Source code for honeybee_doe2.writer

# coding=utf-8
"""Methods to write to inp."""
from __future__ import division
import os
import math

from ladybug_geometry.geometry2d import Vector2D, Point2D
from ladybug_geometry.geometry3d import Vector3D, Point3D, LineSegment3D, Plane, Face3D
from ladybug_geometry.bounding import bounding_box
from honeybee.typing import clean_doe2_string, clean_string
from honeybee.boundarycondition import Surface
from honeybee.facetype import Wall, Floor, RoofCeiling
from honeybee_energy.schedule.ruleset import ScheduleRuleset
from import OpaqueConstruction
from import AirBoundaryConstruction
from honeybee_energy.lib.constructionsets import generic_construction_set

from .util import generate_inp_string, header_comment_minor, \
    header_comment_major, switch_statement_id
from .grouping import group_rooms_by_doe2_level, group_rooms_by_doe2_hvac
from .construction import opaque_material_to_inp, opaque_construction_to_inp, \
    window_construction_to_inp, door_construction_to_inp, air_construction_to_inp
from .schedule import energy_trans_sch_to_transmittance
from .load import people_to_inp, lighting_to_inp, electric_equipment_to_inp, \
    hot_water_and_gas_to_inp, infiltration_to_inp, setpoint_to_inp, ventilation_to_inp
from .programtype import program_type_to_inp, switch_dict_to_space_inp, \
from .simulation import SimulationPar

[docs]def face_3d_to_inp(face_3d, parent_name='HB object'): """Convert a Face3D into a DOE-2 POLYGON string and info to position it in space. In this operation, all holes in the Face3D are ignored since they are not supported by DOE-2. Collapsing the boundary and holes into a single list that winds inward to cut out the holes will cause eQuest to raise an error. Args: face_3d: A ladybug-geometry Face3D object for which a INP POLYGON string will be generated. parent_name: The name of the parent object that will reference this POLYGON. This will be used to generate a name for the polygon. Note that this should ideally have 24 characters or less so that the result complies with the strict 32 character limit of DOE-2 identifiers. Returns: A tuple with two elements. - polygon_str: Text string for the INP polygon. - position_info: A tuple of values used to locate the Polygon in 3D space. The order of properties in the tuple is as follows: (ORIGIN, TILT, AZIMUTH). """ # TODO: Consider adding a workaround for the DOE-2 limit of 40 vertices # perhaps we can just say NO-SHAPE and specify AREA, VOLUME, and HEIGHT # get the main properties that place the geometry in 3D space pts_3d = face_3d.lower_left_counter_clockwise_boundary tilt, azimuth = math.degrees(face_3d.tilt), math.degrees(face_3d.azimuth) llc_origin = face_3d.lower_left_corner llc_coords = [] for coord in llc_origin: # avoid signed zero coord = round(coord, GEO_DEC_COUNT) clean_coord = 0.0 if coord == 0 else coord llc_coords.append(clean_coord) llc_origin = Point3D.from_array(llc_coords) # get the 2D vertices in the plane of the Face if DOE2_ANGLE_TOL <= tilt <= 180 - DOE2_ANGLE_TOL: # vertical or tilted proj_y = Vector3D(0, 0, 1).project(face_3d.normal) proj_x = proj_y.rotate(face_3d.normal, math.pi / -2) ref_plane = Plane(face_3d.normal, llc_origin, proj_x) vertices = [ref_plane.xyz_to_xy(pt) for pt in pts_3d] else: # horizontal; ensure vertices are always counterclockwise from above azimuth = 180.0 llc = Point2D(llc_origin.x, llc_origin.y) vertices = [Point2D(v.x - llc.x, v.y - llc.y) for v in pts_3d] if tilt > 180 - DOE2_ANGLE_TOL: vertices = [Point2D(v.x, -v.y) for v in vertices] # format the vertices into a POLYGON string verts_values = [] for pt in vertices: x_coord = round(pt.x, GEO_DEC_COUNT) y_coord = round(pt.y, GEO_DEC_COUNT) if x_coord == 0: # avoid signed zero x_coord = 0.0 if y_coord == 0: # avoid signed zero y_coord = 0.0 verts_values.append('({}, {})'.format(x_coord, y_coord)) verts_keywords = tuple('V{}'.format(i + 1) for i in range(len(verts_values))) poly_name = '{} Plg'.format(parent_name) polygon_str = generate_inp_string(poly_name, 'POLYGON', verts_keywords, verts_values) position_info = (llc_origin, tilt, azimuth) return polygon_str, position_info
[docs]def face_3d_to_inp_rectangle(face_3d): """Convert a Face3D into parameters needed to represent it as a rectangle in INP. The output of this function will be None if the Face3D cannot be represented as an INP rectangle without alteration of the geometry. Args: face_3d: A ladybug-geometry Face3D object which will be tested for whether it can be represented as a rectangle in INP. Returns: Will be None if the Face3D cannot be translated to a WIDTH and HEIGHT without alteration of the geometry. If the geometry can be successfully translated, this will be a tuple with five elements. - width: A number for the width of the rectangle. - height: A number for the height of the rectangle. - llc_origin: A Point3D for the lower-left corner of the Shade geometry origin. - tilt: A number for the tilt of the rectangle in degrees. - azimuth: A number for the azimuth of the rectangle in degrees. """ if face_3d.boundary_polygon2d.is_rectangle(math.radians(DOE2_ANGLE_TOL)): # check to see at least one of the segments is horizontal are_segs_hor = [seg.max.z - seg.min.z <= DOE2_TOLERANCE for seg in face_3d.boundary_segments] if True in are_segs_hor: pts_3d = face_3d.lower_left_counter_clockwise_boundary llc_origin = pts_3d[0] width = llc_origin.distance_to_point(pts_3d[1]) height = llc_origin.distance_to_point(pts_3d[-1]) if all(is_horiz for is_horiz in are_segs_hor): # horizontal; adjust azimuth tilt = 0.0 hgt_vec = llc_origin - pts_3d[-1] hgt_vec_2d = Vector2D(hgt_vec.x, hgt_vec.y) azimuth = math.degrees(Vector2D(0, 1).angle_clockwise(hgt_vec_2d)) else: # vertical or tilted; use Face3D azimuth tilt = math.degrees(face_3d.tilt) azimuth = math.degrees(face_3d.azimuth) return width, height, llc_origin, tilt, azimuth return None
