"""honeybee-inp construction translators."""
from __future__ import division
from ladybug.datatype.uvalue import UValue
from ladybug.datatype.rvalue import RValue
from ladybug.datatype.distance import Distance
from honeybee.typing import clean_doe2_string
from honeybee_energy.material.opaque import EnergyMaterialNoMass
from .config import RES_CHARS, MIN_LAYER_THICKNESS
from .util import generate_inp_string, generate_inp_string_list_format
# dictionary to map between E+ and DOE-2 roughness types
'VeryRough': 1, 'Rough': 2, 'MediumRough': 3,
'MediumSmooth': 4, 'Smooth': 5, 'VerySmooth': 6
def opaque_material_to_inp(material):
"""Convert an EnergyMaterial or EnergyMaterialNoMass into a MATERIAL INP string.
Note that EnergyMaterials that are below a certain thickness will be automatically
converted to No Mass materials for compatibility with DOE-2. Also note that
this does not work for any materials that can be a part of a window constructions.
doe2_id = clean_doe2_string(material.identifier, RES_CHARS)
# check if the material should be translated as a no mass material
if isinstance(material, EnergyMaterialNoMass) or \
material.thickness < MIN_LAYER_THICKNESS:
r_val = RValue().to_unit([material.r_value], 'h-ft2-F/Btu', 'm2-K/W')[0]
keywords = ('TYPE', 'RESISTANCE')
values = ('RESISTANCE', round(r_val, 6))
return generate_inp_string(doe2_id, 'MATERIAL', keywords, values)
# write out detailed properties for the material
thickness = round(Distance().to_unit([material.thickness], 'ft', 'm')[0], 3)
conduct = round(material.conductivity * 0.578176, 3) # convert to BTU/h-ft-F
density = round(material.density / 16.018, 3) # convert to lb/ft3
spec_en = round(material.specific_heat * 0.0002388459, 3) # convert to BTU/lb-F
values = ('PROPERTIES', thickness, conduct, density, spec_en)
return generate_inp_string(doe2_id, 'MATERIAL', keywords, values)
def opaque_construction_to_inp(construction):
"""Convert an OpaqueConstruction into a CONSTRUCTION INP string.
This will include both the LAYERS definition as well as the CONSTRUCTION but
it does NOT include the constituent MATERIAL definitions and their properties.
doe2_id = clean_doe2_string(construction.identifier, RES_CHARS)
# if the construction has no heat capacity, simply make a U-VALUE construction
if construction.area_heat_capacity == 0 or \
construction.thickness <= MIN_LAYER_THICKNESS * len(construction.materials):
con_cond = UValue().to_unit([construction.u_factor], 'Btu/h-ft2-F', 'W/m2-K')[0]
keywords = ('TYPE', 'U-VALUE')
values = ('U-VALUE', round(con_cond, 6))
return generate_inp_string(doe2_id, 'CONSTRUCTION', keywords, values)
# create the specification of material layers
layer_id = '{}_l'.format(doe2_id)
layers = ['"{}"'.format(clean_doe2_string(mat, RES_CHARS))
for mat in construction.layers]
layer_str = generate_inp_string_list_format(
layer_id, 'LAYERS', ['MATERIAL'], [layers])
# create the construction specification
roughness = ROUGHNESS_MAP[construction.materials[0].roughness]
sol_absorb = round(1 - construction.outside_solar_reflectance, 3)
values = ('LAYERS', sol_absorb, roughness, '"{}"'.format(layer_id))
constr_str = generate_inp_string(doe2_id, 'CONSTRUCTION', keywords, values)
return ''.join((layer_str, constr_str))
def window_construction_to_inp(construction):
"""Convert a WindowConstruction (or its variants) into a GLASS-TYPE INP string."""
doe2_id = clean_doe2_string(construction.identifier, RES_CHARS)
shading_coef = construction.shgc / 0.87
glass_cond = UValue().to_unit([construction.u_factor], 'Btu/h-ft2-F', 'W/m2-K')[0]
values = ('SHADING-COEF', round(shading_coef, 3), round(glass_cond, 6))
return generate_inp_string(doe2_id, 'GLASS-TYPE', keywords, values)
def door_construction_to_inp(construction):
"""Convert an OpaqueConstruction or WindowConstruction to a CONSTRUCTION INP string.
This translation pathway always uses a NoMass U-VALUE Construction.
doe2_id = clean_doe2_string(construction.identifier, RES_CHARS)
constr_cond = UValue().to_unit([construction.u_factor], 'Btu/h-ft2-F', 'W/m2-K')[0]
keywords = ('TYPE', 'U-VALUE')
values = ('U-VALUE', round(constr_cond, 6))
return generate_inp_string(doe2_id, 'CONSTRUCTION', keywords, values)
def air_construction_to_inp(construction):
"""Convert an AirBoundaryConstruction to a CONSTRUCTION INP string.
This translation pathway always uses a NoMass U-VALUE Construction.
doe2_id = clean_doe2_string(construction.identifier, RES_CHARS)
constr_cond = 1.0 # default U-Value in Btu/h-ft2-F
keywords = ('TYPE', 'U-VALUE')
values = ('U-VALUE', constr_cond)
return generate_inp_string(doe2_id, 'CONSTRUCTION', keywords, values)