# coding: utf-8
"""Dragonfly Model."""
from __future__ import division
import os
import io
import re
import json
import datetime
import tempfile
import uuid
import zipfile
try: # check if we are in IronPython
import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError: # wea re in cPython
import pickle
from ladybug_geometry.geometry2d import Point2D, LineSegment2D, Polyline2D
from ladybug_geometry.geometry3d import Vector3D, Point3D, Plane, Face3D, Polyface3D
from ladybug.futil import preparedir, unzip_file
from ladybug.location import Location
from honeybee.typing import float_positive, invalid_dict_error, clean_and_number_string
from honeybee.checkdup import check_duplicate_identifiers
from honeybee.units import conversion_factor_to_meters, parse_distance_string, \
from honeybee.config import folders
from honeybee.facetype import Floor, RoofCeiling, face_types
from honeybee.boundarycondition import Outdoors, Surface, Ground, boundary_conditions
from honeybee.shade import Shade as HBShade
from honeybee.room import Room as HBRoom
from honeybee.model import Model as HBModel
from ._base import _BaseGeometry
from .properties import ModelProperties
from .building import Building
from .roof import RoofSpecification
from .context import ContextShade
from .windowparameter import SimpleWindowRatio
from .projection import meters_to_long_lat_factors, polygon_to_lon_lat, \
origin_long_lat_from_location, lon_lat_to_polygon
from dragonfly.config import folders as df_folders
import dragonfly.writer.model as writer
class Model(_BaseGeometry):
"""A collection of Buildings and ContextShades for an entire model.
identifier: Text string for a unique Model ID. Must be < 100 characters
and not contain any spaces or special characters.
buildings: A list of Building objects in the model.
context_shades: A list of ContextShade objects in the model.
units: Text for the units system in which the model geometry
exists. Default: 'Meters'. Choose from the following:
* Meters
* Millimeters
* Feet
* Inches
* Centimeters
tolerance: The maximum difference between x, y, and z values at which
vertices are considered equivalent. Zero indicates that no tolerance
checks should be performed and certain capabilities like to_honeybee
will not be available. None indicates that the tolerance will be
set based on the units above, with the tolerance consistently being
between 1 cm and 1 mm (roughly the tolerance implicit in the OpenStudio
SDK). (Default: None).
angle_tolerance: The max angle difference in degrees that vertices are allowed
to differ from one another in order to consider them colinear. Zero indicates
that no angle tolerance checks should be performed. (Default: 1.0).
* identifier
* display_name
* full_id
* units
* tolerance
* angle_tolerance
* buildings
* context_shades
* stories
* room_2ds
* room_3ds
* average_story_count
* average_story_count_above_ground
* average_height
* average_height_above_ground
* footprint_area
* floor_area
* exterior_wall_area
* exterior_aperture_area
* volume
* min
* max
* user_data
__slots__ = ('_buildings', '_context_shades',
'_units', '_tolerance', '_angle_tolerance')
def __init__(self, identifier, buildings=None, context_shades=None,
units='Meters', tolerance=None, angle_tolerance=1.0):
"""A collection of Buildings and ContextShades for an entire model."""
_BaseGeometry.__init__(self, identifier) # process the identifier
self.units = units
self.tolerance = tolerance
self.angle_tolerance = angle_tolerance
self._buildings = []
self._context_shades = []
if buildings is not None:
for bldg in buildings:
assert isinstance(bldg, Building), \
'Expected Building. Got {}.'.format(type(bldg))
if context_shades is not None:
for shade in context_shades:
self._properties = ModelProperties(self)
def from_dict(cls, data):
"""Initialize a Model from a dictionary.
data: A dictionary representation of a Model object.
# check the type of dictionary
assert data['type'] == 'Model', 'Expected Model dictionary. ' \
'Got {}.'.format(data['type'])
# import the units and tolerance values
units = 'Meters' if 'units' not in data or data['units'] is None \
else data['units']
tol = UNITS_TOLERANCES[units] if 'tolerance' not in data or \
data['tolerance'] is None else data['tolerance']
angle_tol = 1.0 if 'angle_tolerance' not in data or \
data['angle_tolerance'] is None else data['angle_tolerance']
# import all of the geometry
buildings = None # import buildings
building_roofs = []
if 'buildings' in data and data['buildings'] is not None:
buildings = []
for bldg in data['buildings']:
unique_stories = bldg['unique_stories'] \
if 'unique_stories' in bldg else None
room_3ds = bldg['room_3ds'] \
if 'room_3ds' in bldg else None
if (unique_stories is None or len(unique_stories) == 0) and \
(room_3ds is None or len(room_3ds) == 0):
continue # empty Building object that should be ignored
if 'roof' in bldg and bldg['roof'] is not None \
and 'geometry' in bldg['roof'] \
and len(bldg['roof']['geometry']) > 0:
roof = RoofSpecification.from_dict(bldg['roof'])
bldg['roof'] = None
bldg = Building.from_dict(bldg, tol, angle_tol, sort_stories=False)
except Exception as e:
invalid_dict_error(bldg, e)
context_shades = None # import context shades
if 'context_shades' in data and data['context_shades'] is not None:
context_shades = []
for s in data['context_shades']:
except Exception as e:
invalid_dict_error(s, e)
# build the model object
model = Model(data['identifier'], buildings, context_shades,
units, tol, angle_tol)
if 'display_name' in data and data['display_name'] is not None:
model.display_name = data['display_name']
if 'user_data' in data and data['user_data'] is not None:
model.user_data = data['user_data']
# assign extension properties to the model
# sort stories now that properties were ordered correctly during assignment
for building, bldg_roof in zip(model.buildings, building_roofs):
if len(bldg_roof) != 0:
building.add_roof_geometry(bldg_roof, tol)
return model
def from_file(cls, df_file):
"""Initialize a Model from a DFJSON or DFpkl file, auto-sensing the type.
This will also sense if the input is a Honeybee Model and, if so,
the loaded Dragonfly model will be derived from the Honeybee one.
df_file: Path to either a DFJSON or DFpkl file. This can also be a
HBJSON or a HBpkl from which a Dragonfly model should be derived.
assert os.path.isfile(df_file), 'Failed to find %s' % df_file
# sense the file type by first checking it it's a zip file
if zipfile.is_zipfile(df_file):
return cls.from_pomf(df_file)
# check the first character to avoid maxing memory with JSON
with io.open(df_file, encoding='utf-8') as inf:
first_char = inf.read(1)
second_char = inf.read(1)
is_json = True if first_char == '{' or second_char == '{' else False
# load the file using either DFJSON pathway or DFpkl
if is_json:
return cls.from_dfjson(df_file)
return cls.from_dfpkl(df_file)
def from_dfjson(cls, dfjson_file):
"""Initialize a Model from a DFJSON file.
dfjson_file: Path to DFJSON file. This can also be a HBJSON from which
a Dragonfly model should be derived.
assert os.path.isfile(dfjson_file), 'Failed to find %s' % dfjson_file
with io.open(dfjson_file, encoding='utf-8') as inf:
second_char = inf.read(1)
with io.open(dfjson_file, encoding='utf-8') as inf:
if second_char == '{':
data = json.load(inf)
if 'buildings' in data or 'context_shades' in data:
return cls.from_dict(data)
else: # assume that it's a Honeybee Model to translate
hb_model = HBModel.from_dict(data)
return cls.from_honeybee(hb_model)
def from_dfpkl(cls, dfpkl_file):
"""Initialize a Model from a DFpkl file.
dfpkl_file: Path to DFpkl file. This can also be a HBpkl from which
a Dragonfly model should be derived.
assert os.path.isfile(dfpkl_file), 'Failed to find %s' % dfpkl_file
with open(dfpkl_file, 'rb') as inf:
data = pickle.load(inf)
if 'buildings' in data or 'context_shades' in data:
return cls.from_dict(data)
else: # assume that it's a Honeybee Model to translate
hb_model = HBModel.from_dict(data)
return cls.from_honeybee(hb_model)
def from_pomf(cls, pomf_file):
"""Initialize a Model from a Pollination Model File (POMF).
pomf_file: Path to POMF file containing a dragonfly Model.
folder_name = str(uuid.uuid4())[:6]
temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
folder_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, folder_name)
unzip_file(pomf_file, folder_path)
df_file = os.path.join(folder_path, 'model.json')
return cls.from_dfjson(df_file)
def from_honeybee(cls, model, conversion_method='AllRoom2D'):
"""Initialize a Dragonfly Model from a Honeybee Model.
model: A Honeybee Model to be converted to a Dragonfly Model.
conversion_method: Text to indicate how the Honeybee Rooms should be
converted to Dragonfly. Note that the AllRoom2D option may result
in some loss or simplification of the 3D Honeybee geometry but
ensures that all of Dragonfly's features for editing the rooms can
be used. The ExtrudedOnly method will convert only the 3D Rooms
that would have no loss or simplification of geometry when converted
to Room2D. AllRoom3D keeps all detailed 3D geometry on the
Building.room_3ds property, enabling you to convert the 3D Rooms
to Room2D using the Building.convert_room_3ds_to_2d() method as you
see fit. (Default: AllRoom2D). Choose from the following options.
