Source code for dragonfly.roof

# coding: utf-8
"""Roof specification with instructions for generating sloped roofs over a Story."""
from __future__ import division
import math

from ladybug_geometry.geometry2d import Vector2D, Point2D, Ray2D, LineSegment2D, \
from ladybug_geometry.geometry3d import Vector3D, Point3D, LineSegment3D, \
    Plane, Face3D, Polyface3D
from ladybug_geometry.intersection2d import closest_point2d_on_line2d, \
import ladybug_geometry.boolean as pb

[docs] class RoofSpecification(object): """A roof specification with instructions for generating sloped roofs over a Story. Args: geometry: An array of Face3D objects representing the geometry of the Roof. Together, these Face3D should either completely cover or completely avoid each Room2D of the Story to which the RoofSpecification is assigned. Cases where Room2Ds are only partially covered by roofs will result in those Room2Ds being extruded to their floor_to_ceiling_height. Properties: * geometry * boundary_geometry_2d * planes * parent * has_parent * min * max * min_height * max_height * center_heights * azimuths * altitudes * tilts """ __slots__ = ('_geometry', '_parent', '_is_resolved') _ANG_TOL = 0.0174533 # angle tolerance in radians for determining X or Y alignment def __init__(self, geometry): """Initialize RoofSpecification.""" self.geometry = geometry self._parent = None # will be set when RoofSpecification is added to a Story self._is_resolved = False # will be set during the serialization process
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data): """Initialize an RoofSpecification from a dictionary. Args: data: A dictionary representation of an RoofSpecification object. """ # check the type of dictionary assert data['type'] == 'RoofSpecification', 'Expected RoofSpecification ' \ 'dictionary. Got {}.'.format(data['type']) geometry = tuple(Face3D.from_dict(shd_geo) for shd_geo in data['geometry']) return cls(geometry)
@property def geometry(self): """Get or set a tuple of Face3D objects representing the geometry of the Roof. """ return self._geometry @geometry.setter def geometry(self, value): if not isinstance(value, tuple): value = tuple(value) assert len(value) > 0, 'RoofSpecification must have at least one Face3D.' for geo in value: assert isinstance(geo, Face3D), \ 'Expected Face3D for RoofSpecification. Got {}'.format(type(geo)) self._geometry = value @property def boundary_geometry_2d(self): """Get a tuple of Polygon2D for the boundaries around each Face3D in geometry. These Polygons will be in the World XY coordinate system instead of the coordinate system of the Face3D's plane. """ return tuple( Polygon2D(tuple(Point2D(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in geo.boundary)) for geo in self._geometry) @property def planes(self): """Get a tuple of Planes for each Face3D in geometry. """ return tuple(geo.plane for geo in self._geometry) @property def parent(self): """Parent Story if assigned. None if not assigned.""" return self._parent @property def has_parent(self): """Boolean noting whether this RoofSpecification has a parent Story.""" return self._parent is not None @property def min(self): """Get a Point2D for the min bounding rectangle vertex in the XY plane. This is useful in calculations to determine if this RoofSpecification is in proximity to other objects. """ return self._calculate_min(self._geometry) @property def max(self): """Get a Point2D for the max bounding rectangle vertex in the XY plane. This is useful in calculations to determine if this RoofSpecification is in proximity to other objects. """ return self._calculate_max(self._geometry) @property def min_height(self): """Get lowest Z-value of the roof geometry.""" min_z = self._geometry[0].min.z for r_geo in self._geometry[1:]: if r_geo.min.z < min_z: min_z = r_geo.min.z return min_z @property def max_height(self): """Get highest Z-value of the roof geometry.""" max_z = self._geometry[0].max.z for r_geo in self._geometry[1:]: if r_geo.max.z > max_z: max_z = r_geo.max.z return max_z @property def center_heights(self): """Get a tuple of average Z-values for each roof geometry.""" return tuple( for r_geo in self._geometry) @property def azimuths(self): """Get a tuple of azimuths for each roof geometry in degrees. These values start from 0, indicating the positive Y-axis, and move clockwise up to 360, which indicates a return to the positive Y-axis. This will be zero if a geometry is perfectly horizontal. """ azimuths = [] for r_geo in self._geometry: r_geo = r_geo if r_geo.normal.z >= 0 else r_geo.flip() azimuths.append(math.degrees(r_geo.azimuth)) return tuple(azimuths) @property def altitudes(self): """Get a tuple of altitudes for each roof geometry in degrees. These values range from 0 (vertical) up to 90 (horizontal). """ return tuple(abs(math.degrees(r_geo.altitude)) for r_geo in self._geometry) @property def tilts(self): """Get a tuple of tilts for each roof geometry in degrees. These values range from 0 (horizontal) up to 90 (vertical). """ return tuple(90 - alt for alt in self.altitudes)