[docs]def shade_mesh_to_inp(shade_mesh, equest_version=None): """Generate an INP string representation of a ShadeMesh. Args: shade_mesh: A honeybee ShadeMesh for which an INP representation will be returned. equest_version: An optional text string to denote the version of eQuest for which the Shade INP definition will be generated. If unspecified or unrecognized, the latest version of eQuest will be used. Returns: A tuple with two elements. - shade_polygons: A list of text strings for the INP polygons needed to represent the ShadeMesh. - shade_defs: A list of text strings for the INP definitions needed to represent the ShadeMesh. """ # extract the transmittance properties of the shade base_id = clean_doe2_string(shade_mesh.identifier, GEO_CHARS) trans_kwd = ['TRANSMITTANCE'] trans_vals = [energy_trans_sch_to_transmittance(shade_mesh)] t_sch_obj = if t_sch_obj is not None and not t_sch_obj.is_constant: trans_kwd.append('SHADE-SCHEDULE') t_shc_id = clean_doe2_string(t_sch_obj.identifier, RES_CHARS) trans_vals.append('"{}"'.format(t_shc_id)) # set up collector lists and properties for all shades shade_polygons, shade_defs = [], [] # loop through the mesh faces and create individual shade objects for i, face in enumerate(shade_mesh.geometry.face_vertices): doe2_id = '{}{}'.format(base_id, i) f_geo = Face3D(face) shd_geo = f_geo if f_geo.altitude > 0 else f_geo.flip() clean_geo = shd_geo.remove_colinear_vertices(DOE2_TOLERANCE) rect_info = face_3d_to_inp_rectangle(clean_geo) if equest_version == '3.64': shade_polygon = '' if rect_info is not None: width, height, origin, tilt, az = rect_info else: # take the bounding rectangle around the Face3D min_pt, max_pt = clean_geo.min, clean_geo.max f_tilt = math.degrees(clean_geo.tilt) if 90 - DOE2_ANGLE_TOL <= f_tilt <= 90 + DOE2_ANGLE_TOL: # vertical seg_dir = Vector3D(max_pt.x - min_pt.x, max_pt.y - min_pt.y, 0) seg = LineSegment3D(min_pt, seg_dir) ext_dir = Vector3D(0, 0, max_pt.z - min_pt.z) else: # horizontal or tilted seg = LineSegment3D(min_pt, Vector3D(max_pt.x - min_pt.x, 0, 0)) ext_dir = Vector3D(0, max_pt.y - min_pt.y, max_pt.z - min_pt.z) rect_geo = Face3D.from_extrusion(seg, ext_dir) width, height, origin, tilt, az = face_3d_to_inp_rectangle(rect_geo) geo_kwd, geo_vals = ['HEIGHT', 'WIDTH'], [height, width] elif rect_info is not None: # shade is a rectangle; translate it without POLYGON width, height, origin, tilt, az = rect_info geo_kwd = ['SHAPE', 'HEIGHT', 'WIDTH'] geo_vals = ['RECTANGLE', height, width] else: # otherwise, create the polygon string from the geometry shade_polygon, pos_info = face_3d_to_inp(clean_geo, doe2_id) shade_polygons.append(shade_polygon) origin, tilt, az = pos_info geo_kwd = ['SHAPE', 'POLYGON'] geo_vals = ['POLYGON', '"{} Plg"'.format(doe2_id)] geo_kwd.extend(('X-REF', 'Y-REF', 'Z-REF', 'TILT', 'AZIMUTH')) geo_vals.extend((round(origin.x, GEO_DEC_COUNT), round(origin.y, GEO_DEC_COUNT), round(origin.z, GEO_DEC_COUNT), tilt, az)) # create the final shade definition, which includes the position information keywords = geo_kwd + trans_kwd values = geo_vals + trans_vals shade_def = generate_inp_string(doe2_id, 'FIXED-SHADE', keywords, values) shade_defs.append(shade_def) return shade_polygons, shade_defs
[docs]def shade_to_inp(shade, equest_version=None): """Generate an INP string representation of a Shade. Args: shade: A honeybee Shade for which an INP representation will be returned. equest_version: An optional text string to denote the version of eQuest for which the Shade INP definition will be generated. If unspecified or unrecognized, the latest version of eQuest will be used. Returns: A tuple with two elements. - shade_polygon: Text string for the INP polygon for the Shade. - shade_def: Text string for the INP definition of the Shade. """ # extract the transmittance properties of the shade doe2_id = clean_doe2_string(shade.identifier, GEO_CHARS) trans_kwd = ['TRANSMITTANCE'] trans_vals = [energy_trans_sch_to_transmittance(shade)] t_sch_obj = if t_sch_obj is not None and not t_sch_obj.is_constant: trans_kwd.append('SHADE-SCHEDULE') t_shc_id = clean_doe2_string(t_sch_obj.identifier, RES_CHARS) trans_vals.append('"{}"'.format(t_shc_id)) # extract the geometry properties of the shade shd_geo = shade.geometry if shade.altitude > 0 else shade.geometry.flip() clean_geo = shd_geo.remove_colinear_vertices(DOE2_TOLERANCE) rect_info = face_3d_to_inp_rectangle(clean_geo) if equest_version == '3.64': shade_polygon = '' if rect_info is not None: width, height, origin, tilt, az = rect_info else: # take the bounding rectangle around the Face3D min_pt, max_pt = clean_geo.min, clean_geo.max f_tilt = math.degrees(clean_geo.tilt) if 90 - DOE2_ANGLE_TOL <= f_tilt <= 90 + DOE2_ANGLE_TOL: # vertical seg_dir = Vector3D(max_pt.x - min_pt.x, max_pt.y - min_pt.y, 0) seg = LineSegment3D(min_pt, seg_dir) ext_dir = Vector3D(0, 0, max_pt.z - min_pt.z) else: # horizontal or tilted seg = LineSegment3D(min_pt, Vector3D(max_pt.x - min_pt.x, 0, 0)) ext_dir = Vector3D(0, max_pt.y - min_pt.y, max_pt.z - min_pt.z) rect_geo = Face3D.from_extrusion(seg, ext_dir) width, height, origin, tilt, az = face_3d_to_inp_rectangle(rect_geo) geo_kwd, geo_vals = ['HEIGHT', 'WIDTH'], [height, width] elif rect_info is not None: # shade is a rectangle; translate it without POLYGON width, height, origin, tilt, az = rect_info geo_kwd = ['SHAPE', 'HEIGHT', 'WIDTH'] geo_vals = ['RECTANGLE', height, width] shade_polygon = '' else: # otherwise, create the polygon string from the geometry shade_polygon, pos_info = face_3d_to_inp(clean_geo, doe2_id) origin, tilt, az = pos_info geo_kwd = ['SHAPE', 'POLYGON'] geo_vals = ['POLYGON', '"{} Plg"'.format(doe2_id)] geo_kwd.extend(('X-REF', 'Y-REF', 'Z-REF', 'TILT', 'AZIMUTH')) geo_vals.extend((round(origin.x, GEO_DEC_COUNT), round(origin.y, GEO_DEC_COUNT), round(origin.z, GEO_DEC_COUNT), tilt, az)) # create the final shade definition, which includes the position information keywords = geo_kwd + trans_kwd values = geo_vals + trans_vals shade_def = generate_inp_string(doe2_id, 'FIXED-SHADE', keywords, values) return shade_polygon, shade_def
[docs]def door_to_inp(door): """Generate an INP string representation of a Door. Doors assigned to a parent Face will use the parent Face plane in order to determine their XY coordinates. Otherwise, the Door's own plane will be used. Note that the resulting string does not include full construction definitions. Also note that shades assigned to the Door are not included in the resulting string. To write these objects into a final string, you must loop through the Door.shades, and call the to.inp method on each one. Args: door: A honeybee Door for which an INP representation will be returned. Returns: Text string for the INP definition of the Door. """ # extract the plane information from the parent geometry if door.has_parent: parent_llc = door.parent.geometry.lower_left_corner rel_plane = door.parent.geometry.plane else: parent_llc = door.geometry.lower_left_corner rel_plane = door.geometry.plane # get the LLC and URC of the bounding rectangle of the door apt_llc = door.geometry.lower_left_corner apt_urc = door.geometry.upper_right_corner # determine the width and height and origin in the parent coordinate system if DOE2_ANGLE_TOL <= door.tilt <= 180 - DOE2_ANGLE_TOL: # vertical or tilted proj_y = Vector3D(0, 0, 1).project(rel_plane.n) proj_x = proj_y.rotate(rel_plane.n, math.pi / -2) else: # located within the XY plane proj_x = Vector3D(1, 0, 0) ref_plane = Plane(rel_plane.n, parent_llc, proj_x) min_2d = ref_plane.xyz_to_xy(apt_llc) max_2d = ref_plane.xyz_to_xy(apt_urc) width = round(max_2d.x - min_2d.x, GEO_DEC_COUNT) height = round(max_2d.y - min_2d.y, GEO_DEC_COUNT) # create the aperture definition doe2_id = clean_doe2_string(door.identifier, GEO_CHARS) dr_con = constr_o_name = dr_con.identifier if isinstance(dr_con, OpaqueConstruction) \ else dr_con.identifier + '_d' constr = clean_doe2_string(constr_o_name, RES_CHARS) keywords = ('X', 'Y', 'WIDTH', 'HEIGHT', 'CONSTRUCTION') values = (round(min_2d.x, GEO_DEC_COUNT), round(min_2d.y, GEO_DEC_COUNT), width, height, '"{}"'.format(constr)) door_def = generate_inp_string(doe2_id, 'DOOR', keywords, values) return door_def
[docs]def aperture_to_inp(aperture): """Generate an INP string representation of a Aperture. Apertures assigned to a parent Face will use the parent Face plane in order to determine their XY coordinates. Otherwise, the Aperture's own plane will be used. Note that the resulting string does not include full construction definitions. Also note that shades assigned to the Aperture are not included in the resulting string. To write these objects into a final string, you must loop through the Aperture.shades, and call the to.inp method on each one. Args: aperture: A honeybee Aperture for which an INP representation will be returned. Returns: Text string for the INP definition of the Aperture. """ # extract the plane information from the parent geometry if aperture.has_parent: parent_llc = aperture.parent.geometry.lower_left_corner rel_plane = aperture.parent.geometry.plane else: parent_llc = aperture.geometry.lower_left_corner rel_plane = aperture.geometry.plane # get the LLC and URC of the bounding rectangle of the aperture apt_llc = aperture.geometry.lower_left_corner apt_urc = aperture.geometry.upper_right_corner # determine the width and height and origin in the parent coordinate system if DOE2_ANGLE_TOL <= aperture.tilt <= 180 - DOE2_ANGLE_TOL: # vertical or tilted proj_y = Vector3D(0, 0, 1).project(rel_plane.n) proj_x = proj_y.rotate(rel_plane.n, math.pi / -2) else: # located within the XY plane proj_x = Vector3D(1, 0, 0) ref_plane = Plane(rel_plane.n, parent_llc, proj_x) min_2d = ref_plane.xyz_to_xy(apt_llc) max_2d = ref_plane.xyz_to_xy(apt_urc) width = round(max_2d.x - min_2d.x, GEO_DEC_COUNT) height = round(max_2d.y - min_2d.y, GEO_DEC_COUNT) # create the aperture definition doe2_id = clean_doe2_string(aperture.identifier, GEO_CHARS) constr_o_name = constr = clean_doe2_string(constr_o_name, RES_CHARS) keywords = ('X', 'Y', 'WIDTH', 'HEIGHT', 'GLASS-TYPE') values = (round(min_2d.x, GEO_DEC_COUNT), round(min_2d.y, GEO_DEC_COUNT), width, height, '"{}"'.format(constr)) aperture_def = generate_inp_string(doe2_id, 'WINDOW', keywords, values) return aperture_def