* AllRoom2D - All Honeybee Rooms converted to Dragonfly Room2D
* ExtrudedOnly - Only pure extrusions converted to Dragonfly Room2D
* AllRoom3D - All Honeybee Rooms left as-is on Building.room_3ds
# translate the rooms to a dragonfly building
bldgs = None
if len(model.rooms) != 0:
bldgs = [Building.from_honeybee(model, conversion_method)]
# translate the orphaned shades to context shades
shades = []
for shd_grp in model.grouped_shades:
base_obj = shd_grp[0]
shd_geo = [s.geometry for s in shd_grp]
con_shade = ContextShade(base_obj.identifier, shd_geo, base_obj.is_detached)
con_shade.display_name = base_obj.display_name
con_shade._user_data = None if base_obj.user_data is None \
else base_obj.user_data.copy()
new_model = cls(model.identifier, bldgs, shades, model.units,
model.tolerance, model.angle_tolerance)
new_model._display_name = model._display_name
return new_model
def from_geojson(cls, geojson_file_path, location=None, point=Point2D(0, 0),
all_polygons_to_buildings=False, existing_to_context=False,
units='Meters', tolerance=None, angle_tolerance=1.0):
"""Make a Model from a geojson file.
geojson_file_path: Text for the full path to the geojson file to load as
location: An optional ladybug location object with longitude and
latitude data defining the origin of the geojson file. If nothing
is passed, the origin is autocalculated as the bottom-left corner
of the bounding box of all building footprints in the geojson file
(Default: None).
point: A ladybug_geometry Point2D for where the location object exists
within the space of a scene. The coordinates of this point are
expected to be in the expected units of this Model (Default: (0, 0)).
all_polygons_to_buildings: Boolean to indicate if all geometries in
the geojson file should be considered buildings. If False, this
method will only generate footprints from geometries that are
defined as a "Building" in the type field of its corresponding
properties. (Default: False).
existing_to_context: Boolean to indicate whether polygons possessing
a building_status of "Existing" under their properties should be
imported as ContextShade instead of Building objects. (Default: False).
units: Text for the units system in which the model geometry
exists. Default: 'Meters'. Choose from the following:
* Meters
* Millimeters
* Feet
* Inches
* Centimeters
Note that this method assumes the point coordinates are in the
same units.
tolerance: The maximum difference between x, y, and z values at which
vertices are considered equivalent. Zero indicates that no tolerance
checks should be performed and certain capabilities like to_honeybee
will not be available. None indicates that the tolerance will be
set based on the units above, with the tolerance consistently being
between 1 cm and 1 mm (roughly the tolerance implicit in the OpenStudio
SDK). (Default: None).
angle_tolerance: The max angle difference in degrees that vertices
are allowed to differ from one another in order to consider them
colinear. Zero indicates that no angle tolerance checks should
be performed. (Default: 1.0).
A tuple with the two items below.
* model -- A dragonfly Model derived from the geoJSON.
* location -- A ladybug Location object, which contains latitude and
longitude information and can be used to re-serialize the model
back to geoJSON.
# parse the geoJSON into a dictionary
with open(geojson_file_path, 'r') as fp:
data = json.load(fp)
# Get the list of building data
if all_polygons_to_buildings:
p_types = ('Polygon', 'MultiPolygon')
bldgs_data = \
[bldg_data for bldg_data in data['features']
if 'geometry' in bldg_data and bldg_data['geometry']['type'] in p_types]
bldgs_data = []
for bldg_data in data['features']:
if 'type' in bldg_data['properties']:
if bldg_data['properties']['type'] == 'Building':
# Check if buildings exist
assert len(bldgs_data) > 0, 'No building footprints were found in {}.\n' \
'Try setting "all_polygons_to_buildings" to True.'.format(geojson_file_path)
# if model units is not Meters, convert non-meter user inputs to meters
scale_to_meters = conversion_factor_to_meters(units)
if units != 'Meters':
point = point.scale(scale_to_meters)
# Get long and lat in the geojson that correspond to the model origin (point).
# If location is None, derive coordinates from the geojson geometry.
if location is None:
point_lon_lat = None
if 'project' in data:
proj_data = data['project']
if 'latitude' in proj_data and 'longitude' in proj_data:
point_lon_lat = (proj_data['latitude'], proj_data['longitude'])
if point_lon_lat is None:
point_lon_lat = cls._bottom_left_coordinate_from_geojson(bldgs_data)
location = Location(longitude=point_lon_lat[0], latitude=point_lon_lat[1])
# The model point may not be at (0, 0), so shift the longitude and latitude to
# get the equivalent point in longitude and latitude for (0, 0) in the model.
origin_lon_lat = origin_long_lat_from_location(location, point)
_convert_facs = meters_to_long_lat_factors(origin_lon_lat)
convert_facs = 1 / _convert_facs[0], 1 / _convert_facs[1]
# Extract buildings
bldgs, contexts = cls._objects_from_geojson(
bldgs_data, existing_to_context, scale_to_meters, origin_lon_lat,
# Make model, in meters and then convert to user-defined units
m_id, m_name = 'Model_1', None
if 'project' in data:
m_id = data['project']['id'] if 'id' in data['project'] else m_id
m_name = data['project']['name'] if 'name' in data['project'] else m_name
model = cls(m_id, buildings=bldgs, context_shades=contexts, units='Meters',
tolerance=tolerance, angle_tolerance=angle_tolerance)
if m_name:
model.display_name = m_name
if units != 'Meters':
return model, location
def units(self):
"""Get or set Text for the units system in which the model geometry exists."""
return self._units
def units(self, value):
assert value in UNITS, '{} is not supported as a units system. ' \
'Choose from the following: {}'.format(value, self.units)
self._units = value
def tolerance(self):
"""Get or set a number for the max meaningful difference between x, y, z values.
This value should be in the Model's units. Zero indicates cases where
no tolerance checks should be performed.
return self._tolerance
def tolerance(self, value):
self._tolerance = float_positive(value, 'model tolerance') if value is not None \
else UNITS_TOLERANCES[self.units]
def angle_tolerance(self):
"""Get or set a number for the max meaningful angle difference in degrees.
Face3D normal vectors differing by this amount are not considered parallel
and Face3D segments that differ from 180 by this amount are not considered
colinear. Zero indicates cases where no angle_tolerance checks should be
return self._angle_tolerance
def angle_tolerance(self, value):
self._angle_tolerance = float_positive(value, 'model angle_tolerance')
def buildings(self):
"""Get a tuple of all Building objects in the model."""
return tuple(self._buildings)
def context_shades(self):
"""Get a tuple of all ContextShade objects in the model."""
return tuple(self._context_shades)
def stories(self):
"""Get a tuple of all unique Story objects in the model."""
return tuple(story for building in self._buildings
for story in building._unique_stories)
def room_2ds(self):
"""Get a tuple of all unique Room2D objects in the model."""
return tuple(room2d for building in self._buildings
for story in building._unique_stories
for room2d in story._room_2ds)
def room_3ds(self):
"""Get a tuple of all 3D Honeybee Room objects in the model."""
return tuple(room3d for building in self._buildings
for room3d in building._room_3ds)
def average_story_count(self):
"""Get the average number of stories for the buildings in the model.
Note that this will be a float and not an integer in most cases.
return sum([bldg.story_count for bldg in self._buildings]) / len(self._buildings)
def average_story_count_above_ground(self):
"""Get the average number of above-ground stories for the buildings in the model.
Note that this will be a float and not an integer in most cases.
return sum([bldg.story_count_above_ground for bldg in self._buildings]) / \
def average_height(self):
"""Get the average height of the Buildings as an absolute Z-coordinate."""
return sum([bldg.height for bldg in self._buildings]) / len(self._buildings)
def average_height_above_ground(self):
"""Get the average building height relative to the first floor above ground."""
return sum([bldg.height_above_ground for bldg in self._buildings]) / \
def footprint_area(self):
"""Get a number for the total footprint area of all Buildings in the Model."""
return sum([bldg.footprint_area for bldg in self._buildings])
def floor_area(self):
"""Get a number for the total floor area of all Buildings in the Model."""
return sum([bldg.floor_area for bldg in self._buildings])
def exterior_wall_area(self):
"""Get a number for the total exterior wall area for all Buildings in the Model.
return sum([bldg.exterior_wall_area for bldg in self._buildings])
def exterior_aperture_area(self):
"""Get a number for the total exterior aperture area for all Buildings.
return sum([bldg.exterior_aperture_area for bldg in self._buildings])
def volume(self):
"""Get a number for the volume of all the Buildings in the Model.
return sum([bldg.volume for bldg in self._buildings])
def min(self):
"""Get a Point2D for the min bounding rectangle vertex in the XY plane.