[docs] def union_coplanar(self, tolerance=0.01, angle_tolerance=1.0): """Union coplanar and overlapping geometries on this Roof together. This is useful for removing duplicated roof geometries that would otherwise slow down the translation process and potentially create unwanted results. Args: tolerance: The minimum distance between two roof geometries at which point they will be unioned together. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters). angle_tolerance: The max angle difference in degrees that planes can differ from one another for them to be considered coplanar. (Default: 1.0). """ # remove colinear vertices from all roof geometries roof_geo = [] for geo in self.geometry: try: roof_geo.append(geo.remove_colinear_vertices(tolerance)) except AssertionError: # degenerate geometry to ignore pass # group the roof geometries by the same plane a_tol = math.radians(angle_tolerance) tol = tolerance plane_dict = {roof_geo[0].plane: [roof_geo[0]]} for face in roof_geo[1:]: for test_plane in plane_dict: if test_plane.is_coplanar_tolerance(face.plane, tol, a_tol): plane_dict[test_plane].append(face) break else: plane_dict[face.plane] = [face] # group the geometries by overlap overlap_groups = [] for pl_group in plane_dict.values(): if len(pl_group) == 1: overlap_groups.append(pl_group) else: overlap_groups.extend(Face3D.group_by_coplanar_overlap(pl_group, tol)) # union the overlapping groups together clean_geo = [] for o_group in overlap_groups: if len(o_group) == 1: clean_geo.append(o_group[0]) else: union_geo = Face3D.coplanar_union_all(o_group, tol, a_tol) if union_geo is not None: clean_geo.extend(union_geo) else: clean_geo.extend(o_group) # assign the new unioned geometry to this object if len(clean_geo) != 0: self._geometry = tuple(clean_geo)
[docs] def resolved_geometry(self, tolerance=0.01): """Get a version of this object's geometry with all overlaps in plan resolved. In the case of overlaps, the roof geometry that has the lowest average z-value for the overlap will become the "correct" one that actually bounds the room geometry. Args: tolerance: The minimum distance that two Roof geometries can overlap with one another and still be considered distinct. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters). Returns: A list of Face3D that have no overlaps in plan. """ # first check to see if an overlap is possible if len(self._geometry) == 1: return self._geometry # set up global variables proj_dir = Vector3D(0, 0, 1) planes, geo_2d = [], [] sort_obj = sorted(zip(self.boundary_geometry_2d, self.planes), key=lambda pair: pair[0].area, reverse=True) # remove colinear vertices from all roof polygons for geo, pl in sort_obj: try: clean_geo = geo.remove_colinear_vertices(tolerance) geo_2d.append(clean_geo) planes.append(pl) except AssertionError: # degenerate geometry to ignore pass # loop through the geometries and test for any overlaps remove_i = [] gei = list(range(len(geo_2d))) overlap_count = 0 for i in gei: poly_1 = geo_2d[i] pln_1 = planes[i] for j in gei[i + 1:]: poly_2 = geo_2d[j] pln_2 = planes[j] poly_relationship = poly_1.polygon_relationship(poly_2, tolerance) \ if poly_2.area < poly_1.area else \ poly_2.polygon_relationship(poly_1, tolerance) tol = tolerance # temporary tolerance value that may be adjusted if poly_relationship == 0: # resolve the overlap between the polygons overlap_count += 1 try: overlap_polys = poly_1.boolean_intersect(poly_2, tol) except Exception as e: # tolerance is likely not correct try: # make an attempt at a slightly lower tol tol = tol / 10 overlap_polys = poly_1.boolean_intersect(poly_1, tol) except Exception: print('Failed to get boolean intersect.\n{}'.format(e)) continue for o_poly in overlap_polys: o_face_1, o_face_2 = [], [] for pt in o_poly.vertices: pt1 = pln_1.project_point(Point3D(pt.x, pt.y), proj_dir) pt2 = pln_2.project_point(Point3D(pt.x, pt.y), proj_dir) o_face_1.append(pt1) o_face_2.append(pt2) o_face_1 = Face3D(o_face_1, plane=pln_1) o_face_2 = Face3D(o_face_2, plane=pln_2) if > poly_1 = self._process_polygon_overlap( poly_1, pln_1, i, o_poly, remove_i, geo_2d, planes, gei, tol) else: # remove the overlap from the second polygon poly_2 = self._process_polygon_overlap( poly_2, pln_2, j, o_poly, remove_i, geo_2d, planes, gei, tol) elif poly_relationship == 1: # polygon is completely inside the other; remove it remove_i.append(j) # if any overlaps were found, rebuild the 3D roof geometry if overlap_count != 0 or len(remove_i) != 0: resolved_geo = [] for i, (r_poly, r_pln) in enumerate(zip(geo_2d, planes)): if i not in remove_i: r_face = [] for pt2 in r_poly.vertices: pt3 = r_pln.project_point(Point3D(pt2.x, pt2.y), proj_dir) r_face.append(pt3) resolved_geo.append(Face3D(r_face, plane=r_pln)) return resolved_geo return self._geometry # no overlaps in the geometry; just return as is
@staticmethod def _process_polygon_overlap(eval_poly, eval_pln, eval_i, o_poly, remove_i, geo_2d, planes, gei, tol): """Process the overlap in two roof polygons during roof resolution.""" try: # remove the overlap from the first polygon np = eval_poly.boolean_difference(o_poly, tol) if len(np) == 0: # eliminated the polygon remove_i.append(eval_i) else: # part-removed try: eval_poly = np[0].remove_colinear_vertices(tol) geo_2d[eval_i] = eval_poly except AssertionError: # degenerate result remove_i.append(eval_i) if len(np) > 1: # split the polygon to multiple for ply in np[1:]: try: cp = ply.remove_colinear_vertices(tol) geo_2d.append(cp) planes.append(eval_pln) gei.append(len(gei)) except AssertionError: # degenerate result pass except Exception as e: # tolerance is likely not correct print('Failed to get boolean difference.\n{}'.format(e)) pass return eval_poly