[docs]def face_to_inp(face, space_origin=Point3D(0, 0, 0), location=None): """Generate an INP string representation of a Face. Note that the resulting string does not include full construction definitions. Also note that this does not include any of the shades assigned to the Face in the resulting string. Nor does it include the strings for the apertures or doors. To write these objects into a final string, you must loop through the Face.apertures, and Face.doors and call the to.inp method on each one. Args: face: A honeybee Face for which an INP representation will be returned. space_origin: A ladybug-geometry Point3D for the origin of the space to which the Face is assigned. (Default: (0, 0, 0)). location: An optional text string to note the DOE-2 LOCATION of the Face on the parent Room. When this is specified, the Face will be written without using a POLYGON. (Default: None). Returns: A tuple with two elements. - face_polygon: Text string for the INP polygon for the Face. - face_def: Text string for the INP definition of the Face. """ # set up attributes based on the face type and boundary condition f_type_str, bc_str = str(face.type), str(face.boundary_condition) if bc_str == 'Outdoors': doe2_type = 'EXTERIOR-WALL' # DOE2 uses walls for a lot of things if f_type_str == 'RoofCeiling': doe2_type = 'ROOF' elif bc_str in DOE2_INTERIOR_BCS or f_type_str == 'AirBoundary': doe2_type = 'INTERIOR-WALL' # DOE2 uses walls for a lot of things else: # likely ground or some other fancy ground boundary condition doe2_type = 'UNDERGROUND-WALL' # process the face identifier and the construction doe2_id = clean_doe2_string(face.identifier, GEO_CHARS) constr_o_name = constr = clean_doe2_string(constr_o_name, RES_CHARS) # process the geometry if location is not None: keywords = ['CONSTRUCTION', 'LOCATION'] values = ['"{}"'.format(constr), location] face_polygon = '' else: # create the polygon string from the geometry f_geo = face.geometry.remove_colinear_vertices(DOE2_TOLERANCE) face_polygon, pos_info = face_3d_to_inp(f_geo, doe2_id) face_origin, tilt, az = pos_info origin = face_origin - space_origin keywords = ['POLYGON', 'CONSTRUCTION', 'TILT', 'AZIMUTH', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'] values = ['"{} Plg"'.format(doe2_id), '"{}"'.format(constr), tilt, az, round(origin.x, GEO_DEC_COUNT), round(origin.y, GEO_DEC_COUNT), round(origin.z, GEO_DEC_COUNT)] # add information related to the boundary condition if bc_str == 'Surface': adj_room = face.boundary_condition.boundary_condition_objects[-1] adj_id = clean_doe2_string(adj_room, GEO_CHARS) values.append('"{}"'.format(adj_id)) keywords.append('NEXT-TO') elif doe2_type == 'INTERIOR-WALL': # assume that it is adiabatic keywords.append('INT-WALL-TYPE') values.append('ADIABATIC') if location is None and f_type_str == 'Floor' and doe2_type != 'INTERIOR-WALL': keywords.append('LOCATION') values.append('BOTTOM') # create the face definition face_def = generate_inp_string(doe2_id, doe2_type, keywords, values) return face_polygon, face_def
[docs]def room_to_inp(room, floor_origin=Point3D(0, 0, 0), floor_height=None, exclude_interior_walls=False, exclude_interior_ceilings=False): """Generate an INP string representation of a Room. This will include the Room's constituent Faces, Apertures and Doors with each of these elements being a separate item in the list of strings returned. However, any shades assigned to the Room or its constituent elements are excluded and should be written by looping through the shades on the parent model. The resulting string will also include all internal gain definitions for the Room (people, lights, equipment), infiltration definitions, ventilation requirements, and thermostat objects. However, complete schedule definitions assigned to these load objects are excluded as well as any construction or material definitions. Args: floor_origin: A ladybug-geometry Point3D for the origin of the floor (aka. story) to which the Room is a part of. (Default: (0, 0, 0)). floor_height: An optional number for the parent story SPACE-HEIGHT, which will be used to check the Room geometry to determine if it must be written using POLYGONs. If None, no check will be performed. (Default: None) exclude_interior_walls: Boolean to note whether interior wall Faces should be excluded from the resulting string. (Default: False). exclude_interior_ceilings: Boolean to note whether interior ceiling Faces should be excluded from the resulting string. (Default: False). Returns: A tuple with two elements. - room_polygons: A list of text strings for the INP polygons needed to represent