"""Method to translate a Color Room/Face objects to a VisualizationSet."""
import math
from ladybug_geometry.geometry3d import Vector3D, Point3D, Polyline3D, Plane, \
Face3D, Polyface3D
from ladybug_display.geometry3d import DisplayLineSegment3D, DisplayText3D
from ladybug_display.visualization import VisualizationSet, ContextGeometry, \
AnalysisGeometry, VisualizationData
from honeybee.units import conversion_factor_to_meters, parse_distance_string
from honeybee.facetype import Floor
from honeybee.face import Face
def color_room_to_vis_set(
color_room, include_wireframe=True, text_labels=False,
units=None, tolerance=0.01):
"""Translate a Honeybee ColorRoom to a VisualizationSet.
color_room: A Honeybee ColorRoom object to be converted to a VisualizationSet.
include_wireframe: Boolean to note whether a ContextGeometry just for
the Wireframe (in LineSegment3D) should be included. (Default: True).
text_labels: A boolean to note whether the attribute assigned to the
ColorRoom should be expressed as a colored AnalysisGeometry (False)
or a ContextGeometry as text labels (True). (Default: False).
units: Optional text, which will be used to set the default maximum text
height and the distance of the text to the ground. If None, some
generic defaults will be used. (Default: None).
tolerance: Tolerance value, which is used to compute the text
label point for concave geometries. (Default: 0.01).
A VisualizationSet object that represents the ColorRoom with an
AnalysisGeometry when text_labels is False or a ContextGeometry when
text_labels is True. It can also optionally include a ContextGeometry
for the wireframe.
# set up an empty visualization set
vis_set = VisualizationSet('Room_{}'.format(color_room.attr_name), ())
vis_set.display_name = 'Room {}'.format(
color_room.attr_name_end.replace('_', ' ').title())
# use text labels if requested
if text_labels:
# set up default variables
max_txt_h, p_tol = float('inf'), 0.01
if units is not None:
fac_to_m = conversion_factor_to_meters(units)
max_txt_h = 0.25 / fac_to_m
max_txt_v = 1.0 / fac_to_m
p_tol = parse_distance_string('0.01m', units)
label_text = []
txt_height = None if color_room.legend_parameters.is_text_height_default \
else color_room.legend_parameters.text_height
font = color_room.legend_parameters.font
# loop through the rooms and create the text labels
for room_prop, room in zip(color_room.attributes, color_room.rooms):
# compute the center point for the text
if units is not None:
room_h = room.geometry.max.z - room.geometry.min.z
m_vec = Vector3D(0, 0, max_txt_v) if room_h > max_txt_v * 2 \
else Vector3D(0, 0, room_h / 2)
floor_faces = [face.geometry for face in room.faces
if isinstance(face.type, Floor)]
if len(floor_faces) == 1:
flr_geo = floor_faces[0]
base_pt = flr_geo.center if flr_geo.is_convex else \
elif len(floor_faces) == 0:
c_pt = room.geometry.center
base_pt = Point3D(c_pt.x, c_pt.y, room.geometry.min.z)
floor_p_face = Polyface3D.from_faces(floor_faces, tolerance)
ne = floor_p_face.naked_edges
floor_outline = Polyline3D.join_segments(ne, tolerance)[0]
flr_geo = Face3D(floor_outline.vertices[:-1])
base_pt = flr_geo.center if flr_geo.is_convex else \
base_pt = base_pt.move(m_vec)
base_plane = Plane(Vector3D(0, 0, 1), base_pt)
base_pt = room.geometry.center
base_plane = Plane(Vector3D(0, 0, 1), base_pt)
# get the text height
if txt_height is None: # auto-calculate default text height
txt_len = len(room_prop) if len(room_prop) > 10 else 10
txt_h = (room.geometry.max.x - room.geometry.min.x) / txt_len
txt_h = txt_height
txt_h = max_txt_h if txt_h > max_txt_h else txt_h
# create the text label
label = DisplayText3D(
room_prop, base_plane, txt_h, font=font,