This is useful in calculations to determine if this Model is in proximity
to other objects.
return self._calculate_min(self._buildings + self._context_shades)
def max(self):
"""Get a Point2D for the max bounding rectangle vertex in the XY plane.
This is useful in calculations to determine if this Model is in proximity
to other objects.
return self._calculate_max(self._buildings + self._context_shades)
def add_model(self, other_model):
"""Add another Dragonfly Model object to this one.
In the case that Building or Story identifiers in the other_model match
one the current model, these objects will be merged together. Room2Ds
that have matching identifiers within a merged Story will not be added
in order to avoid ID conflicts. Context Shades will also not be added if their
identifier matches one that is already in the Model.
# check that the object to merge is a Model and its units are correct
assert isinstance(other_model, Model), \
'Expected Dragonfly Model. Got {}.'.format(type(other_model))
if self.units != other_model.units:
# add the Buildings while checking to see if they should be merged
bldg_to_add = list(self._buildings)
for o_bldg in other_model._buildings:
for e_bldg in bldg_to_add:
if o_bldg.identifier == e_bldg.identifier:
self._buildings = bldg_to_add
# add the ContextShades while checking for duplicate IDs
if len(other_model._context_shades) != 0:
new_context = self._context_shades
exist_set = {shd.identifier for shd in self._context_shades}
for o_shd in other_model._context_shades:
if o_shd.identifier not in exist_set:
self._context_shades = new_context
def add_building(self, obj):
"""Add a Building object to the model.
In the case that the Building or Story identifiers of the input obj match
one the current model, these objects will be merged together. Room2Ds
that are identical within a merged Story will not be merged in order
to avoid ID conflicts.
assert isinstance(obj, Building), 'Expected Building. Got {}.'.format(type(obj))
for e_bldg in self._buildings:
if obj.identifier == e_bldg.identifier:
def add_context_shade(self, obj):
"""Add a ContextShade object to the model."""
assert isinstance(obj, ContextShade), \
'Expected ContextShade. Got {}.'.format(type(obj))
def buildings_by_identifier(self, identifiers):
"""Get a list of Building objects in the model given Building identifiers."""
buildings = []
for identifier in identifiers:
for bldg in self._buildings:
if bldg.identifier == identifier:
raise ValueError(
'Building "{}" was not found in the model.'.format(identifier))
return buildings
def stories_by_identifier(self, identifiers):
"""Get a list of Story objects in the model given Story identifiers."""
stories, model_stories = [], self.stories
for identifier in identifiers:
for story in model_stories:
if story.identifier == identifier:
raise ValueError(
'Story "{}" was not found in the model.'.format(identifier))
return stories
def room_2ds_by_identifier(self, identifiers):
"""Get a list of Room2D objects in the model given Room2D identifiers."""
room_2ds, model_room_2ds = [], self.room_2ds
for identifier in identifiers:
for room in model_room_2ds:
if room.identifier == identifier:
raise ValueError(
'Room2D "{}" was not found in the model.'.format(identifier))
return room_2ds
def room_3ds_by_identifier(self, identifiers):
"""Get a list of 3D Honeybee Room objects in the model given Room identifiers."""
room_3ds, model_room_3ds = [], self.room_3ds
for identifier in identifiers:
for room in model_room_3ds:
if room.identifier == identifier:
raise ValueError(
'Room "{}" was not found in the model.'.format(identifier))
return room_3ds
def context_shade_by_identifier(self, identifiers):
"""Get a list of ContextShade objects in the model given identifiers.
context_shades = []
for identifier in identifiers:
for shd in self._context_shades:
if shd.identifier == identifier:
raise ValueError(
'ContextShade "{}" was not found in the model.'.format(identifier))
return context_shades
def add_prefix(self, prefix):
"""Change the identifier of this object and child objects by inserting a prefix.
This is particularly useful in workflows where you duplicate and edit
a starting object and then want to combine it with the original object
since all objects within a Model must have unique identifiers to be valid.
prefix: Text that will be inserted at the start of this object's
(and child objects') identifier and display_name. It is recommended
that this prefix be short to avoid maxing out the 100 allowable
characters for identifiers.
for bldg in self._buildings:
for shade in self._context_shades:
def resolve_id_collisions(self):
"""Resolve collisions of duplicate identifiers that exist in the Model.
In the case that Building or Story identifiers are duplicated, these objects
will be merged together. In the case that Room2Ds that have matching
identifiers, an integer will be automatically appended to the Room2D ID
to make it unique. Context Shades and 3D Rooms that collide will similarly
have their IDs tweaked with an integer if they are duplicated.
# loop through the Buildings and Stories and combine duplicated IDs
merged_buildings = []
for o_bldg in self._buildings:
for e_bldg in merged_buildings:
if o_bldg.identifier == e_bldg.identifier:
e_bldg.add_stories(o_bldg.unique_stories, add_duplicate_ids=True)
e_bldg.add_room_3ds(o_bldg.room_3ds, add_duplicate_ids=True)
self._buildings = merged_buildings
# loop through all Rooms and ensure their identifiers are unique
rm_dict = {}
for room_2d in self.room_2ds + self.room_3ds:
room_2d.identifier = clean_and_number_string(
room_2d.identifier, rm_dict, 'Room identifier')
# loop through all ContextShades ans ensure their identifiers are unique
shd_dict = {}
for shade in self._context_shades:
shade.identifier = clean_and_number_string(
shade.identifier, shd_dict, 'Shade identifier')
def reset_ids(self, repair_surface_bcs=True):
"""Reset the identifiers of all Model objects to be derived from display_names.
In the event that duplicate identifiers are found, an integer will be
automatically appended to the new ID to make it unique. This is similar
to the routines that automatically assign unique names to OpenStudio SDK
repair_surface_bcs: A Boolean to note whether all Surface boundary
conditions across the model should be updated with the new
identifiers that were generated from the display names. (Default: True).
# set up dictionaries to hold various pieces of information
room_map, face_map, ap_map, dr_map = {}, {}, {}, {}
bldg_dict, story_dict, rm_dict, shd_dict = {}, {}, {}, {}
face_dict, ap_dict, dr_dict = {}, {}, {}
# loop through the objects and change their identifiers
for shade in self._context_shades:
shade.identifier = clean_and_number_string(
shade.display_name, shd_dict, 'Shade identifier')
for bldg in self._buildings:
bldg.identifier = clean_and_number_string(
bldg.display_name, bldg_dict, 'Building identifier')
for story in self.stories:
story.identifier = clean_and_number_string(
story.display_name, story_dict, 'Story identifier')
for rm in self.room_2ds + self.room_3ds:
new_id = clean_and_number_string(
rm.display_name, rm_dict, 'Room identifier')
room_map[rm.identifier] = new_id
rm.identifier = new_id
if isinstance(rm, HBRoom):
for face in rm.faces:
new_id = clean_and_number_string(
face.display_name, face_dict, 'Face identifier')
face_map[face.identifier] = new_id
face.identifier = new_id
for ap in face.apertures:
new_id = clean_and_number_string(
ap.display_name, ap_dict, 'Aperture identifier')
ap_map[ap.identifier] = new_id
ap.identifier = new_id
for dr in face.doors:
new_id = clean_and_number_string(
dr.display_name, dr_dict, 'Door identifier')
dr_map[dr.identifier] = new_id
dr.identifier = new_id
# reset all of the Surface boundary conditions if requested
if repair_surface_bcs:
# reset all of the Surface conditions on the Room2Ds
for room in self.room_2ds:
new_bcs = []
for bc in room.boundary_conditions:
if isinstance(bc, Surface):
old_objs = bc.boundary_condition_objects
face_id = old_objs[0].split('..')[-1]
new_adj_f = '{}..{}'.format(room_map[old_objs[1]], face_id)
new_objs = (new_adj_f, room_map[old_objs[1]])
new_bc = Surface(new_objs)
room.boundary_conditions = new_bcs
# reset all of the Surface conditions on the 3D Rooms
for room in self.room_3ds:
for face in room.faces:
if isinstance(face.boundary_condition, Surface):
old_objs = face.boundary_condition.boundary_condition_objects
new_objs = (face_map[old_objs[0]], room_map[old_objs[1]])
new_bc = Surface(new_objs)
face.boundary_condition = new_bc
for ap in face.apertures:
old_objs = ap.boundary_condition.boundary_condition_objects
new_objs = (ap_map[old_objs[0]], face_map[old_objs[1]],
new_bc = Surface(new_objs, True)
ap.boundary_condition = new_bc
for dr in face.doors:
old_objs = dr.boundary_condition.boundary_condition_objects
new_objs = (dr_map[old_objs[0]], face_map[old_objs[1]],
new_bc = Surface(new_objs, True)
dr.boundary_condition = new_bc
def separate_top_bottom_floors(self, separate_mid=False):
"""Separate top/bottom Stories with non-unity multipliers into their own Stories.