[docs] def overlap_count(self, tolerance=0.01): """Get the number of times that the Roof geometries overlap with one another. This should be zero for the RoofSpecification to be be translated to Honeybee without any loss of geometry. Args: tolerance: The minimum distance that two Roof geometries can overlap with one another and still be considered distinct. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters). Returns: An integer for the number of times that the roof geometries overlap with one another beyond the tolerance. """ geo_2d = self.boundary_geometry_2d overlap_count = 0 for i, poly_1 in enumerate(geo_2d): try: for poly_2 in geo_2d[i + 1:]: if poly_1.polygon_relationship(poly_2, tolerance) >= 0: overlap_count += 1 except IndexError: pass # we have reached the end of the list return overlap_count
[docs] def find_gaps(self, gap_distance=0.1, tolerance=0.01): """Identify gaps between the geometries that are smaller than a gap_distance. This is useful for identifying cases where gaps can result in messy room volumes when translating to Honeybee. Args: gap_distance: The maximum distance between two roof geometries that is considered an unwanted gap. Differences between roofs that are higher than this distance are considered meaningful gaps to be preserved. This value should be higher than the tolerance to be meaningful. (Default: 0.1, suitable for objects in meters). selected_indices: An optional list of indices for specific roof geometries to be snapped to the grid. If None, all of the roof geometry will be snapped. (Default: None). tolerance: The minimum difference between the coordinate values at which point they are considered equivalent. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters). Returns: A list of Point2Ds that note the location of any gaps between the input room_2ds, which are larger than the tolerance but less than the gap_distance. """ roof_polys = self.boundary_geometry_2d gap_points = [] for i, poly_1 in enumerate(roof_polys): try: for poly_2 in roof_polys[i + 1:]: if not Polygon2D.overlapping_bounding_rect( poly_1, poly_2, gap_distance): continue # no overlap in bounding rect; gap impossible # check the first polygon against the second for pt_1 in poly_1: pt_dist = poly_2.distance_from_edge_to_point(pt_1) if tolerance < pt_dist <= gap_distance: gap_points.append(pt_1) # check the second polygon against the first for pt_2 in poly_2: pt_dist = poly_1.distance_from_edge_to_point(pt_2) if tolerance < pt_dist <= gap_distance: gap_points.append(pt_2) except IndexError: pass # we have reached the end of the list of rooms return gap_points
[docs] def move(self, moving_vec): """Move this RoofSpecification along a vector. Args: moving_vec: A ladybug_geometry Vector3D with the direction and distance to move the object. """ self._geometry = tuple(geo.move(moving_vec) for geo in self._geometry)
[docs] def rotate_xy(self, angle, origin): """Rotate RoofSpecification counterclockwise in the XY plane by a certain angle. Args: angle: An angle in degrees. origin: A ladybug_geometry Point3D for the origin around which the object will be rotated. """ self._geometry = tuple(geo.rotate_xy(math.radians(angle), origin) for geo in self._geometry)
[docs] def reflect(self, plane): """Reflect this RoofSpecification across a plane. Args: plane: A ladybug_geometry Plane across which the object will be reflected. """ self._geometry = tuple(geo.reflect(plane.n, plane.o) for geo in self._geometry)
[docs] def scale(self, factor, origin=None): """Scale this RoofSpecification by a factor from an origin point. Args: factor: A number representing how much the object should be scaled. origin: A ladybug_geometry Point3D representing the origin from which to scale. If None, it will be scaled from the World origin (0, 0, 0). """ self._geometry = tuple(geo.scale(factor, origin) for geo in self._geometry)
[docs] def update_geometry_3d(self, new_face_3d, face_index): """Change one of the Face3D in this RoofSpecification.geometry. This method is intended to be used when the roof geometry has been edited by some external means and this RoofSpecification should be updated for coordination. Args: new_face_3d: A Face3D for a new roof geometry that is to replace one of the existing Face3D in the roof. face_index: An integer for the index of the Face3D in the roof to be replaced. """ assert isinstance(new_face_3d, Face3D), \ 'Expected Face3D for RoofSpecification.update_geometry_3d. ' \ 'Got {}'.format(type(new_face_3d)) geo_list = list(self._geometry) geo_list[face_index] = new_face_3d self._geometry = tuple(geo_list)
[docs] def update_geometry_2d(self, new_polygon_2d, polygon_index): """Change one of the Face3D in this roof by supplying a 2D Polygon. This method is intended to be used when the roof geometry has been edited by some external means and this RoofSpecification should be updated for coordination. It it particularly helpful when the external means of editing has happened in 2D plan view and only the boundary of the roof should be updated while the plane of the roof geometry is held constant. Args: new_polygon_2d: A Polygon2D for a new roof geometry that is to replace one of the existing geometries in the roof. Ideally, this is one of this RoofSpecification's boundary_geometry_2d polygons that has been edited. polygon_index: An integer for the index of the boundary polygon in the roof to be replaced. """ assert isinstance(new_polygon_2d, Polygon2D), \ 'Expected Polygon2D for RoofSpecification.update_geometry_2d. ' \ 'Got {}'.format(type(new_polygon_2d)) proj_dir = Vector3D(0, 0, 1) # direction to project onto Roof planes roof_plane = self.geometry[polygon_index].plane roof_verts = [] for pt2 in new_polygon_2d.vertices: pt3 = roof_plane.project_point(Point3D(pt2.x, pt2.y), proj_dir) roof_verts.append(pt3) new_face_3d = Face3D(roof_verts, plane=roof_plane) self.update_geometry_3d(new_face_3d, polygon_index)