the Room and all of its constituent Faces. - room_defs: A list of text strings for the INP definitions needed to represent the Room and all of its constituent Faces, Apertures and Doors. """ # process the room identifier doe2_id = clean_doe2_string(room.identifier, GEO_CHARS) # set up attributes based on the Room's energy properties energy_attr_keywords = ['ZONE-TYPE'] energy_attr_values = [room_doe2_conditioning_type(room)] if is not None: energy_attr_keywords.append('C-ACTIVITY-DESC') prog_uid = switch_statement_id( energy_attr_values.append('*{}*'.format(prog_uid)) # people ppl_kwd, ppl_val = people_to_inp( energy_attr_keywords.extend(ppl_kwd) energy_attr_values.extend(ppl_val) # lighting lgt_kwd, lgt_val = lighting_to_inp( energy_attr_keywords.extend(lgt_kwd) energy_attr_values.extend(lgt_val) # equipment eq_kwd, eq_val = electric_equipment_to_inp( energy_attr_keywords.extend(eq_kwd) energy_attr_values.extend(eq_val) # hot water and gas usage shw_gas_kwd, shw_gas_val = hot_water_and_gas_to_inp(,, room.floor_area) energy_attr_keywords.extend(shw_gas_kwd) energy_attr_values.extend(shw_gas_val) # infiltration inf_kwd, inf_val = infiltration_to_inp( energy_attr_keywords.extend(inf_kwd) energy_attr_values.extend(inf_val) def _is_room_3d_extruded(hb_room): """Test if a Room is a pure extrusion. Args: hb_room: The Honeybee Room to be tested. Returns: A tuple with two elements. - is_extrusion: True if the geometry is an extrusion. False if not. - face_orientations: A list of integers that aligns with the Room.faces and denotes whether each face is downward (-1), vertical (0) or upward (+1). """ # first check if we have to use POLYGONS because of the parent SPACE-HEIGHT if floor_height is not None: room_height = room.max.z - room.min.z if abs(room_height - floor_height) > DOE2_TOLERANCE: return False, [] # set up the parameters for evaluating vertical or horizontal vert_vec = Vector3D(0, 0, 1) min_v_ang = math.radians(DOE2_ANGLE_TOL) max_v_ang = math.pi - min_v_ang min_h_ang = (math.pi / 2) - min_v_ang max_h_ang = (math.pi / 2) + min_v_ang # loop through the Room faces and test them face_orientations = [] for face in hb_room.faces: try: # first make sure that the geometry is not degenerate clean_geo = face.geometry.remove_colinear_vertices(DOE2_TOLERANCE) v_ang = clean_geo.normal.angle(vert_vec) if v_ang <= min_v_ang: face_orientations.append(1) continue elif v_ang >= max_v_ang: face_orientations.append(-1) continue elif min_h_ang <= v_ang <= max_h_ang: face_orientations.append(0) continue return False, [] except AssertionError: # degenerate face to ignore pass return True, face_orientations # if the room is extruded, determine the locations of each face face_locations = [] is_extrusion, face_orientations = _is_room_3d_extruded(room) if is_extrusion: # try to translate without using POLYGON for the Room faces if is not None: r_geo = else: try: r_geo = room.horizontal_boundary( match_walls=True, tolerance=DOE2_TOLERANCE) except Exception: # we may need to write it with NO-SHAPE r_geo = None if r_geo is not None: r_geo = r_geo if r_geo.normal.z >= 0 else r_geo.flip() r_geo = r_geo.remove_duplicate_vertices(DOE2_TOLERANCE) rm_pts = r_geo.lower_left_counter_clockwise_boundary rm_height = room.max.z - room.min.z ceil_count = len([orient for orient in face_orientations if orient == 1]) floor_count = len([orient for orient in face_orientations if orient == -1]) for face, orient in zip(room.faces, face_orientations): if orient == 0: # wall to associate with a room vertex clean_geo = face.geometry.remove_colinear_vertices(DOE2_TOLERANCE) face_height = face.max.z - face.min.z if clean_geo.boundary_polygon2d.is_rectangle(DOE2_ANGLE_TOL) and \ abs(rm_height - face_height) <= DOE2_TOLERANCE: f_origin = face.geometry.lower_left_corner for i, r_pt in enumerate(rm_pts): if f_origin.is_equivalent(r_pt, DOE2_TOLERANCE): face_locations.append('SPACE-V{}'.format(i + 1)) break else: # not associated with any Room vertex face_locations.append(None) else: # not a rectangular geometry face_locations.append(None) elif orient == 1: loc = 'TOP' if ceil_count == 1 and not r_geo.has_holes else None face_locations.append(loc) else: loc = 'BOTTOM' if floor_count == 1 else None face_locations.append(loc) # if the room is not extruded, just use the generic horizontal boundary if len(face_locations) == 0: if is not None: r_geo = else: try: r_geo = room.horizontal_boundary( match_walls=False, tolerance=DOE2_TOLERANCE) r_geo = r_geo if r_geo.normal.z >= 0 else r_geo.flip() r_geo = r_geo.remove_colinear_vertices(tolerance=DOE2_TOLERANCE) except Exception: # we may need to write it with NO-SHAPE r_geo = None face_locations = [None] * len(room.faces) # create the space definition if r_geo is None: # we have to use NO-SHAPE msg = 'Using NO-SHAPE for SPACE "{}".'