The resulting first and last Stories will each have a multiplier of 1 and
duplicated middle Stories will be added as needed. This method also
automatically assigns the first story Room2Ds to have a ground contact
floor and the top story Room2Ds to have an outdoor-exposed roof.
separate_mid: Boolean to note whether all mid-level Stories with non-unity
multipliers should be separated into two or three Stories. This means
that the top of each unique story will have outdoor-exposed roofs when
no Room2Ds are sensed above a given room. (Default: False).
if not separate_mid:
for bldg in self._buildings:
p_tol = parse_distance_string('0.01m', self.units)
for bldg in self._buildings:
def remove_duplicate_roofs(self):
"""Remove any roof geometries that appear more than once in each building.
This includes duplicated roof geometries assigned to different stories.
tolerance: The maximum difference between values at which point vertices
are considered to be the same. (Default: 0.01, suitable for
objects in Meters).
for bldg in self._buildings:
def set_outdoor_window_parameters(self, window_parameter):
"""Set all outdoor walls of the Buildings to have the same window parameters."""
for bldg in self._buildings:
def set_outdoor_shading_parameters(self, shading_parameter):
"""Set all outdoor walls of the Buildings to have the same shading parameters."""
for bldg in self._buildings:
def to_rectangular_windows(self):
"""Convert all of the windows of the Story to the RectangularWindows format."""
for bldg in self._buildings:
def move(self, moving_vec):
"""Move this Model along a vector.
moving_vec: A ladybug_geometry Vector3D with the direction and distance
to move the model.
for bldg in self._buildings:
for shade in self._context_shades:
def rotate_xy(self, angle, origin):
"""Rotate this Model counterclockwise in the world XY plane by a certain angle.
angle: An angle in degrees.
origin: A ladybug_geometry Point3D for the origin around which the
object will be rotated.
for bldg in self._buildings:
bldg.rotate_xy(angle, origin)
for shade in self._context_shades:
shade.rotate_xy(angle, origin)
self.properties.rotate_xy(angle, origin)
def reflect(self, plane):
"""Reflect this Model across a plane with the input normal vector and origin.
plane: A ladybug_geometry Plane across which the object will
be reflected.
for bldg in self._buildings:
for shade in self._context_shades:
def scale(self, factor, origin=None):
"""Scale this Model by a factor from an origin point.
factor: A number representing how much the object should be scaled.
origin: A ladybug_geometry Point3D representing the origin from which
to scale. If None, it will be scaled from the World origin (0, 0, 0).
for bldg in self._buildings:
bldg.scale(factor, origin)
for shade in self._context_shades:
shade.scale(factor, origin)
self.properties.scale(factor, origin)
def convert_to_units(self, units='Meters'):
"""Convert all of the geometry in this model to certain units.
This involves scaling the geometry, scaling the Model tolerance, and
changing the Model's units property.
units: Text for the units to which the Model geometry should be
converted. Default: Meters. Choose from the following:
* Meters
* Millimeters
* Feet
* Inches
* Centimeters
if self.units != units:
scale_fac1 = conversion_factor_to_meters(self.units)
scale_fac2 = conversion_factor_to_meters(units)
scale_fac = scale_fac1 / scale_fac2
self.tolerance = self.tolerance * scale_fac
self.units = units
def check_all(self, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check all of the aspects of the Model for possible errors.
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if any Model errors are found. If False, this method will simply
return a text string with all errors that were found. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A text string with all errors that were found. This string will be empty
of no errors were found.
# set up defaults to ensure the method runs correctly
detailed = False if raise_exception else detailed
msgs = []
assert self.tolerance != 0, \
'Model must have a non-zero tolerance in order to perform geometry checks.'
tol, a_tol = self.tolerance, self.angle_tolerance
# perform checks for key dragonfly model schema rules
msgs.append(self.check_duplicate_context_shade_identifiers(False, detailed))
msgs.append(self.check_duplicate_room_2d_identifiers(False, detailed))
msgs.append(self.check_duplicate_story_identifiers(False, detailed))
msgs.append(self.check_duplicate_building_identifiers(False, detailed))
msgs.append(self.check_degenerate_room_2ds(tol, False, detailed))
msgs.append(self.check_self_intersecting_room_2ds(tol, False, detailed))
msgs.append(self.check_plenum_depths(tol, False, detailed))
msgs.append(self.check_window_parameters_valid(tol, False, detailed))
msgs.append(self.check_no_room2d_overlaps(tol, False, detailed))
msgs.append(self.check_roofs_above_rooms(tol, False, detailed))
msgs.append(self.check_room2d_floor_heights_valid(False, detailed))
msgs.append(self.check_missing_adjacencies(False, detailed))
msgs.append(self.check_all_room3d(tol, a_tol, False, detailed))
# check the extension attributes
ext_msgs = self._properties._check_extension_attr()
if detailed:
ext_msgs = [m for m in ext_msgs if isinstance(m, list)]
# output a final report of errors or raise an exception
full_msgs = [msg for msg in msgs if msg]
if detailed:
return [m for msg in full_msgs for m in msg]
full_msg = '\n'.join(full_msgs)
if raise_exception and len(full_msgs) != 0:
raise ValueError(full_msg)
return full_msg
def check_duplicate_building_identifiers(self, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check that there are no duplicate Building identifiers in the model.
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if duplicate identifiers are found. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
return check_duplicate_identifiers(
self._buildings, raise_exception, 'Building', detailed, '100004', 'Core',
'Duplicate Building Identifier')
def check_duplicate_story_identifiers(self, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check that there are no duplicate Story identifiers in the model.
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if duplicate identifiers are found. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
return check_duplicate_identifiers(
self.stories, raise_exception, 'Story', detailed, '100003', 'Core',
'Duplicate Story Identifier')
def check_duplicate_room_2d_identifiers(self, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check that there are no duplicate Room2D identifiers in the model.
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if duplicate identifiers are found. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
return check_duplicate_identifiers(
self.room_2ds, raise_exception, 'Room2D', detailed, '100002', 'Core',
'Duplicate Room2D Identifier')
def check_duplicate_context_shade_identifiers(
self, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check that there are no duplicate ContextShade identifiers in the model.
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if duplicate identifiers are found. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
return check_duplicate_identifiers(
self._context_shades, raise_exception, 'ContextShade', detailed,
'100001', 'Core', 'Duplicate ContextShade Identifier')
def check_degenerate_room_2ds(self, tolerance=None, raise_exception=True,
"""Check that all Room2Ds are not degenerate with zero area.
tolerance: The minimum difference between the coordinate values of two
vertices at which they can be considered equivalent. If None, the
Model tolerance will be used. (Default: None).
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if the window parameters are not valid.
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
tolerance = self.tolerance if tolerance is None else tolerance
detailed = False if raise_exception else detailed
msgs = []
for room in self.room_2ds:
msg = room.check_degenerate(tolerance, False, detailed)
if detailed:
elif msg != '':
if detailed:
return msgs
full_msg = '\n'.join(msgs)
if raise_exception and len(msgs) != 0:
raise ValueError(full_msg)
return full_msg
def check_self_intersecting_room_2ds(self, tolerance=None, raise_exception=True,
"""Check that all Room2Ds do not intersect with themselves (like a bowtie).
Note that objects that have duplicate vertices will not be considered
self-intersecting and are valid.
tolerance: The minimum difference between the coordinate values of two
vertices at which they can be considered equivalent. If None, the
Model tolerance will be used. (Default: None).
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if the window parameters are not valid.
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
tolerance = self.tolerance if tolerance is None else tolerance
detailed = False if raise_exception else detailed
msgs = []
for room in self.room_2ds:
msg = room.check_self_intersecting(tolerance, False, detailed)
if detailed:
elif msg != '':
if detailed:
return msgs
full_msg = '\n'.join(msgs)
if raise_exception and len(msgs) != 0:
raise ValueError(full_msg)
return full_msg
def check_room2d_floor_heights_valid(self, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check that all Room2Ds have floor elevations in range to be on the same Story.
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if rooms with inappropriate floor elevations are found. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
bldg_ids = []
for bldg in self._buildings:
for story in bldg._unique_stories:
ov_msg = story.check_room2d_floor_heights_valid(False, detailed)
if ov_msg:
if detailed:
bldg_ids.append('{}\n {}'.format(bldg.full_id, ov_msg))
if detailed:
return bldg_ids
if bldg_ids != []:
msg = 'The following Buildings have Stories with invalid floor elevations' \
if raise_exception:
raise ValueError(msg)
return msg
return ''
def check_plenum_depths(self, tolerance=0.01, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check that all Room2Ds have valid plenum depths.