horizontal_alignment='Center', vertical_alignment='Middle')
label_text.append(label) # append everything to the list
con_geo = ContextGeometry(vis_set.identifier, label_text)
con_geo.display_name = vis_set.display_name
else: # use a colored AnalysisGeometry
# produce a range of values from the collected attributes
attr_dict = {i: val for i, val in enumerate(color_room.attributes_unique)}
attr_dict_rev = {val: i for i, val in attr_dict.items()}
values = tuple(attr_dict_rev[r_attr] for r_attr in color_room.attributes)
# produce legend parameters with an ordinal dict for the attributes
l_par = color_room.legend_parameters.duplicate()
l_par.segment_count = len(color_room.attributes_unique)
l_par.ordinal_dictionary = attr_dict
if l_par.is_title_default:
l_par.title = color_room.attr_name_end.replace('_', ' ').title()
# create the analysis geometry
vis_data = VisualizationData(values, l_par)
geo = tuple(room.geometry for room in color_room.rooms)
a_geo = AnalysisGeometry(vis_set.identifier, geo, [vis_data])
a_geo.display_name = vis_set.display_name
# loop through all of the rooms and add their wire frames
if include_wireframe:
return vis_set
def color_face_to_vis_set(
color_face, include_wireframe=True, text_labels=False,
units=None, tolerance=0.01):
"""Translate a Honeybee ColorFace to a VisualizationSet.
color_face: A Honeybee ColorFace object to be converted to a VisualizationSet.
include_wireframe: Boolean to note whether a ContextGeometry just for
the Wireframe (in LineSegment3D) should be included. (Default: True).
text_labels: A boolean to note whether the attribute assigned to the
ColorFace should be expressed as a colored AnalysisGeometry (False)
or a ContextGeometry as text labels (True). (Default: False).
units: Optional text, which will be used to set the default maximum text
height and the distance of the text to the ground. If None, some
generic defaults will be used. (Default: None).
tolerance: Tolerance value, which is used to eliminate very small
text. (Default: 0.01).
A VisualizationSet object that represents the ColorFace with an
AnalysisGeometry when text_labels is False or a ContextGeometry when
text_labels is True. It can also optionally include a ContextGeometry
for the wireframe.
# set up an empty visualization set
vis_set = VisualizationSet('Face_{}'.format(color_face.attr_name), ())
vis_set.display_name = 'Face {}'.format(
color_face.attr_name_end.replace('_', ' ').title())
# use text labels if requested
if text_labels:
# set up default variables
max_txt_h, p_tol, offset_from_base = float('inf'), 0.01, 0.005
if units is not None:
fac_to_m = conversion_factor_to_meters(units)
max_txt_h = 0.25 / fac_to_m
p_tol = parse_distance_string('0.01m', units)
offset_from_base = parse_distance_string('0.005m', units)
label_text = []
txt_height = None if color_face.legend_parameters.is_text_height_default \
else color_face.legend_parameters.text_height
font = color_face.legend_parameters.font
# loop through the faces and create the text labels
for face_prop, f_geo in zip(color_face.attributes, color_face.flat_geometry):
if face_prop != 'N/A':
# compute the text height
if txt_height is None: # auto-calculate default text height
txt_len = len(face_prop) if len(face_prop) > 10 else 10
dims = [
(f_geo.max.x - f_geo.min.x),
(f_geo.max.y - f_geo.min.y),
(f_geo.max.z - f_geo.min.z)]
txt_h = dims[1] / txt_len
txt_h = txt_height
if txt_h < tolerance:
txt_h = max_txt_h if txt_h > max_txt_h else txt_h
# get the base plane of the geometry
if isinstance(f_geo, Face3D):
cent_pt = f_geo.center if f_geo.is_convex else \
cent_pt = cent_pt.move(f_geo.normal * offset_from_base)