[docs] def snap_to_grid(self, grid_increment, selected_indices=None, base_plane=None, tolerance=0.01): """Snap naked roof vertices to the nearest grid node defined by an increment. This is useful for coordinating the Roof specification with the grid snapping of Room2Ds that belong to the same Story as this Roof. Note that the planes of the input roof Face3Ds will be preserved. This way, the internal structure of the roof geometry will be conserved but the roof will be extended to cover Room2Ds that might have otherwise been snapped to the a node where they have no Roof geometry above them. This command will preserve all roof ridge lines and vertices along them will only be moved if the ridge line is oriented to the X or Y axis. Args: grid_increment: A positive number for dimension of each grid cell. This typically should be equal to the tolerance or larger but should not be larger than the smallest detail of the Room2D that you wish to resolve. selected_indices: An optional list of indices for specific roof geometries to be snapped to the grid. If None, all of the roof geometry will be snapped. (Default: None). tolerance: The minimum distance between vertices below which they are considered co-located. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters). """ # if the base plane is specified, convert to the plane's coordinate system pl_ang = None if isinstance(base_plane, Plane) and base_plane.n.z != 0: origin = base_plane.o x_axis = Vector2D(base_plane.x.x, base_plane.x.y) pl_ang = x_axis.angle_counterclockwise(Vector2D(1, 0)) self.geometry = [f.rotate_xy(pl_ang, origin) for f in self.geometry] # get the ridge lines of the roof to determine if snapping is possible poly_ridge_info = self._compute_ridge_line_info(tolerance) # loop through the roof faces and evaluate whether they can be moved new_geo = [] for i, (face, poly_info) in enumerate(zip(self.geometry, poly_ridge_info)): if selected_indices is None or i in selected_indices: snap_method = 'standard' for pt_info in poly_info: if len(pt_info) == 0: # not on a ridge line continue elif len(pt_info) == 1 and self._is_vector_xy(pt_info[0].v): snap_method = 'move' pt = pt_info[0].p new_x = grid_increment * round(pt.x / grid_increment) new_y = grid_increment * round(pt.y / grid_increment) move_vec = Vector3D(new_x - pt.x, new_y - pt.y) else: snap_method = 'nothing' break # if they can be snapped, then do so if snap_method == 'move': face = face.move(move_vec) snap_method = 'standard' if snap_method == 'standard': proj_dir = Vector3D(0, 0, 1) new_pts = [] for pt in face.boundary: new_x = grid_increment * round(pt.x / grid_increment) new_y = grid_increment * round(pt.y / grid_increment) n_pt = face.plane.project_point(Point3D(new_x, new_y), proj_dir) new_pts.append(n_pt) new_geo.append(Face3D(new_pts, plane=face.plane)) else: new_geo.append(face) else: new_geo.append(face) # rotate the geometry back to normal if a base plane was used if pl_ang is not None: new_geo = [f.rotate_xy(-pl_ang, origin) for f in new_geo] self.geometry = new_geo
[docs] def align(self, line_ray, distance, tolerance=0.01): """Move roof vertices within a given distance of a line to be on that line. This is useful for coordinating the Roof specification with the alignment of Room2Ds that belong to the same Story as this Roof. Note that the planes of the input roof Face3Ds will be preserved. This way, the internal structure of the roof geometry will be conserved but the roof will be extended to cover Room2Ds that might have otherwise been aligned to have no Roof geometry above them. Args: line_ray: A ladybug_geometry Ray2D or LineSegment2D to which the roof vertices will be aligned. Ray2Ds will be interpreted as being infinite in both directions while LineSegment2Ds will be interpreted as only existing between two points. distance: The maximum distance between a vertex and the line_ray where the vertex will be moved to lie on the line_ray. Vertices beyond this distance will be left as they are. tolerance: The minimum distance between vertices below which they are considered co-located. This is used to ensure that the alignment process does not create new overlaps in the roof geometry. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters). """ # check the input line_ray if isinstance(line_ray, Ray2D): closest_func = closest_point2d_on_line2d_infinite elif isinstance(line_ray, LineSegment2D): closest_func = closest_point2d_on_line2d else: msg = 'Expected Ray2D or LineSegment2D. Got {}.'.format(type(line_ray)) raise TypeError(msg) # get the polygons and planes polygons, planes = self.boundary_geometry_2d, self.planes # loop through the roof polygons and align the vertices aligned_polygons = [] for poly in polygons: new_poly = [] for pt in poly: close_pt = closest_func(pt, line_ray) if pt.distance_to_point(close_pt) <= distance: new_poly.append(close_pt) else: new_poly.append(pt) aligned_polygons.append(Polygon2D(new_poly)) # constrain the roof edges, which typically preserves roof ridge lines new_polygons = [] for old_poly, new_poly in zip(polygons, aligned_polygons): con_poly = self._constrain_edges(old_poly, new_poly, [line_ray], tolerance) new_polygons.append(con_poly) # project the points back onto the roof proj_dir = Vector3D(0, 0, 1) new_geo = [] for poly, r_pl in zip(new_polygons, planes): new_pts3d = [] for pt2 in poly: new_pts3d.append(r_pl.project_point(Point3D.from_point2d(pt2), proj_dir)) new_geo.append(Face3D(new_pts3d, plane=r_pl)) self.geometry = new_geo