Valid plenum depths do not exceed the Room2D.floor_to_ceiling_height and
do not contradict the Room2D.has_floor or has_ceiling properties.
tolerance: The minimum difference between the coordinate values of two
vertices at which they can be considered equivalent. (Default: 0.01,
suitable for objects in meters).
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError will be raised
if invalid plenum depths are discovered. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
detailed = False if raise_exception else detailed
msgs = []
for room in self.room_2ds:
msg = room.check_plenum_depths(tolerance, False, detailed)
if detailed:
elif msg != '':
if detailed:
return msgs
full_msg = '\n'.join(msgs)
if raise_exception and len(msgs) != 0:
raise ValueError(full_msg)
return full_msg
def check_window_parameters_valid(
self, tolerance=0.01, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check that all Room2Ds have window parameters produce valid apertures.
This means that the resulting Apertures are completely bounded by their
parent wall Face and attributes like window to wall ratio are accurate.
tolerance: The minimum difference between the coordinate values of two
vertices at which they can be considered equivalent. (Default: 0.01,
suitable for objects in meters).
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if the window parameters are not valid.
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
detailed = False if raise_exception else detailed
msgs = []
for room in self.room_2ds:
msg = room.check_window_parameters_valid(tolerance, False, detailed)
if detailed:
elif msg != '':
if detailed:
return msgs
full_msg = '\n'.join(msgs)
if raise_exception and len(msgs) != 0:
raise ValueError(full_msg)
return full_msg
def check_missing_adjacencies(self, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check that all Room2Ds have adjacent objects that exist within each Story.
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if missing or invalid adjacencies are found. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
bldg_ids = []
for bldg in self._buildings:
for story in bldg._unique_stories:
adj_msg = story.check_missing_adjacencies(False, detailed)
if adj_msg:
if detailed:
bldg_ids.append('{}\n {}'.format(story.full_id, adj_msg))
if detailed:
return bldg_ids
if bldg_ids != []:
msg = 'The following Stories have missing adjacencies in ' \
'the Model:\n{}'.format('\n'.join(bldg_ids))
if raise_exception:
raise ValueError(msg)
return msg
return ''
def check_no_room2d_overlaps(
self, tolerance=None, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check that geometries of Room2Ds do not overlap with one another.
Overlaps in Room2Ds mean that the Room volumes will collide with one
another during translation to Honeybee.
tolerance: The minimum distance that two Room2Ds geometries can overlap
with one another and still be considered valid. If None, the Model
tolerance will be used. (Default: None).
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if overlapping geometries are found. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
tolerance = self.tolerance if tolerance is None else tolerance
bldg_ids = []
for bldg in self._buildings:
for story in bldg._unique_stories:
ov_msg = story.check_no_room2d_overlaps(tolerance, False, detailed)
if ov_msg:
if detailed:
bldg_ids.append('{}\n {}'.format(bldg.full_id, ov_msg))
if detailed:
return bldg_ids
if bldg_ids != []:
msg = 'The following Buildings have overlaps in their Room2D geometry' \
if raise_exception:
raise ValueError(msg)
return msg
return ''
def check_roofs_above_rooms(
self, tolerance=None, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check that geometries of RoofSpecifications do not overlap with one another.
Overlaps make the Roof geometry unusable for translation to Honeybee.
tolerance: The minimum distance that two Roof geometries can overlap
with one another and still be considered valid. If None, the Model
tolerance will be used. (Default: None).
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if overlapping geometries are found. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
tolerance = self.tolerance if tolerance is None else tolerance
bldg_ids = []
for bldg in self._buildings:
for story in bldg._unique_stories:
ov_msg = story.check_roofs_above_rooms(tolerance, False, detailed)
if ov_msg:
if detailed:
bldg_ids.append('{}\n {}'.format(bldg.full_id, ov_msg))
if detailed:
return bldg_ids
if bldg_ids != []:
msg = 'The following Buildings have roof geometries located below ' \
'their assigned story:\n{}'.format('\n'.join(bldg_ids))
if raise_exception:
raise ValueError(msg)
return msg
return ''
def check_no_roof_overlaps(
self, tolerance=None, raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check that geometries of RoofSpecifications do not overlap with one another.
This is not a requirement for the Model to be valid but it is sometimes
useful to check.
tolerance: The minimum distance that two Roof geometries can overlap
with one another and still be considered valid. If None, the Model
tolerance will be used. (Default: None).
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if overlapping geometries are found. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
tolerance = self.tolerance if tolerance is None else tolerance
bldg_ids = []
for bldg in self._buildings:
for story in bldg._unique_stories:
ov_msg = story.check_no_roof_overlaps(tolerance, False, detailed)
if ov_msg:
if detailed:
bldg_ids.append('{}\n {}'.format(bldg.full_id, ov_msg))
if detailed:
return bldg_ids
if bldg_ids != []:
msg = 'The following Buildings have overlaps in their roof geometry' \
if raise_exception:
raise ValueError(msg)
return msg
return ''
def check_all_room3d(
self, tolerance=None, angle_tolerance=None,
raise_exception=True, detailed=False):
"""Check all attributes of 3D Honeybee Rooms assigned to the Model's Buildings.
This includes checking for duplicate Room/Face/Aperture/Door/Shade identifiers,
checking planarity/self-intersection/degeneracy, checking that all rooms are,
solid, and checking the adjacencies (among other attributes).
tolerance: tolerance: The maximum difference between x, y, and z values
at which face vertices are considered equivalent. If None, the Model
tolerance will be used. (Default: None).
angle_tolerance: The max angle difference in degrees that vertices are
allowed to differ from one another in order to consider them colinear.
If None, the Model angle_tolerance will be used. (Default: None).
raise_exception: Boolean to note whether a ValueError should be raised
if an error is found. (Default: True).
detailed: Boolean for whether the returned object is a detailed list of
dicts with error info or a string with a message. (Default: False).
A string with the message or a list with a dictionary if detailed is True.
room_3ds = self.room_3ds
if len(room_3ds) != 0:
tol = self.tolerance if tolerance is None else tolerance
a_tol = self.angle_tolerance if angle_tolerance is None else angle_tolerance
dummy_model = HBModel(
'validation_model', room_3ds, units=self.units,
tolerance=tol, angle_tolerance=a_tol)
return dummy_model.check_all(raise_exception, detailed)
return [] if detailed else ''
def to_honeybee(self, object_per_model='Building', shade_distance=None,
use_multiplier=True, exclude_plenums=False, cap=False,
solve_ceiling_adjacencies=False, tolerance=None,
enforce_adj=True, enforce_solid=True):
"""Convert Dragonfly Model to an array of Honeybee Models.
object_per_model: Text to describe how the input Buildings should be
divided across the output Models. (Default: 'Building'). Choose from
the following options:
* District - All buildings will be added to a single Honeybee Model.
Such a Model can take a long time to simulate so this is only
recommended for small numbers of buildings or cases where
exchange of data between Buildings is necessary.
* Building - Each building will be exported into its own Model.
For each Model, the other buildings input to this component will
appear as context shade geometry.
* Story - Each Story of each Building will be exported into its
own Model. For each Honeybee Model, the other input Buildings
will appear as context shade geometry as will all of the other
stories of the same building.
shade_distance: An optional number to note the distance beyond which other
objects' shade should not be exported into a given Model. This is
helpful for reducing the simulation run time of each Model when other
connected buildings are too far away to have a meaningful impact on
the results. If None, all other buildings will be included as context
shade in each and every Model. Set to 0 to exclude all neighboring
buildings from the resulting models. (Default: None).
use_multiplier: If True, the multipliers on this Model's Stories will be
passed along to the generated Honeybee Room objects, indicating the
simulation will be run once for each unique room and then results
will be multiplied. If False, full geometry objects will be written
for each and every floor in the building that are represented through
multipliers and all resulting multipliers will be 1. (Default: True).
exclude_plenums: Boolean to indicate whether ceiling/floor plenum depths
assigned to Room2Ds should be ignored during translation. This
results in each Room2D translating to a single Honeybee Room at
the full floor_to_ceiling_height instead of a base Room with (a)
plenum Room(s). (Default: False).
cap: Boolean to note whether building shade representations should be capped
with a top face. Usually, this is not necessary to account for
blocked sun and is only needed when it's important to account for
reflected sun off of roofs. (Default: False).
solve_ceiling_adjacencies: Boolean to note whether adjacencies should be
solved between interior stories when Room2D floor and ceiling
geometries are coplanar. This ensures that Surface boundary
conditions are used instead of Adiabatic ones. Note that this input
has no effect when the object_per_model is Story. (Default: False).
tolerance: The minimum distance in z values of floor_height and
floor_to_ceiling_height at which adjacent Faces will be split.