.format(room.display_name) print(msg) space_origin = room.min origin = space_origin - floor_origin keywords = ['SHAPE', 'AZIMUTH', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'AREA', 'VOLUME'] values = ['NO-SHAPE', 0, round(origin.x, GEO_DEC_COUNT), round(origin.y, GEO_DEC_COUNT), round(origin.z, GEO_DEC_COUNT), round(room.floor_area, GEO_DEC_COUNT), round(room.volume, GEO_DEC_COUNT)] if room.multiplier != 1: keywords.append('MULTIPLIER') values.append(room.multiplier) keywords.extend(energy_attr_keywords) values.extend(energy_attr_values) space_def = generate_inp_string(doe2_id, 'SPACE', keywords, values) room_polygons = [] room_defs = [space_def] else: # create the room polygon string from the geometry room_polygon, pos_info = face_3d_to_inp(r_geo, doe2_id) space_origin, _, _ = pos_info origin = space_origin - floor_origin # create the space definition, which includes the position info keywords = ['SHAPE', 'POLYGON', 'AZIMUTH', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'VOLUME'] values = ['POLYGON', '"{} Plg"'.format(doe2_id), 0, round(origin.x, GEO_DEC_COUNT), round(origin.y, GEO_DEC_COUNT), round(origin.z, GEO_DEC_COUNT), round(room.volume, GEO_DEC_COUNT)] if room.multiplier != 1: keywords.append('MULTIPLIER') values.append(room.multiplier) keywords.extend(energy_attr_keywords) values.extend(energy_attr_values) space_def = generate_inp_string(doe2_id, 'SPACE', keywords, values) room_polygons = [room_polygon] room_defs = [space_def] # gather together all face definitions and polygons to define the room for face, f_loc in zip(room.faces, face_locations): # first check if this is a face that should be excluded if isinstance(face.boundary_condition, Surface): if exclude_interior_walls and isinstance(face.type, Wall): continue elif exclude_interior_ceilings and \ isinstance(face.type, (Floor, RoofCeiling)): continue # add the face definition along with all apertures and doors face_polygon, face_def = face_to_inp(face, space_origin, f_loc) if face_polygon != '': room_polygons.append(face_polygon) room_defs.append(face_def) for ap in face.apertures: ap_def = aperture_to_inp(ap) room_defs.append(ap_def) if not isinstance(face.boundary_condition, Surface): for dr in face.doors: dr_def = door_to_inp(dr) room_defs.append(dr_def) return room_polygons, room_defs
[docs]def model_to_inp( model, simulation_par=None, hvac_mapping='Story', exclude_interior_walls=False, exclude_interior_ceilings=False, equest_version=None ): """Generate an INP string representation of a Model. The resulting string will include all geometry (Rooms, Faces, Apertures, Doors, Shades), all fully-detailed constructions + materials, all fully-detailed schedules, and the room properties. It will also include the simulation parameters. Essentially, the string includes everything needed to simulate the model. Args: model: A honeybee Model for which an INP representation will be returned. simulation_par: A honeybee-doe2 SimulationPar object to specify how the DOE-2 simulation should be run. If None, default simulation parameters will be generated, which will run the simulation for the full year. (Default: None). hvac_mapping: Text to indicate how HVAC systems should be assigned to the exported model. Story will assign one HVAC system for each distinct level polygon, Model will use only one HVAC system for the whole model and AssignedHVAC will follow how the HVAC systems have been assigned to the Choose from the options below. (Default: Story). * Room * Story * Model * AssignedHVAC exclude_interior_walls: Boolean to note whether interior wall Faces should be excluded from the resulting string. (Default: False). exclude_interior_ceilings: Boolean to note whether interior ceiling Faces should be excluded from the resulting string. (Default: False). equest_version: An optional text string to denote the version of eQuest for which the INP definition will be generated. If unspecified or unrecognized, the latest version of eQuest will be used. Usage: .. code-block:: python import os from ladybug.futil import write_to_file from honeybee.model import Model from import Room from honeybee.config import folders # Crate an input Model room = Room.from_box('Tiny House Zone', 5, 10, 3) = office_program model = Model('Tiny House', [room]) # create the INP string for the model inp_str = # write the final string into an INP inp = os.path.join(folders.default_simulation_folder, 'test_file', 'in.inp') write_to_file(inp, inp_str, True) """ # duplicate model to avoid mutating it as we edit it for INP export original_model = model model = model.duplicate() # scale the model if the units are not feet if model.units != 'Feet': model.convert_to_units('Feet') # remove degenerate geometry within native DOE-2 tolerance try: model.remove_degenerate_geometry(DOE2_TOLERANCE) except ValueError: error = 'Failed to remove degenerate Rooms.\nYour Model units system is: {}. ' \ 'Is this correct?'.format(original_model.units) raise ValueError(error) # convert all of the Aperture geometries to rectangles so they can be translated model.rectangularize_apertures( subdivision_distance=RECT_WIN_SUBD, max_separation=0.0, merge_all=True, resolve_adjacency=False ) # reset identifiers to valid DOE-2 U-Names that are derived from the display names for room in model.rooms: base_name = clean_doe2_string(room.display_name, GEO_CHARS - 2) room.display_name = clean_string(base_name) for face in room.faces: base_name = clean_doe2_string(face.display_name, GEO_CHARS - 2) face.display_name = clean_string(base_name) for ap in face.apertures: base_name = clean_doe2_string(ap.display_name, GEO_CHARS - 2) ap.display_name = clean_string(base_name) for dr in face.doors: base_name = clean_doe2_string(dr.display_name, GEO_CHARS - 2) dr.display_name = clean_string(base_name) for shade in model.shades: base_name = clean_doe2_string(shade.display_name, GEO_CHARS - 2) shade.display_name = clean_string(base_name) for shd_mesh in model.shade_meshes: base_name = clean_doe2_string(shd_mesh.display_name, GEO_CHARS - 2) shd_mesh.display_name = clean_string(base_name) model.reset_ids() # assign any doe2 properties previously supported through user_data for room in model.rooms: # write the simulation parameters into the string model_str = ['INPUT ..