[docs] def pull_to_segments(self, line_segments, distance, snap_vertices=True, selected_indices=None, tolerance=0.01): """Pull the vertices of this roof to several LineSegment2D. This includes both an alignment to the line segments as well as an optional snapping to the line end points. The planes of the input roof Face3Ds will be preserved. The benefit of calling this method as opposed to iterating over the segments and calling align is that this method will only align and snap to the closest segment across all of the input line_segments. This often helps avoid snapping to undesirable line segments, particularly when there are two ore more segments that are within the distance. Args: line_segments: A list of ladybug_geometry LineSegment2D to which this roof's vertices will be pulled. distance: The maximum distance between a roof vertex and the line_segments where the vertex will be moved to lie on the segments. Vertices beyond this distance will be left as they are. snap_vertices: A boolean to note whether roof vertices that are close to the segment end points within the distance should be snapped to the end point instead of simply being aligned to the nearest segment. (Default: True). selected_indices: An optional list of indices for specific roof geometries to be split with the input polygon. If None, all of the roof geometry will be tested for intersection with the input polygon. (Default: None). tolerance: The minimum difference between the coordinate values at which they are considered co-located. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters). """ # check that the input is as expected if len(line_segments) == 0: return for line in line_segments: if not isinstance(line, LineSegment2D): msg = 'Expected LineSegment2D. Got {}.'.format(type(line)) raise TypeError(msg) # get the polygons and planes polygons, planes = self.boundary_geometry_2d, self.planes # loop through the roof polygons and align the vertices aligned_polygons = [] for i, poly in enumerate(polygons): if selected_indices is None or i in selected_indices: new_boundary = [] for pt in poly: dists, c_pts = [], [] for line_ray in line_segments: close_pt = closest_point2d_on_line2d(pt, line_ray) c_pts.append(close_pt) dists.append(pt.distance_to_point(close_pt)) sort_pt = sorted(zip(dists, c_pts), key=lambda pair: pair[0]) if sort_pt[0][0] <= distance: new_boundary.append(sort_pt[0][1]) else: new_boundary.append(pt) aligned_polygons.append(Polygon2D(new_boundary)) else: aligned_polygons.append(poly) # if snap_vertices was requested, perform an additional operation to snap them if snap_vertices: vertices = [] for line in line_segments: vertices.append(line.p1) vertices.append(line.p2) new_polygons = [] for i, poly in enumerate(aligned_polygons): if selected_indices is None or i in selected_indices: new_boundary = [] for pt in poly: dists = [pt.distance_to_point(pt_2d) for pt_2d in vertices] sort_pt = sorted(zip(dists, vertices), key=lambda pair: pair[0]) if sort_pt[0][0] <= distance: new_boundary.append(sort_pt[0][1]) else: new_boundary.append(pt) new_polygons.append(Polygon2D(new_boundary)) else: new_polygons.append(poly) aligned_polygons = new_polygons # constrain the roof edges, which typically preserves roof ridge lines new_polygons = [] for i, (old_poly, new_poly) in enumerate(zip(polygons, aligned_polygons)): if selected_indices is None or i in selected_indices: con_poly = self._constrain_edges( old_poly, new_poly, line_segments, tolerance) new_polygons.append(con_poly) else: new_polygons.append(new_poly) # project the points back onto the roof proj_dir = Vector3D(0, 0, 1) new_geo = [] for poly, r_pl in zip(new_polygons, planes): new_pts3d = [] for pt2 in poly: new_pts3d.append(r_pl.project_point(Point3D.from_point2d(pt2), proj_dir)) new_geo.append(Face3D(new_pts3d, plane=r_pl)) self.geometry = new_geo