This is also used in the generation of Windows. This must be a
positive, non-zero number. If None, the Model's own tolerance
will be used. (Default: None).
enforce_adj: Boolean to note whether an exception should be raised if
an adjacency between two Room2Ds is invalid (True) or if the invalid
Surface boundary condition should be replaced with an Outdoor
boundary condition (False). If False, any Walls containing
WindowParameters and an illegal boundary condition will also
be replaced with an Outdoor boundary condition. (Default: True).
enforce_solid: Boolean to note whether rooms should be translated
as solid extrusions whenever translating them with custom
roof geometry produces a non-solid result (True) or the non-solid
room geometry should be allowed to remain in the result (False).
The latter is useful for understanding why a particular roof
geometry has produced a non-solid result. (Default: True).
An array of Honeybee Models that together represent this Dragonfly Model.
# check the tolerance, which is required to convert to honeybee
tolerance = self.tolerance if tolerance is None else tolerance
assert tolerance != 0, \
'Model tolerance must be non-zero to use Model.to_honeybee.'
# create the model objects
opm = object_per_model.title()
if len(self.buildings) == 0: # model containing only context shade
hb_shades, hb_shade_meshes = [], []
for shd in self.context_shades:
for s in shd.to_honeybee():
if isinstance(s, HBShade):
h_model = HBModel(self.identifier, orphaned_shades=hb_shades,
h_model.display_name = self.display_name
models = [h_model]
elif object_per_model is None or opm == 'Building':
models = Building.buildings_to_honeybee(
self._buildings, self._context_shades, shade_distance,
use_multiplier, exclude_plenums, cap, tolerance=tolerance,
enforce_adj=enforce_adj, enforce_solid=enforce_solid)
elif opm == 'Story':
models = Building.stories_to_honeybee(
self._buildings, self._context_shades, shade_distance,
use_multiplier, exclude_plenums, cap, tolerance=tolerance,
enforce_adj=enforce_adj, enforce_solid=enforce_solid)
elif opm == 'District':
models = [Building.district_to_honeybee(
self._buildings, use_multiplier, exclude_plenums, tolerance=tolerance,
enforce_adj=enforce_adj, enforce_solid=enforce_solid)]
for shd_group in self._context_shades:
for shd in shd_group.to_honeybee():
for model in models:
if isinstance(shd, HBShade):
raise ValueError('Unrecognized object_per_model input: '
# solve ceiling adjacencies if requested
if solve_ceiling_adjacencies and len(self.buildings) != 0 and \
opm in ('Building', 'District'):
story_rel_types = {}
has_flr_ceil = [] if opm == 'Building' else [[]]
for bldg in self.buildings:
if not exclude_plenums and bldg.has_room_2d_plenums:
bldg = bldg.duplicate() # avoid mutating the Building instance
if opm == 'Building':
stories = bldg.unique_stories if use_multiplier else bldg.all_stories()
for i, story in enumerate(stories):
rel_types = []
if i == 0 or stories[i - 1].multiplier == 1:
if story.multiplier == 1:
story_rel_types[story.display_name] = tuple(rel_types)
for model, flr_ceil in zip(models, has_flr_ceil):
self._solve_ceil_adj(model.rooms, story_rel_types, flr_ceil,
tolerance, self.angle_tolerance)
# change the tolerance and units systems to match the dragonfly model
for model in models:
model.units = self.units
model.tolerance = tolerance
model.angle_tolerance = self.angle_tolerance
# transfer Model extension attributes to the honeybee models
for h_model in models:
h_model._properties = self.properties.to_honeybee(h_model)
return models
def to_geojson_dict(self, location, point=Point2D(0, 0), tolerance=None):
"""Convert Dragonfly Model to a geoJSON-style Python dictionary.
This dictionary can be written into a JSON, which is then a valid geoJSON
that can be visualized in any geoJSON viewer. Each dragonfly Building
will appear in the geoJSON as a single feature (either as a Polygon or
a MultiPolygon).
location: A ladybug Location object possessing longitude and latitude data.
point: A ladybug_geometry Point2D for where the location object exists
within the space of a scene. The coordinates of this point are
expected to be in the units of this Model. (Default: (0, 0)).
tolerance: The minimum distance between points at which they are
not considered touching. If None, the Model's own tolerance
will be used. (Default: None).
A Python dictionary in a geoJSON style with each Building in the Model
as a separate feature.
# set up the base dictionary for the geoJSON
geojson_dict = {'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': [], 'mappers': []}
# ensure that the Model we are working with is in meters
model = self
if self.units != 'Meters':
model = self.duplicate() # duplicate to avoid editing this object
point = point.scale(conversion_factor_to_meters(self.units))
# assign the site information in the project key
project_dict = {
'id': self.identifier,
'name': self.display_name,
'city': location.city,
'country': location.country,
'elevation': location.elevation,
'latitude': location.latitude,
'longitude': location.longitude,
'time_zone': location.time_zone,
'cad_coordinates': [point.x, point.y]
geojson_dict['project'] = project_dict
# get the conversion factors over to (longitude, latitude)
origin_lon_lat = origin_long_lat_from_location(location, point)
convert_facs = meters_to_long_lat_factors(origin_lon_lat)
tolerance = self.tolerance if tolerance is None else tolerance
# export each building as a feature in the file
for bldg in model.buildings:
# create the base dictionary
feature_dict = {'geometry': {}, 'properties': {}, 'type': 'Feature'}
# add the geometry including coordinates
footprint = bldg.footprint(tolerance)
if len(footprint) == 1:
feature_dict['geometry']['type'] = 'Polygon'
feature_dict['geometry']['coordinates'] = \
footprint[0], origin_lon_lat, convert_facs)
feature_dict['geometry']['type'] = 'MultiPolygon'
all_coords = []
for floor in footprint:
floor, origin_lon_lat, convert_facs))
feature_dict['geometry']['coordinates'] = all_coords
# add several of the properties to the geoJSON
feature_dict['properties']['building_type'] = 'Mixed use'
feature_dict['properties']['floor_area'] = bldg.floor_area
feature_dict['properties']['footprint_area'] = bldg.footprint_area
feature_dict['properties']['id'] = bldg.identifier
feature_dict['properties']['name'] = bldg.display_name
feature_dict['properties']['number_of_stories'] = bldg.story_count
feature_dict['properties']['number_of_stories_above_ground'] = \
feature_dict['properties']['maximum_roof_height'] = \
feature_dict['properties']['floor_height'] = bldg.height / bldg.story_count
feature_dict['properties']['type'] = 'Building'
# attempt to determine the year built from the construction set
year_built = datetime.date.today().year
if hasattr(bldg.properties, 'energy'):
cs_name = bldg.properties.energy.construction_set.display_name
if len(cs_name) >= 4 and all(txt.isdigit() for txt in cs_name[:4]):
year_built = int(cs_name[:4])
feature_dict['properties']['year_built'] = year_built
# append the feature to the global dictionary
return geojson_dict
def to_geojson(self, location, point=Point2D(0, 0), folder=None, tolerance=None):
"""Convert Dragonfly Model to a geoJSON of buildings footprints.
This geoJSON will be in a format that is compatible with the URBANopt SDK,
including properties for floor_area, footprint_area, and detailed_model_filename,
which will align with the paths to OpenStudio model (.osm) files output
from honeybee Models translated to OSM.
location: A ladybug Location object possessing longitude and latitude data.
point: A ladybug_geometry Point2D for where the location object exists
within the space of a scene. The coordinates of this point are
expected to be in the units of this Model. (Default: (0, 0)).
folder: Text for the full path to where the geojson file will be written.
If None, a sub-folder within the honeybee default simulation
folder will be used. (Default: None).
tolerance: The minimum distance between points at which they are
not considered touching. If None, the Model's own tolerance
will be used. (Default: None).
The path to a geoJSON file that contains polygons for all of the
Buildings within the dragonfly model along with their properties
(floor area, number of stories, etc.). The polygons will also possess
detailed_model_filename keys that align with where OpenStudio models
would be written, assuming the input folder matches that used to
export OpenStudio models.
# set the default simulation folder
if folder is None:
folder = folders.default_simulation_folder
# get the geojson dictionary
geojson_dict = self.to_geojson_dict(location, point, tolerance)
# write out the dictionary to a geojson file
project_folder = os.path.join(
folder, re.sub(r'[^.A-Za-z0-9_-]', '_', self.display_name))
preparedir(project_folder, remove_content=False)
file_path = os.path.join(project_folder, '{}.geojson'.format(self.identifier))
with open(file_path, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(geojson_dict, fp, indent=4)
return file_path
def to_dict(self, included_prop=None):
"""Return Model as a dictionary.
included_prop: List of properties to filter keys that must be included in
output dictionary. For example ['energy'] will include 'energy' key if
available in properties to_dict. By default all the keys will be
included. To exclude all the keys from extensions use an empty list.
base = {'type': 'Model'}
base['identifier'] = self.identifier
base['display_name'] = self.display_name
base['properties'] = self.properties.to_dict(included_prop)
if self._buildings != []:
base['buildings'] = \
[bldg.to_dict(True, included_prop) for bldg in self._buildings]
if self._context_shades != []:
base['context_shades'] = \
[shd.to_dict(True, included_prop) for shd in self._context_shades]
base['units'] = self.units
if self.tolerance != 0:
base['tolerance'] = self.tolerance
if self.angle_tolerance != 0:
base['angle_tolerance'] = self.angle_tolerance
if self.user_data is not None:
base['user_data'] = self.user_data
if df_folders.dragonfly_schema_version is not None:
base['version'] = df_folders.dragonfly_schema_version_str
return base
def to_dfjson(self, name=None, folder=None, indent=None, included_prop=None):
"""Write Dragonfly model to DFJSON.
name: A text string for the name of the DFJSON file. If None, the model
identifier wil be used. (Default: None).
folder: A text string for the directory where the DFJSON will be written.