\n\n'] sim_par = simulation_par if simulation_par is not None else SimulationPar() model_str.append(sim_par.to_inp()) # write all of the schedules all_day_scheds, all_week_scheds, all_year_scheds = [], [], [] used_day_sched_ids, used_day_count = {}, 1 all_scheds = for sched in all_scheds: if isinstance(sched, ScheduleRuleset): year_schedule, week_schedules = sched.to_inp() # check that day schedules aren't referenced by other model schedules day_scheds = [] for day in sched.day_schedules: sch_doe2_id = clean_doe2_string(day.identifier, RES_CHARS) if sch_doe2_id not in used_day_sched_ids: day_scheds.append(day.to_inp(sched.schedule_type_limit)) used_day_sched_ids[sch_doe2_id] = day elif day != used_day_sched_ids[sch_doe2_id]: new_day = day.duplicate() new_day.identifier = 'Schedule Day {}'.format(used_day_count) day_scheds.append(new_day.to_inp(sched.schedule_type_limit)) for i, week_sch in enumerate(week_schedules): old_day_id = clean_doe2_string(day.identifier, RES_CHARS) new_day_id = clean_doe2_string(new_day.identifier, RES_CHARS) week_schedules[i] = week_sch.replace(old_day_id, new_day_id) used_day_count += 1 all_day_scheds.extend(day_scheds) all_week_scheds.extend(week_schedules) all_year_scheds.append(year_schedule) else: # ScheduleFixedInterval year_schedule, week_schedules, year_schedule = sched.to_inp() all_day_scheds.extend(day_scheds) all_week_scheds.extend(week_schedules) all_year_scheds.append(year_schedule) model_str.append(header_comment_minor('Day Schedules')) model_str.extend(all_day_scheds) model_str.append(header_comment_minor('Week Schedules')) model_str.extend(all_week_scheds) model_str.append(header_comment_minor('Annual Schedules')) model_str.extend(all_year_scheds) # write all of the materials and constructions window_constructions = door_constructions = drc_ids = set([con.identifier for con in door_constructions]) materials = [] construction_strs = [] all_constrs = + \ generic_construction_set.constructions_unique for constr in set(all_constrs): if isinstance(constr, OpaqueConstruction) and constr.identifier not in drc_ids: materials.extend(constr.materials) construction_strs.append(opaque_construction_to_inp(constr)) elif isinstance(constr, AirBoundaryConstruction): construction_strs.append(air_construction_to_inp(constr)) model_str.append(header_comment_minor('Materials / Layers / Constructions')) model_str.extend([opaque_material_to_inp(mat) for mat in set(materials)]) model_str.extend(construction_strs) model_str.append(header_comment_minor('Glass Types')) for w_con in window_constructions: model_str.append(window_construction_to_inp(w_con)) model_str.append(header_comment_minor('Door Construction')) for dr_con in door_constructions: if not isinstance(dr_con, OpaqueConstruction): dr_con = dr_con.duplicate() dr_con.identifier = dr_con.identifier + '_d' model_str.append(door_construction_to_inp(dr_con)) # gather together all of the program types in a dictionary for switch statements switch_dict = {} for program in program_type_to_inp(program, switch_dict) # loop through rooms grouped by floor level and boundary to get polygons level_room_groups, level_geos, level_names = \ group_rooms_by_doe2_level(model.rooms, model.tolerance) bldg_polygons, bldg_geo_defs = [], [] for flr_rooms, flr_geo, flr_name in zip(level_room_groups, level_geos, level_names): # create the story definition rooms_f2c = [room.max.z - room.min.z for room in flr_rooms] sotry_f2f = max(rooms_f2c) median_room_f2c = sorted(rooms_f2c)[int(len(rooms_f2c) / 2)] if flr_geo is None: # write the level with NO-SHAPE msg = 'Using NO-SHAPE for FLOOR "{}".'.format(flr_name) print(msg) flr_origin, _ = bounding_box([room.min for room in flr_rooms]) flr_area = sum(room.floor_area for room in flr_rooms) flr_volume = sum(room.volume for room in flr_rooms) flr_keys = ['SHAPE', 'AREA', 'VOLUME', 'AZIMUTH', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'SPACE-HEIGHT', 'FLOOR-HEIGHT'] flr_vals = ['NO-SHAPE', round(flr_area, GEO_DEC_COUNT), round(flr_volume, GEO_DEC_COUNT), 0, flr_origin.x, flr_origin.y, flr_origin.z, round(median_room_f2c, 3), round(sotry_f2f, 3)] else: # write the level with a POLYGON flr_polygon, pos_info = face_3d_to_inp(flr_geo, flr_name) flr_origin, _, _ = pos_info flr_keys = ['SHAPE', 'POLYGON', 'AZIMUTH', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'SPACE-HEIGHT', 'FLOOR-HEIGHT'] flr_vals = ['POLYGON', '"{} Plg"'.format(flr_name), 0, flr_origin.x, flr_origin.y, flr_origin.z, round(median_room_f2c, 3), round(sotry_f2f, 3)] bldg_polygons.append(flr_polygon) r_mult = flr_rooms[0].multiplier if r_mult != 1 and all(room.multiplier == r_mult for room in flr_rooms): # set the multiplier for the entire story instead of room-by-room flr_keys.append('MULTIPLIER') flr_vals.append(r_mult) for room in flr_rooms: room.multiplier = 1 flr_def = generate_inp_string(flr_name, 'FLOOR', flr_keys, flr_vals) bldg_geo_defs.append(flr_def) # add the room and face definitions + polygons for room in flr_rooms: room_polygons, room_defs = room_to_inp( room, flr_origin, median_room_f2c, exclude_interior_walls, exclude_interior_ceilings) bldg_polygons.extend(room_polygons) bldg_geo_defs.extend(room_defs) # loop through the shades and get their definitions and polygons shade_polygons, shade_geo_defs = [], [] for shade in model.shades: shade_polygon, shade_def = shade_to_inp(shade, equest_version) if shade_polygon != '': # shade written with a RECTANGLE shade_polygons.append(shade_polygon) shade_geo_defs.append(shade_def) for shade in model.shade_meshes: shade_polygon, shade_def = shade_mesh_to_inp(shade, equest_version) shade_polygons.extend(shade_polygon) shade_geo_defs.extend(shade_def) # write the building and shade geometry into the INP model_str.append(header_comment_minor('Polygons')) model_str.extend(bldg_polygons) model_str.append(header_comment_minor('Wall Parameters')) model_str.append(header_comment_minor('Fixed and Building Shades')) model_str.extend(shade_polygons) model_str.extend(shade_geo_defs) model_str.append(header_comment_minor('Misc Cost Related Objects')) model_str.append(header_comment_major('Performance Curves')) model_str.append(header_comment_major('Floors / Spaces / Walls / Windows / Doors')) model_str.append(switch_dict_to_space_inp(switch_dict)) model_str.extend(bldg_geo_defs) # write in placeholder headers for various HVAC components model_str.append(header_comment_major('Electric & Fuel Meters')) for meter in ('Electric Meters', 'Fuel Meters', 'Master Meters'): model_str.append(header_comment_minor(meter)) model_str.append(header_comment_major('HVAC Circulation Loops / Plant Equipment')) hvac_comp_types = ( 'Pumps', 'Heat Exchangers', 'Circulation Loops', 'Chillers', 'Boilers', 'Domestic Water Heaters', 'Heat Rejection', 'Tower Free Cooling', 'Photovoltaic Modules', 'Electric Generators', 'Thermal Storage', 'Ground Loop Heat Exchangers', 'Compliance DHW (residential dwelling units)') for comp in hvac_comp_types: model_str.append(header_comment_minor(comp)) model_str.append(header_comment_major('Steam & Chilled Water Meters')) model_str.append(header_comment_minor('Steam Meters')) model_str.append(header_comment_minor('Chilled Water Meters')) model_str.append(header_comment_major('HVAC Systems / Zones')) model_str.append(switch_dict_to_zone_inp(switch_dict)) # assign HVAC systems given the specified hvac_mapping if hvac_mapping.upper() == 'STORY': hvac_rooms = level_room_groups hvac_names = ['{}_Sys'.format(name) for name in level_names] else: hvac_rooms, hvac_names = group_rooms_by_doe2_hvac(model, hvac_mapping) for hvac_name, rooms in zip(hvac_names, hvac_rooms): # create the definition of the HVAC hvac_keys = ('TYPE', 'HEAT-SOURCE', 'SYSTEM-REPORTS') hvac_vals = ('SUM', 'NONE', 'NO') hvac_def = generate_inp_string(hvac_name, 'SYSTEM', hvac_keys, hvac_vals) model_str.append(hvac_def) for room in rooms: space_name = clean_doe2_string(room.identifier, GEO_CHARS) zone_name = '{}_Zn'.format(space_name) zone_type = room_doe2_conditioning_type(room) zone_keys = ['TYPE', 'SIZING-OPTION', 'SPACE'] zone_vals = [zone_type, 'ADJUST-LOADS', '"{}"'.format(space_name)] if if is not None: stp_kwd, stp_val = setpoint_to_inp( zone_keys.extend(stp_kwd) zone_vals.extend(stp_val) vt_kwd, vt_val = ventilation_to_inp( zone_keys.extend(vt_kwd) zone_vals.extend(vt_val) hvac_kwd, hvac_val = zone_keys.extend(hvac_kwd) zone_vals.extend(hvac_val) zone_def = generate_inp_string(zone_name, 'ZONE', zone_keys, zone_vals) model_str.append(zone_def) # provide a few last comment headers and end the file model_str.append(header_comment_major('Metering & Misc HVAC')) model_str.append(header_comment_minor('Equipment Controls')) model_str.append(header_comment_minor('Load Management')) model_str.append(header_comment_major('Utility Rates')) for rate in ('Ratchets', 'Block Charges', 'Utility Rates'): model_str.append(header_comment_minor(rate)) model_str.append(header_comment_major('Output Reporting')) report_types = ( 'Loads Non-Hourly Reporting', 'Systems Non-Hourly Reporting', 'Plant Non-Hourly Reporting', 'Economics Non-Hourly Reporting', 'Hourly Reporting', 'THE END') for report in report_types: model_str.append(header_comment_minor(report)) model_str.append('END ..\nCOMPUTE ..\nSTOP ..\n') # create the final string and ensure that it is windows-compatible inp_str = '\n'.join(model_str) if != 'nt': # we are on a unix-based system inp_str = inp_str.replace('\n', '\r\n') return inp_str
[docs]def room_doe2_conditioning_type(room): """Get the DOE-2 conditioning type to be assigned to both the Space and Zone. Args: room: A Honeybee Room for which the conditioning type will be returned. """ if room.exclude_floor_area: return 'PLENUM' elif return 'CONDITIONED' else: return 'UNCONDITIONED'