"""Create Honeybee objects(Face, Shade, Aperture, Door, Grid) from planar geometries
in a Rhino 3DM file."""
import warnings
from honeybee.face import Face
from honeybee.typing import clean_and_id_string, clean_string
from .togeometry import to_face3d
from .layer import objects_on_layer, objects_on_parent_child
from .grid import import_grids
from .helper import grid_controls, face3d_to_hb_face_with_face_type, face3d_to_hb_object
from .helper import face3d_to_hb_face_with_rad, child_layer_control
tolerance_warning = 'Could not create a face for object of ID {} Please reduce the unit' \
' tolerance value in rhino, save the file and try again. You might need to repeat' \
' this more than once if the face is too small for the unit tolerance selected.'
[docs]def import_objects_with_config(
rhino3dm_file, layer, tolerance, *, config=None, modifiers_dict=None):
"""Import Rhino planar geometry as Honeybee faces.
This function looks up a rhino3dm file, converts the objects
on the layer name "roof", "wall", "floor", "airwall", "shade", and "aperture"
to Honeybee objects, and converts them to Honeybee faces.
rhino3dm_file: A Rhino3DM file object.
layer: A rhino3dm layer object.
tolerance: A number for model tolerance. By default the tolerance is set to
the ModelAbsoluteTolerance value in input 3DM file.
config: A dictionary of config settings. Defaults to None
modifiers_dict: A dictionary with radiance identifier to modifier structure.
Defaults to None.
A tuple of following lists;
- Honeybee Face objects,
- Honeybee Shade objects,
- Honeybee Aperture objects,
- Honeybee Door objects,
- Honeybee grids.
A list wil be empty if no objects are imported from rhino file.
# Placeholders
hb_faces, hb_shades, hb_apertures, hb_doors, hb_grids = ([], [], [], [], [])
# If Grids are requested for a layer
if grid_controls(config, layer.Name):
hb_grids = import_grids(
rhino3dm_file, layer, tolerance,
grid_controls=grid_controls(config, layer.Name),
child_layer=child_layer_control(config, layer.Name))
# If Grids are not requested for a layer
# If child layers needs to be included
if child_layer_control(config, layer.Name):
objects = objects_on_parent_child(rhino3dm_file, layer.Name)
# If child layers do not need to be included
objects = objects_on_layer(rhino3dm_file, layer)
for obj in objects:
lb_faces = to_face3d(obj, tolerance=tolerance)
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError(
'Shaded mesh could not be created for'
f' object with ID {obj.Attributes.Id}. Please make the object'
' visible on rhino canvas, switch to shaded mode, and save the file.'
except AssertionError:
name = obj.Attributes.Name
for face_obj in lb_faces:
if face_obj.area == 0:
'A face with zero area was created from object with id:'
f' {obj.Attributes.Id}. This face is avoided.'
# If face_type settting is employed
if 'honeybee_face_type' in config['layers'][layer.Name]:
hb_faces.append(face3d_to_hb_face_with_face_type(config, face_obj,
name, layer.Name))
# If only radiance material settting is employed
elif 'honeybee_face_type' not in config['layers'][layer.Name] and\
'honeybee_face_object' not in config['layers'][layer.Name] and\
'radiance_material' in config['layers'][layer.Name]:
hb_faces.append(face3d_to_hb_face_with_rad(config, face_obj, name,
# If face_object settting is employed
elif 'honeybee_face_object' in config['layers'][layer.Name]:
hb_objects = face3d_to_hb_object(config, face_obj, name, layer.Name)
return hb_faces, hb_shades, hb_apertures, hb_doors, hb_grids
[docs]def import_objects(file_3dm, layer, tolerance):
"""Get default Honeybee Faces for a Rhino3dm layer.
file_3dm: A Rhino3dm file object.
layer: A Rhino3dm layer object.
tolerance: A number for model tolerance. By default the tolerance is set to
the ModelAbsoluteTolerance value in input 3DM file.
A list of Honeybee Face objects.
hb_faces = []
objects = objects_on_layer(file_3dm, layer=layer)
for obj in objects:
lb_faces = to_face3d(obj, tolerance)
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError(
'Shaded mesh could not be created for'
f' object with ID {obj.Attributes.Id}. Please make the object'
' visible on rhino canvas, switch to shaded mode, and save the file.'
except AssertionError:
name = obj.Attributes.Name
for face_obj in lb_faces:
if face_obj.area == 0:
'A face with zero area was created from object with id:'
f' {obj.Attributes.Id}. This face is avoided.'
obj_name = name or clean_and_id_string(layer.Name)
args = [clean_string(obj_name), face_obj]
hb_face = Face(*args)
hb_face.display_name = args[0]
return hb_faces