# coding=utf-8
"""Various utilities used throughout the package."""
from __future__ import division
import re
import os
def generate_inp_string(u_name, command, keywords, values):
"""Get an INP string representation of a DOE-2 object.
This method is written in a generic way so that it can describe practically
any element of the INP Building Description Language (BDL).
u_name: Text for the unique, user-specified name of the object being created.
This must be 32 characters or less and not contain special or non-ASCII
characters. The clean_doe2_string method may be used to convert
strings to a format that is acceptable here. For example, a U-Name
of a space might be "Floor2W ClosedOffice5".
command: Text indicating the type of instruction that the DOE-2 object
executes. Commands are typically in capital letters and examples
keywords: A list of text with the same length as the values that denote
the attributes of the DOE-2 object.
values: A list of values with the same length as the keywords that describe
the values of the attributes for the object.
inp_str -- A DOE-2 INP string representing a single object.
space_count = tuple((25 - len(str(n))) for n in keywords)
spc = tuple(s_c * ' ' if s_c > 0 else ' ' for s_c in space_count)
body_str = '\n'.join(' {}{}= {}'.format(kwd, s, val)
for kwd, s, val in zip(keywords, spc, values))
inp_str = '"{}" = {}\n{}\n ..\n'.format(u_name, command, body_str)
return inp_str
def clean_inp_file_contents(inp_file):
"""Get the contents of an INP file without any commented lines.
These comment lines might interfere with regex parsing if they are present.
inp_file: A path to an IDF file containing objects to be parsed.
A single string for the clean IDF file contents.
assert os.path.isfile(inp_file), 'Cannot find an INP file at: {}'.format(inp_file)
file_lines = []
with open(inp_file, 'r') as ep_file:
for line in ep_file:
if not line.startswith('$'):
return ''.join(file_lines)
def parse_inp_string(inp_string):
"""Parse an INP string of a single DOE-2 object into a list of values.
Note that this method is only equipped to parse DOE-2 test strings
that originate from eQuest or from this package. It has not yet
been generalized to parse all formats of text formats that can
appear in a DOE-2 file.
inp_string: An INP string for a single DOE-2 object.
A tuple with four elements.
- u_name: Text for the unique name of the object.
- command: Text for the type of instruction that the DOE-2 object executes.
- keywords: A list of text with the same length as the values that denote
the attributes of the DOE-2 object.
- values: A list of values with the same length as the keywords that describe
the values of the attributes for the object.
inp_string = inp_string.strip()
inp_strings = inp_string.split('..')
assert len(inp_strings) == 2, 'Received more than one object in inp_string.'
inp_string = re.sub(r'\$.*\n', '\n', inp_strings[0]) # remove all comments
doe2_fields = [e_str.strip() for e_str in inp_string.split('=')]
u_name = doe2_fields.pop(0).replace('"', '')
split_field_1 = doe2_fields[0].split('\n')
command = split_field_1[0].strip()
keywords = [split_field_1[1].strip()]
values = []
for field in doe2_fields[1:]:
split_field = [f.strip() for f in field.split('\n')]
if len(split_field) == 1:
elif len(split_field) == 2 and not split_field[0].endswith(','):
v_lines, end_val = [], False
for row in split_field:
if row.endswith(',') or row.endswith('('):
elif not end_val:
end_val = True
values.append(' '.join(v_lines))
return u_name, command, keywords, values
def switch_statement_id(value):
"""Convert a string into a 4-character ID that can be used for switch statements.
This is needed to deal with the major limitations that DOE-2 places on
switch statement IDs, where every ID must be 4 characters
# first remove dangerous characters
val = re.sub(r'[^.A-Za-z0-9:]', '', value) # remove all unusable characters
val = val.replace(' ', '').replace('_', '') # remove spaces and underscores
# the user has formatted their program id specifically for switch statements
if len(val) <= 4:
return val
# remove lower-case vowels for readability
val = re.sub(r'[aeiouy_\-]', '', val)
if '::' in val: # program id originating from openstudio-standards
val = val.split('::')[-1]
if len(val) >= 4:
return val[:4]
# some special user-generated program id
val = val.replace(':', '')
if len(val) >= 4:
return val[-4:]
return val