnd.is_self_intersecting:
# there were likely overlapping Room boundaries causing failure
boundaries = bb_boundaries
# convert the boundaries into building section strings
for count, boundary in enumerate(boundaries):
sec_name = f'{name}_{group_count}_{count}_SEC'
bv = list(boundary.boundary)
holes = boundary.holes
if not holes:
contours = [bv]
vc = len(bv)
contours_formatted = ''
contours = [bv] + [list(h) for h in holes]
vc = sum(len(c) for c in contours)
contours_formatted = ' '.join(str(len(c)) for c in contours)
corners = ' '.join(
f'({round(v.x, dpl)} {round(v.y, dpl)})' for vv in contours for v in vv
header = f'((CE-SECTION :N "{sec_name}" :T BUILDING-SECTION)\n' \
f' (:PAR :N NCORN :V {vc})\n' \
f' (:PAR :N CORNERS :DIM ({vc} 2) :V #2A({corners}))\n' \
f' (:PAR :N CONTOURS :V ({contours_formatted}))\n' \
f' (:PAR :N HEIGHT :V {height})\n' \
f' (:PAR :N BOTTOM :V {bottom})'
for cc, bv in enumerate(contours):
starter = 0 if cc == 0 else sum(len(c) - 1 for c in contours[:cc])
for f_count, st in enumerate(bv[:-1]):
identifier = starter + f_count + 1
end = bv[f_count + 1]
if bottom < 0:
up_vertices = [
[round(st.x, dpl), round(st.y, dpl), height],
[round(end.x, dpl), round(end.y, dpl), height],
[round(st.x, dpl), round(st.y, dpl), 0],
[round(end.x, dpl), round(end.y, dpl), 0]
btm_vertices = [
[round(st.x, dpl), round(st.y, dpl), 0],
[round(end.x, dpl), round(end.y, dpl), 0],
[round(end.x, dpl), round(end.y, dpl), bottom],
[round(st.x, dpl), round(st.y, dpl), bottom]
up_vertices = [
[round(st.x, dpl), round(st.y, dpl), height],
[round(end.x, dpl), round(end.y, dpl), height],
[round(st.x, dpl), round(st.y, dpl), bottom],
[round(end.x, dpl), round(end.y, dpl), bottom]
btm_vertices = []
up_count = len(up_vertices)
btm_count = len(btm_vertices)
up_vertices = \
' '.join(f'({v[0]} {v[1]} {v[2]})' for v in up_vertices)
btm_vertices = \
' '.join(f'({v[0]} {v[1]} {v[2]})' for v in btm_vertices)
section = f' (' \
f'(FACE :N "f{identifier}" :T WALL-FACE :INDEX {identifier})\n' \
f' (:PAR :N NCORN :V {up_count})\n' \
f' (:PAR :N CORNERS :V #2A({up_vertices}))\n' \
f' ((FACE :N GROUND-FACE)\n' \
f' (:PAR :N NCORN :V {btm_count})\n' \
f' (:PAR :N CORNERS :V #2A({btm_vertices}))))'
crawl_corners = \
' '.join(f'({round(v.x, dpl)} {round(v.y, dpl)} {bottom})'
for vv in contours for v in vv)
roof_corners = \
' '.join(f'({round(v.x, dpl)} {round(v.y, dpl)} {height})'
for vv in contours for v in vv)
footer = \
f' ((FACE :N "Crawl space_{sec_name}" :T CRAWL-FACE :INDEX -2000)\n' \
' (:PAR :N NCORN :V 0)\n' \
' (:PAR :N CORNERS :DIM (0 3) :V #2A())\n' \
f' (:PAR :N NCORN :V {vc})\n' \
f' (:PAR :N CORNERS :V #2A({crawl_corners})))\n' \
f' (:PAR :N CONTOURS :V ({contours_formatted})))\n' \
f' ((ROOF-FACE :N "Roof_{sec_name}" :T ROOF-FACE :INDEX -1000)\n' \
f' (:PAR :N NCORN :V {vc})\n' \
f' (:PAR :N CORNERS :DIM ({vc} 3) :V #2A({roof_corners}))\n' \
f' (:PAR :N CONTOURS :V ({contours_formatted}))\n' \
' (:PAR :N NCORN :V 0)\n' \
' (:PAR :N CORNERS :DIM (0 3) :V #2A()))))'
return '\n'.join(sections)
def section_to_idm(model: Model, max_int_wall_thickness: float, decimal_places: int = 3):
"""Create an IDA-ICE building body for a Honeybee Model.
model: A honeybee model.
max_int_wall_thickness: Maximum thickness of the interior wall in meters.
Gaps between Rooms that are less than this distance will be grouped
into the same building section.
decimal_places: An integer for the number of decimal places to which
coordinate values will be rounded. (Default: 3).
# separate the rooms by floor heights and extruded properties
rooms = model.rooms
sections = []
grouped_rooms, floor_heights = \
Room.group_by_floor_height(rooms, min_difference=MAX_FLOOR_ELEVATION_DIFFERENCE)
no_ext_rooms = []
for grouped_room, height in zip(grouped_rooms, floor_heights):
ext_rooms = []
for room in grouped_room:
if not room.user_data['_idm_is_extruded']:
# generate the bodies for the extruded rooms
if ext_rooms:
section = _section_to_idm_extruded(
ext_rooms, f'Level_{round(height, 2)}',
tolerance=model.tolerance, decimal_places=decimal_places
# add any non-extruded rooms to the result
sections_protected = _section_to_idm_protected(
no_ext_rooms, model.tolerance, decimal_places=decimal_places
return '\n'.join(sections) + '\n'