If unspecified, the default simulation folder will be used. This
is usually at "C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\simulation" on Windows.
indent: A positive integer to set the indentation used in the resulting
DFJSON file. (Default: None).
included_prop: List of properties to filter keys that must be included in
output dictionary. For example ['energy'] will include 'energy' key if
available in properties to_dict. By default all the keys will be
included. To exclude all the keys from extensions use an empty list.
# create dictionary from the Dragonfly Model
df_dict = self.to_dict(included_prop=included_prop)
# set up a name and folder for the DFJSON
if name is None:
name = self.identifier
file_name = name if name.lower().endswith('.dfjson') or \
name.lower().endswith('.json') else '{}.dfjson'.format(name)
folder = folder if folder is not None else folders.default_simulation_folder
df_file = os.path.join(folder, file_name)
# write DFJSON
with open(df_file, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(df_dict, fp, indent=indent)
return df_file
def to_dfpkl(self, name=None, folder=None, included_prop=None):
"""Writes Dragonfly model to compressed pickle file (DFpkl).
name: A text string for the name of the pickle file. If None, the model
identifier wil be used. (Default: None).
folder: A text string for the directory where the pickle will be written.
If unspecified, the default simulation folder will be used. This
is usually at "C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\simulation."
included_prop: List of properties to filter keys that must be included in
output dictionary. For example ['energy'] will include 'energy' key if
available in properties to_dict. By default all the keys will be
included. To exclude all the keys from extensions use an empty list.
# create dictionary from the Dragonfly Model
df_dict = self.to_dict(included_prop=included_prop)
# set up a name and folder for the DFpkl
if name is None:
name = self.identifier
file_name = name if name.lower().endswith('.dfpkl') or \
name.lower().endswith('.pkl') else '{}.dfpkl'.format(name)
folder = folder if folder is not None else folders.default_simulation_folder
df_file = os.path.join(folder, file_name)
# write the Model dictionary into a file
with open(df_file, 'wb') as fp:
pickle.dump(df_dict, fp)
return df_file
def to(self):
"""Model writer object.
Use this method to access Writer class to write the model in other formats.
return writer
def lines_from_pomf(pomf_file):
"""Extract all line geometry objects from a POMF file.
This includes LineSegment2Ds, Polyline2Ds and Polygon2Ds.
pomf_file: Path to POMF file containing line geometry.
# extract the zip folder
folder_name = str(uuid.uuid4())[:6]
temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
folder_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, folder_name)
unzip_file(pomf_file, folder_path)
model_file = os.path.join(folder_path, 'model.json')
tldraw_file = os.path.join(folder_path, 'tldraw.json')
# load the JSON data
with io.open(model_file, encoding='utf-8') as inf:
second_char = inf.read(1)
with io.open(model_file, encoding='utf-8') as inf:
if second_char == '{':
model_data = json.load(inf)
tolerance = model_data['tolerance']
with io.open(tldraw_file, encoding='utf-8') as inf:
second_char = inf.read(1)
with io.open(tldraw_file, encoding='utf-8') as inf:
if second_char == '[':
data = json.load(inf)
# get the construction line objects within the data
scale_factor = 10 # converter between canvas and CAD
line_objs = []
for geo_item in data:
if 'type' in geo_item and geo_item['type'] == 'construction-line':
points = geo_item['props']['points']
# convert points from web canvas to CAD space
for i, pt in enumerate(points):
points[i] = [pt[0] / scale_factor, -pt[1] / scale_factor]
if len(points) == 2:
elif len(points) > 2:
geo_obj = Polyline2D.from_array(points)
if geo_obj.is_closed(tolerance):
geo_obj = geo_obj.to_polygon(tolerance)
return line_objs
def model_dict_room_2d_subset(model_dict, room_2d_ids):
"""Get a dragonfly Model dictionary that has been filtered for a Room2D subset.
This is useful when you are only interested in visualizing or exporting a
subset of Room2Ds to a file and so it is not desirable to serialize the
entire Dragonfly Model.
model_dict: A dictionary of a Dragonfly Model.
room_2d_ids: An optional list of the identifiers for the Room2Ds
to be included in the output dictionary.
A copy of the input Dragonfly Model dictionary, which contains only
the Room2Ds listed in the room_2d_ids. All ContextShade and 3D Honeybee
Rooms are removed but slanted Roof geometries are included if they are
relevant to the Room2Ds.
return Model.model_dict_subset(model_dict, room_2d_ids)
def model_dict_subset(
model_dict, room_2d_ids=None, room_3d_ids=None, shade_ids=None):
"""Get a dragonfly Model dictionary that has been filtered for certain objects.
This is useful when you are only interested in visualizing or exporting a
subset of objects to a file and so it is not desirable to serialize the
entire Dragonfly Model.
model_dict: A dictionary of a Dragonfly Model.
room_2d_ids: An optional list of the identifiers for the Room2Ds
to be included in the output dictionary. If None, no Room2D
dictionaries will be in the result. (Default: None).
room_3d_ids: An optional list of the identifiers for the 3D Rooms
to be included in the output dictionary. If None, no 3D Room
dictionaries will be in the result. (Default: None).
shade_ids: An optional list of the identifiers for the ContextShades
to be included in the output dictionary. If None, no ContextShade
dictionaries will be in the result. (Default: None).
A copy of the input Dragonfly Model dictionary, which contains only
the Room2Ds listed in the room_2d_ids, the 3D Rooms listed in the
room_3d_ids, and ContextShades in the shade_ids. Slanted Roof geometries
are included if they are relevant to the Room2Ds.
# build a copy of the model_dict with geometry excluded
ex_keys = ('buildings', 'context_shades')
filtered_model = {key: v for key, v in model_dict.items() if key not in ex_keys}
r3_ids = None
if room_3d_ids is not None and len(room_3d_ids) != 0:
r3_ids = set(room_3d_ids)
# loop through the Buildings and grab the relevant Rooms
if room_2d_ids is not None and len(room_2d_ids) != 0:
room_ids = set(room_2d_ids)
if 'buildings' in model_dict and model_dict['buildings'] is not None:
new_bldgs = []
for b_dict in model_dict['buildings']:
r_2ds_found = False
if 'unique_stories' in b_dict and \
b_dict['unique_stories'] is not None:
new_stories, new_roofs = [], []
for s_dict in b_dict['unique_stories']:
r_dicts = [r for r in s_dict['room_2ds']
if r['identifier'] in room_ids]
if len(r_dicts) != 0:
new_story = s_dict.copy()
new_story['room_2ds'] = r_dicts
rf_dict = s_dict['roof'] if 'roof' in s_dict else None
new_roofs.append([s_dict['identifier'], rf_dict])
if len(new_stories) != 0:
new_bldg = b_dict.copy()
new_bldg['unique_stories'] = new_stories
new_bldg['_roofs'] = new_roofs
r_2ds_found = True
if r3_ids is not None:
if 'room_3ds' in b_dict and b_dict['room_3ds'] is not None:
new_room_3ds = []
for r3_dict in b_dict['room_3ds']:
if r3_dict['identifier'] in r3_ids:
if len(new_room_3ds) != 0:
if r_2ds_found:
new_bldg = new_bldgs[-1]
new_bldg['room_3ds'] = new_room_3ds
new_bldg = b_dict.copy()
new_bldg['room_3ds'] = new_room_3ds
filtered_model['buildings'] = new_bldgs
elif r3_ids is not None: # only 3D Rooms to visualize
if 'buildings' in model_dict and model_dict['buildings'] is not None:
new_bldgs = []
for b_dict in model_dict['buildings']:
if 'room_3ds' in b_dict and b_dict['room_3ds'] is not None:
new_room_3ds = []
for r3_dict in b_dict['room_3ds']:
if r3_dict['identifier'] in r3_ids:
if len(new_room_3ds) != 0:
new_bldg = b_dict.copy()
new_bldg['room_3ds'] = new_room_3ds
filtered_model['buildings'] = new_bldgs
# loop through the ContextShades and grab the relevant objects
if shade_ids is not None and len(shade_ids) != 0:
cs_ids = set(shade_ids)
if 'context_shades' in model_dict and \
model_dict['context_shades'] is not None:
new_shades = []
for cs_dict in model_dict['context_shades']:
if cs_dict['identifier'] in cs_ids:
filtered_model['context_shades'] = new_shades
return filtered_model
def _solve_ceil_adj(rooms, story_rel_types, has_floor_ceil,
tolerance=0.01, angle_tolerance=1):
"""Solve Floor/Ceiling adjacencies between a list of rooms."""