[docs] def subtract_roofs(self, minuend_index, subtrahend_indices, tolerance=0.01): """Subtract one or more geometries in this roof from a given geometry. This is useful for resolving overlaps between geometries in the roof, particularly when one geometry above another one should take precedence. Args: minuend_index: The index of a geometry in this roof from which the subtrahend roof geometries will be subtracted. subtrahend_indices: A list of indices for geometries in this roof that will be used to remove part of the geometry at the minuend_index. tolerance: The maximum difference between point values for them to be considered distinct from one another. (Default: 0.01; suitable for objects in Meters). """ # get the minuend and subtrahend polygons polygons, planes = self.boundary_geometry_2d, self.planes minuend_poly = polygons[minuend_index] minuend_plane = planes[minuend_index] subtrahend_polys = [polygons[s_i] for s_i in subtrahend_indices] # define the subtrahend boolean polygon try: minuend_poly = minuend_poly.remove_colinear_vertices(tolerance) except AssertionError: # degenerate roof geometry selected return minuend_bp = [(pb.BooleanPoint(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in minuend_poly.vertices)] minuend_bp = pb.BooleanPolygon(minuend_bp) # pre-process the roofs to be subtracted with relevant_b_polys = [] for f2_poly in subtrahend_polys: # test whether the two polygons have any overlap in 2D space if minuend_poly.polygon_relationship(f2_poly, tolerance) == -1: continue # snap the polygons to one another to avoid tolerance issues try: f2_poly = f2_poly.remove_colinear_vertices(tolerance) except AssertionError: # degenerate polygon continue s2_poly = minuend_poly.snap_to_polygon(f2_poly, tolerance) # create the BooleanPolygon f2_polys = [(pb.BooleanPoint(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in s2_poly.vertices)] b_poly2 = pb.BooleanPolygon(f2_polys) relevant_b_polys.append(b_poly2) # if no relevant polygons were found, don't perform any operation if len(relevant_b_polys) == 0: return # loop through the boolean polygons and subtract them int_tol = tolerance / 100 for b_poly2 in relevant_b_polys: try: # subtract the boolean polygons minuend_bp = pb.difference(minuend_bp, b_poly2, int_tol) except Exception: return # typically a tolerance issue causing failure minuend_polys = Polygon2D._from_bool_poly(minuend_bp) if len(minuend_polys) == 0: return # project the points back onto the roof proj_dir = Vector3D(0, 0, 1) new_geo = [] for poly in minuend_polys: new_pts3d = [] for pt2 in poly: pt3 = minuend_plane.project_point(Point3D.from_point2d(pt2), proj_dir) new_pts3d.append(pt3) new_geo.append(Face3D(new_pts3d, plane=minuend_plane)) # update the geometry updated_geo = list(self.geometry) updated_geo[minuend_index] = new_geo[0] for ng in new_geo[1:]: updated_geo.append(ng) self.geometry = updated_geo
[docs] def split_with_polygon(self, polygon, selected_indices=None, tolerance=0.01): """Split the geometry of this roof using a polygon. If the input polygon does not intersect the roof geometry in a manner that splits it, this roof will remain unaltered. Args: polygon: A Polygon2D object that will be used to split the roof geometry. selected_indices: An optional list of indices for specific roof geometries to be split with the input polygon. If None, all of the roof geometry will be tested for intersection with the input polygon. (Default: None). tolerance: The maximum difference between point values for them to be considered distinct from one another. (Default: 0.01; suitable for objects in Meters). """ # check the inputs if not isinstance(polygon, Polygon2D): msg = 'Expected Polygon2D. Got {}.'.format(type(polygon)) raise TypeError(msg) # split the geometries with the polygon ang_tol = math.radians(1) proj_dir = Vector3D(0, 0, 1) split_geometries = [] for i, geo in enumerate(self.geometry): if selected_indices is None or i in selected_indices: # project the polygon into the plane of the roof geometry new_pts3d = [] for pt2 in polygon: pt3 = geo.plane.project_point(Point3D.from_point2d(pt2), proj_dir) new_pts3d.append(pt3) face_3d = Face3D(new_pts3d, plane=geo.plane) # split the roof geometry with the polygon new_geos, _ = Face3D.coplanar_split(geo, face_3d, tolerance, ang_tol) if new_geos is None or len(new_geos) == 1: split_geometries.append(geo) # no overlap with one another else: split_geometries.extend(new_geos) # roof successfully split else: split_geometries.append(geo) # update the geometry self.geometry = split_geometries
[docs] def split_with_lines(self, lines, selected_indices=None, tolerance=0.01): """Split the geometry of this roof using multiple line segments together. If the input lines do not intersect the roof geometry in a manner that splits it, this roof will remain unaltered. Args: lines: A list of LineSegment2D objects that will be used to split this roof geometry. selected_indices: An optional list of indices for specific roof geometries to be split with the input lines. If None, all of the roof geometry will be tested for intersection with the input polygon. (Default: None). tolerance: The maximum difference between point values for them to be considered distinct from one another. (Default: 0.01; suitable for objects in Meters). """ # check the inputs for line in lines: if not isinstance(line, LineSegment2D): msg = 'Expected LineSegment2D. Got {}.'.format(type(line)) raise TypeError(msg) # split the geometries with the lines rt = self._rounding_tolerance(tolerance) proj_dir = Vector3D(0, 0, 1) split_geometries = [] for i, geo in enumerate(self.geometry): if selected_indices is None or i in selected_indices: # project the lines into the plane of the roof geometry lines_3d = [] for seg in lines: pt1 = geo.plane.project_point(Point3D.from_point2d(seg.p1), proj_dir) pt2 = geo.plane.project_point(Point3D.from_point2d(seg.p2), proj_dir) pt1 = Point3D(round(pt1.x, rt), round(pt1.y, rt), round(pt1.z, rt)) pt2 = Point3D(round(pt2.x, rt), round(pt2.y, rt), round(pt2.z, rt)) lines_3d.append(LineSegment3D.from_end_points(pt1, pt2)) # split the roof geometry with the lines new_geos = geo.split_with_lines(lines_3d, tolerance) if new_geos is None or len(new_geos) == 1: split_geometries.append(geo) # no overlap else: split_geometries.extend(new_geos) # roof successfully split else: split_geometries.append(geo) # update the geometry self.geometry = split_geometries