base_plane = Plane(f_geo.normal, cent_pt)
if base_plane.y.z < 0: # base plane pointing downwards; rotate it
base_plane = base_plane.rotate(
base_plane.n, math.pi, base_plane.o)
# move base plane a little to avoid overlaps of adjacent labels
if base_plane.n.x != 0:
m_vec = base_plane.y if base_plane.n.x < 0 else -base_plane.y
m_vec = base_plane.y if base_plane.n.z < 0 else -base_plane.y
base_plane = base_plane.move(m_vec * txt_h)
else: # it's a Mesh3D
base_plane = Plane(Vector3D(0, 0, 1), f_geo.center)
# create the text label
label = DisplayText3D(
face_prop, base_plane, txt_h, font=font,
horizontal_alignment='Center', vertical_alignment='Middle')
label_text.append(label) # append everything to the list
con_geo = ContextGeometry(vis_set.identifier, label_text)
con_geo.display_name = vis_set.display_name
else: # use a colored AnalysisGeometry
# produce a range of values from the collected attributes
attr_dict = {i: val for i, val in enumerate(color_face.attributes_unique)}
attr_dict_rev = {val: i for i, val in attr_dict.items()}
values = tuple(attr_dict_rev[r_attr] for r_attr in color_face.attributes)
# produce legend parameters with an ordinal dict for the attributes
l_par = color_face.legend_parameters.duplicate()
l_par.segment_count = len(color_face.attributes_unique)
l_par.ordinal_dictionary = attr_dict
if l_par.is_title_default:
l_par.title = color_face.attr_name_end.replace('_', ' ').title()
# create the analysis geometry
vis_data = VisualizationData(values, l_par)
a_geo = AnalysisGeometry(
vis_set.identifier, color_face.flat_geometry, [vis_data])
a_geo.display_name = vis_set.display_name
# loop through all of the rooms and add their wire frames
if include_wireframe:
return vis_set
def _room_wireframe(rooms):
"""Process Rooms into a ContextGeometry for Wireframe."""
wireframe = []
for room in rooms:
for face in room.faces:
_process_wireframe(face, wireframe, 2)
for ap in face._apertures:
_process_wireframe(ap, wireframe)
for dr in face._doors:
_process_wireframe(dr, wireframe)
for shade in room.shades:
sh_geo = shade.geometry
for seg in sh_geo.boundary_segments:
wireframe.append(DisplayLineSegment3D(seg, line_width=1))
if sh_geo.has_holes:
for hole in sh_geo.hole_segments:
for seg in hole:
wireframe.append(DisplayLineSegment3D(seg, line_width=1))
con_geo = ContextGeometry('Wireframe', wireframe)
return con_geo
def _face_wireframe(faces):
"""Process Faces into a ContextGeometry for Wireframe."""
wireframe = []
for face in faces:
lw = 2 if isinstance(face, Face) else 1
f_geo = face.geometry
if isinstance(f_geo, Face3D):
for seg in f_geo.boundary_segments:
wireframe.append(DisplayLineSegment3D(seg, line_width=lw))
if f_geo.has_holes:
for hole in f_geo.hole_segments:
for seg in hole:
wireframe.append(DisplayLineSegment3D(seg, line_width=lw))
else: # it's a Mesh3D
for seg in f_geo.edges:
wireframe.append(DisplayLineSegment3D(seg, line_width=lw))
con_geo = ContextGeometry('Wireframe', wireframe)
return con_geo
def _process_wireframe(geo_obj, wireframe, line_width=1):
"""Process the boundary and holes of a Honeybee geometry into DisplayLinesegment3D.
face3d = geo_obj.geometry
for seg in face3d.boundary_segments:
wireframe.append(DisplayLineSegment3D(seg, line_width=line_width))
if face3d.has_holes:
for hole in face3d.holes:
for seg in face3d.boundary_segments:
wireframe.append(DisplayLineSegment3D(seg, line_width=line_width))
for shade in geo_obj.shades:
sh_geo = shade.geometry
for seg in sh_geo.boundary_segments:
wireframe.append(DisplayLineSegment3D(seg, line_width=1))
if sh_geo.has_holes:
for hole in sh_geo.holes:
for seg in sh_geo.boundary_segments:
wireframe.append(DisplayLineSegment3D(seg, line_width=1))