# intersect the Rooms with one another for matching adjacencies
HBRoom.intersect_adjacency(rooms, tolerance, angle_tolerance)
# solve all adjacencies between rooms
relevant_types = (Floor, RoofCeiling)
for i, (room_1, fc_1) in enumerate(zip(rooms, has_floor_ceil)):
for room_2, fc_2 in zip(rooms[i + 1:], has_floor_ceil[i + 1:]):
if not Polyface3D.overlapping_bounding_boxes(
room_1.geometry, room_2.geometry, tolerance):
continue # no overlap in bounding box; adjacency impossible
for face_1 in room_1._faces:
if isinstance(face_1.boundary_condition, Surface) or \
not isinstance(face_1.type, relevant_types):
continue # face is not the right type for ceiling adj
for face_2 in room_2._faces:
if isinstance(face_2.boundary_condition, Surface) or \
not isinstance(face_2.type, relevant_types):
continue # face is not the right type for ceiling adj
if face_1.geometry.is_centered_adjacent(
face_2.geometry, tolerance):
hf_1, hc_1 = fc_1
hf_2, hc_2 = fc_2
if not hc_1 and not hf_2:
if isinstance(face_1.type, RoofCeiling) and \
isinstance(face_2.type, Floor):
face_1.type = face_types.air_boundary
face_2.type = face_types.air_boundary
if not hf_1 and not hc_2:
if isinstance(face_2.type, RoofCeiling) and \
isinstance(face_1.type, Floor):
face_1.type = face_types.air_boundary
face_2.type = face_types.air_boundary
except IndexError:
pass # we have reached the end of the list of zones
# change any remaining Floor/Roof boundary conditions to be outdoors
relevant_bcs = (Outdoors, Surface, Ground)
for room in rooms:
rel_types = story_rel_types[room.story]
for face in room._faces:
if isinstance(face.type, rel_types):
if not isinstance(face.boundary_condition, relevant_bcs):
face.boundary_condition = boundary_conditions.outdoors
# remove any degenerate geometry from the rooms
adj_dict = {} # dictionary to track adjacent geometries
for room in rooms:
r_adj = room.clean_envelope(adj_dict, tolerance=tolerance)
except AssertionError as e: # room removed; likely wrong units
error = 'Failed to remove degenerate geometry for Room {}.\n{}'.format(
room.full_id, e)
raise ValueError(error)
def _objects_from_geojson(bldgs_data, existing_to_context, scale_to_meters,
origin_lon_lat, convert_facs):
"""Get Dragonfly Building and ContextShade objects from a geoJSON dictionary.
bldgs_data: A list of geoJSON object dictionaries, including polygons
to be turned into buildings and context.
existing_to_context: Boolean to indicate whether polygons possessing
a building_status of "Existing" under their properties should be
imported as ContextShade instead of Building objects.
scale_to_meters: Factor for converting the building heights to meters.
origin_lon_lat: An array of two numbers in degrees for origin lat and lon.
convert_facs: A tuple with two values used to translate between
meters and longitude, latitude.
bldgs, contexts = [], []
for i, bldg_data in enumerate(bldgs_data):
# get footprints
footprint = []
geojson_coordinates = bldg_data['geometry']['coordinates']
prop = bldg_data['properties']
if bldg_data['geometry']['type'] == 'Polygon':
face3d = Model._geojson_coordinates_to_face3d(
geojson_coordinates, origin_lon_lat, convert_facs)
else: # if MultiPolygon, account for multiple polygons
for _geojson_coordinates in geojson_coordinates:
face3d = Model._geojson_coordinates_to_face3d(
_geojson_coordinates, origin_lon_lat, convert_facs)
# determine whether the footprint should be context or a building
if existing_to_context and 'building_status' in prop \
and prop['building_status'] == 'Existing':
ht = prop['maximum_roof_height'] * scale_to_meters \
if 'maximum_roof_height' in prop else 3.5
extru_vec = Vector3D(0, 0, ht)
geo = [Face3D.from_extrusion(seg, extru_vec) for face3d in footprint
for seg in face3d.boundary_segments]
shd_id = 'Context_{}'.format(i) if 'id' not in prop else prop['id']
contexts.append(ContextShade(shd_id, geo))
# Define building heights from file or assign default single-storey building
if 'maximum_roof_height' in prop and 'number_of_stories' in prop:
story_height = (prop['maximum_roof_height'] * scale_to_meters) \
/ prop['number_of_stories']
story_heights = [story_height] * prop['number_of_stories']
elif 'number_of_stories' in prop:
story_heights = [3.5] * prop['number_of_stories']
else: # just import it as one story per building
story_heights = [3.5]
# make building object
bldg_id = 'Building_{}'.format(i) if 'id' not in prop else prop['id']
bldg = Building.from_footprint(bldg_id, footprint, story_heights)
if 'name' in prop:
bldg.display_name = prop['name']
# assign windows to the buildings
if 'window_to_wall_ratio' in prop:
win_par = SimpleWindowRatio(prop['window_to_wall_ratio'])
# add any extension attributes and add the building to the list
return bldgs, contexts
def _face3d_to_geojson_coordinates(face3d, origin_lon_lat, convert_facs):
"""Convert a horizontal Face3D to geoJSON coordinates."""
coords = [polygon_to_lon_lat(
[(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in face3d.boundary], origin_lon_lat, convert_facs)]
if face3d.has_holes:
for hole in face3d.holes:
hole_verts = polygon_to_lon_lat(
[(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in hole], origin_lon_lat, convert_facs)
return coords
def _geojson_coordinates_to_face3d(geojson_coordinates, origin_lon_lat,
"""Convert geoJSON coordinates to a horizontal Face3D with zero height.
geojson_coordinates: The coordinates from the geojson file. For 'Polygon'
geometries, this will be the list from the 'coordinates' key in the
geojson file, for 'MultiPolygon' geometries, this will be each item
in the list from the 'coordinates' key.
origin_lon_lat: An array of two numbers in degrees representing the
longitude and latitude of the scene origin in degrees.
convert_facs: A tuple with two values used to translate between
longitude, latitude and meters.
A Face3D object in model space coordinates converted from the geojson
coordinates. The height of the Face3D vertices will be 0.
holes = None
coords = lon_lat_to_polygon(geojson_coordinates[0], origin_lon_lat, convert_facs)
coords = [Point3D(pt2d[0], pt2d[1], 0) for pt2d in coords][:-1]
# If there are more then 1 polygons, then the other polygons are holes.
if len(geojson_coordinates) > 1:
holes = []
for hole_geojson_coordinates in geojson_coordinates[1:]:
hole_coords = lon_lat_to_polygon(
hole_geojson_coordinates, origin_lon_lat, convert_facs)
hole_coords = [Point3D(pt2d[0], pt2d[1], 0) for pt2d in hole_coords][:-1]
return Face3D(coords, plane=Plane(n=Vector3D(0, 0, 1)), holes=holes)
def _bottom_left_coordinate_from_geojson(bldgs_data):
"""Calculate the bottom-left bounding box coordinate from geojson coordinates.
bldgs_data: a list of dictionaries containing geojson geometries that
represent building footprints.
The bottom-left most corner of the bounding box around the coordinates.
xs, ys = [], []
for bldg in bldgs_data:
bldg_coords = bldg['geometry']['coordinates']
if bldg['geometry']['type'] == 'Polygon':
for bldg_footprint in bldg_coords:
xs.extend([coords[0] for coords in bldg_footprint])
ys.extend([coords[1] for coords in bldg_footprint])
for bldg_footprints in bldg_coords:
for bldg_footprint in bldg_footprints:
xs.extend([coords[0] for coords in bldg_footprint])
ys.extend([coords[1] for coords in bldg_footprint])
return min(xs), min(ys)
def __add__(self, other):
new_model = self.duplicate()
return new_model
def __iadd__(self, other):
return self
def __copy__(self):
new_model = Model(
[bldg.duplicate() for bldg in self._buildings],
[shade.duplicate() for shade in self._context_shades],
self.units, self.tolerance, self.angle_tolerance)
new_model._display_name = self.display_name
new_model._user_data = None if self.user_data is None else self.user_data.copy()
return new_model
def __repr__(self):
return 'Dragonfly Model: %s' % self.display_name