[docs] def check_roof_above_rooms(self, room_2ds, tolerance=0.01): """Check that all geometries of this roof lie above a given set of Room2Ds. Args: room_2ds: A list of Room2Ds that will be be checked for whether they lie completely below this roof. tolerance: The minimum distance between coordinate values that is considered a meaningful difference. (Default: 0.01, suitable for objects in meters). raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised if roof geometries are found below the Room2D geometries. (Default: True). detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False). Returns: A tuple with two elements. - messages: A list of text strings for messages about Room2Ds that have floors colliding with this roof. - bad_rooms: A list of Room2Ds that aligns with each of the messages for the room that collides with the roof. """ # get the roof polygons and set up the message template roof_polys = self.boundary_geometry_2d roof_planes = self.planes msg_temp = 'Room2D "{}" has a floor height (including plenums) at {} ' \ 'and this intersects the roof geometry above the room, which extends ' \ 'down to {}. Change the room plenum depth, lower the room floor height, ' \ 'or delete the roofs.' # loop through the rooms and test for collisions messages, bad_rooms = [], [] for room in room_2ds: if not room.is_top_exposed: continue # impossible for the roof to mess the room up room_pts2d = [Point2D(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in room.floor_geometry.boundary] room_poly = Polygon2D(room_pts2d) # gather all of the relevant roof polygons for the Room2D rel_rf_polys, rel_rf_planes, is_full_bound = [], [], False for rf_py, rf_pl in zip(roof_polys, roof_planes): poly_rel = rf_py.polygon_relationship(room_poly, tolerance) if poly_rel >= 0: rel_rf_polys.append(rf_py) rel_rf_planes.append(rf_pl) if poly_rel == 1: # simple solution of one roof is_full_bound = True rel_rf_polys = [rel_rf_polys[-1]] rel_rf_planes = [rel_rf_planes[-1]] break if len(rel_rf_polys) == 0: continue # no roofs that could mess the room volume generation up # create the roof faces hp_flr_hgt = room.highest_plenum_floor_height proj_dir = Vector3D(0, 0, 1) # direction to project onto Roof planes # when fully bounded, simply project the segments onto the single Roof face if is_full_bound: roof_plane = rel_rf_planes[0] roof_verts = [roof_plane.project_point(pt, proj_dir) for pt in room.floor_geometry.vertices] roof_min = Face3D(roof_verts).min.z if roof_min < hp_flr_hgt: msg = msg_temp.format(room.display_name, hp_flr_hgt, roof_min) messages.append(msg) bad_rooms.append(room) continue # when multiple roofs, each segment must be intersected with the roof polygons # gather polygons that account for all of the Room2D holes all_room_poly = [room_poly] if room.floor_geometry.has_holes: v_count = len(room_poly) for hole in room.floor_geometry.holes: hole_poly = Polygon2D([Point2D(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in hole]) all_room_poly.append(hole_poly) v_count += len(hole) # get the roof faces using polygon boolean operations roof_faces = room._roof_faces( all_room_poly, rel_rf_polys, rel_rf_planes, tolerance) if roof_faces is None: # invalid roof geometry continue roof_min = min(f.min.z for f in roof_faces) if roof_min < hp_flr_hgt: msg = msg_temp.format(room.display_name, hp_flr_hgt, roof_min) messages.append(msg) bad_rooms.append(room) return messages, bad_rooms
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return RoofSpecification as a dictionary.""" base = {'type': 'RoofSpecification'} base['geometry'] = [geo.to_dict() for geo in self._geometry] return base
[docs] def duplicate(self): """Get a copy of this object.""" return self.__copy__()
def _is_vector_xy(self, vector2d): """Check if a vector lies along the X or Y axis.""" unit_vec = vector2d.normalize() return unit_vec.x < self._ANG_TOL or unit_vec.y < self._ANG_TOL def _compute_ridge_line_info(self, tolerance): """Get a matrix of values for the ridge lines associated with each vertex. Ridge lines are defined as lines shared between two roof geometries. The matrix will have one sub-list for each polygon in the boundary_geometry_2d and each sub-list contains a sub-sub-list for each vertex. This sub-sub-list contains LineSegment2Ds for each ridge line that the vertex is a part of. Vertices that belong to only one roof geometry will get an empty list in the matrix, indicating that the vertex can be moved in any direction without changing the roof structure. Vertices belonging to two roof geometries will get a single ridge line LineSegment2D in the list, indicating that the vertex can be moved along this vector without changing the structure of the whole roof. Vertices belonging to more than one roof geometry will get multiple LineSegment2Ds in the list, which usually means that moving the vertex in any direction will change the Roof structure. """ # turn the polygons into Face3D in the XY plane proj_faces = [] for poly in self.boundary_geometry_2d: proj_face = Face3D(tuple(Point3D(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in poly)) proj_faces.append(proj_face) # join the projected Face3D into a Polyface3D and get all naked edges roof_p_face = Polyface3D.from_faces(proj_faces, tolerance) roof_p_face = roof_p_face.merge_overlapping_edges( tolerance, math.radians(1)) internal_ed = roof_p_face.internal_edges # check whether each Face3D vertex lies on an internal edge ridge_info = [] for proj_face in proj_faces: face_info = [] for pt in proj_face.boundary: pt_rid = [] for ed in internal_ed: if ed.distance_to_point(pt) <= tolerance: ln_2 = LineSegment2D( Point2D(ed.p.x, ed.p.y), Vector2D(ed.v.x, ed.v.y)) pt_rid.append(ln_2) face_info.append(pt_rid) ridge_info.append(face_info) return ridge_info @staticmethod def _constrain_edges(original_polygon, new_polygon, pull_segments, tolerance): """Move 2D vertices to constrain original edges not on the pull_segments.""" # get all of the vertices and segments needed for the operation new_verts = new_polygon.vertices new_segs = new_polygon.segments old_segs = original_polygon.segments # loop through the vertices and figure out which ones are along the pull_segments pts_moved, any_moved = [], False for seg in new_segs: for o_seg in pull_segments: close_pt = closest_point2d_on_line2d(seg.p1, o_seg) if seg.p1.distance_to_point(close_pt) <= tolerance: pts_moved.append(True) any_moved = True break else: pts_moved.append(False) if not any_moved: return new_polygon # set a maximum distance for which constrained points can move o_geo = original_polygon max_dist = max((o_geo.max.x - o_geo.min.x, o_geo.max.y - o_geo.min.y)) max_d = max_dist * 10 # identify the start and end points of each stretch and move them edit_boundary = [] last_vert_i = len(new_verts) - 1 for i, (pt, moved) in enumerate(zip(new_verts, pts_moved)): if moved: prev_i = i - 1 next_i = i + 1 if i != last_vert_i else 0 if pts_moved[prev_i] and pts_moved[next_i]: # middle of a stretch edit_boundary.append(pt) elif not pts_moved[prev_i] and not pts_moved[next_i]: # lone moved point edit_boundary.append(pt) elif pts_moved[prev_i]: # the end of a stretch prev_seg, next_new_seg = new_segs[prev_i], new_segs[i] for o_seg in old_segs: if o_seg.p2.is_equivalent(next_new_seg.p2, tolerance): next_seg = o_seg break else: # failed to find the original segment edit_boundary.append(pt) continue ray_1 = Ray2D(prev_seg.p1, prev_seg.v) ray_2 = Ray2D(next_seg.p2, -next_seg.v) int_pt = ray_1.intersect_line_ray(ray_2) if int_pt is None or int_pt.distance_to_point(next_seg.p1) > max_d: edit_boundary.append(pt) else: edit_boundary.append(Point2D(int_pt.x, int_pt.y)) else: # the beginning of a stretch prev_new_seg, next_seg = new_segs[prev_i], new_segs[i] for o_seg in old_segs: if o_seg.p1.is_equivalent(prev_new_seg.p1, tolerance): prev_seg = o_seg break else: # failed to find the original segment edit_boundary.append(pt) continue ray_1 = Ray2D(prev_seg.p1, prev_seg.v) ray_2 = Ray2D(next_seg.p2, -next_seg.v) int_pt = ray_1.intersect_line_ray(ray_2) if int_pt is None or int_pt.distance_to_point(next_seg.p1) > max_d: edit_boundary.append(pt) else: edit_boundary.append(Point2D(int_pt.x, int_pt.y)) else: edit_boundary.append(pt) # rebuild the input geometry return Polygon2D(edit_boundary) @staticmethod def _calculate_min(geometry_objects): """Calculate min Point2D around an array of geometry with min attributes. This is used in all functions that calculate bounding rectangles around dragonfly objects and assess when two objects are in close proximity. """ min_pt = [geometry_objects[0].min.x, geometry_objects[0].min.y] for r_geo in geometry_objects[1:]: if r_geo.min.x < min_pt[0]: min_pt[0] = r_geo.min.x if r_geo.min.y < min_pt[1]: min_pt[1] = r_geo.min.y return Point2D(min_pt[0], min_pt[1]) @staticmethod def _calculate_max(geometry_objects): """Calculate max Point2D around an array of geometry with max attributes. This is used in all functions that calculate bounding rectangles around dragonfly objects and assess when two objects are in close proximity. """ max_pt = [geometry_objects[0].max.x, geometry_objects[0].max.y] for r_geo in geometry_objects[1:]: if r_geo.max.x > max_pt[0]: max_pt[0] = r_geo.max.x if r_geo.max.y > max_pt[1]: max_pt[1] = r_geo.max.y return Point2D(max_pt[0], max_pt[1]) @staticmethod def _rounding_tolerance(tolerance): """Get the number of integers to round to based on tolerance. This is used to resolve issues when projecting points into the planes of roof geometries. """ try: # get the relative tolerance using a log function rtol = int(math.log10(tolerance)) * -1 except ValueError: rtol = 0 # the tol is equal to 1 (out of range for log) # account for the fact that the tolerance may not be base 10 base = int(tolerance * 10 ** (rtol + 1)) if base == 10 or base == 0: # tolerance is base 10 (eg. 0.001) base = 1 else: # tolerance is not base 10 (eg. 0.003) rtol += 1 return rtol def __copy__(self): return RoofSpecification(self._geometry) def __len__(self): return len(self._geometry) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._geometry[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._geometry)
[docs] def ToString(self): """Overwrite .NET ToString.""" return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self): return 'RoofSpecification: [{} geometries]'.format(len(self._geometry))