honeybee.radiance.pattern package


honeybee.radiance.pattern.brightdata module

Radiance Brightdata Texture.


class honeybee.radiance.pattern.brightdata.Brightdata(name, modifier=None, values=None, is_opaque=None)[source]

Bases: honeybee.radiance.pattern.patternbase.RadiancePattern

Radiance Brightdata Material.

Brightdata is like colordata, except monochromatic.

mod brightdata id 3+n+

func datafile funcfile x1 x2 .. xn transform

0 m A1 A2 .. Am

honeybee.radiance.pattern.brightfunc module

Radiance Brightfunc Pattern.


class honeybee.radiance.pattern.brightfunc.Brightfunc(name, modifier=None, values=None, is_opaque=None)[source]

Bases: honeybee.radiance.pattern.patternbase.RadiancePattern

Radiance Brightfunc Material.

A brightfunc is the same as a colorfunc, except it is monochromatic.

mod brightfunc id 2+ refl funcfile transform 0 n A1 A2 .. An

honeybee.radiance.pattern.brighttext module

Radiance Brighttext Pattern.


class honeybee.radiance.pattern.brighttext.Brighttext(name, modifier=None, values=None, is_opaque=None)[source]

Bases: honeybee.radiance.pattern.patternbase.RadiancePattern

Radiance Brighttext Pattern.

Brighttext is like colortext, but the writing is monochromatic.

mod brighttext id 2 fontfile textfile 0 11+

Ox Oy Oz Rx Ry Rz Dx Dy Dz foreground background [spacing]


mod brighttext id 2+N fontfile . This is a line with N words … 0 11+

Ox Oy Oz Rx Ry Rz Dx Dy Dz foreground background [spacing]

By default, a uniform spacing algorithm is used that guarantees every character will appear in a precisely determined position. Unfortunately, such a scheme results in rather unattractive and difficult to read text with most fonts. The optional spacing value defines the distance between characters for proportional spacing. A positive value selects a spacing algorithm that preserves right margins and indentation, but does not provide the ultimate in proportionally spaced text. A negative value insures that characters are properly spaced, but the placement of words then varies unpredictably. The choice depends on the relative importance of spacing versus formatting. When presenting a section of formatted text, a positive spacing value is usually preferred. A single line of text will often be accompanied by a negative spacing value. A section of text meant to depict a picture, perhaps using a special purpose font such as hexbit4x1.fnt, calls for uniform spacing. Reasonable magnitudes for proportional spacing are between 0.1 (for tightly spaced characters) and 0.3 (for wide spacing).

honeybee.radiance.pattern.colordata module

Radiance Colordata Pattern.


class honeybee.radiance.pattern.colordata.Colordata(name, modifier=None, values=None, is_opaque=None)[source]

Bases: honeybee.radiance.pattern.patternbase.RadiancePattern

Radiance Colordata Pattern.

Colordata uses an interpolated data map to modify a material’s color. The map is n-dimensional, and is stored in three auxiliary files, one for each color. The coordinates used to look up and interpolate the data are defined in another auxiliary file. The interpolated data values are modified by functions of one or three variables. If the functions are of one variable, then they are passed the corresponding color component (red or green or blue). If the functions are of three variables, then they are passed the original red, green, and blue values as parameters.

mod colordata id 7+n+

rfunc gfunc bfunc rdatafile gdatafile bdatafile funcfile x1 x2 .. xn transform

0 m A1 A2 .. Am

honeybee.radiance.pattern.colorfunc module

Radiance Colorfunc Texture.


class honeybee.radiance.pattern.colorfunc.Colorfunc(name, modifier=None, values=None, is_opaque=None)[source]

Bases: honeybee.radiance.pattern.patternbase.RadiancePattern

Radiance Colorfunc Material.

A colorfunc is a procedurally defined color pattern. It is specified as follows:

mod colorfunc id 4+ red green blue funcfile transform 0 n A1 A2 .. An

honeybee.radiance.pattern.colorpict module

Radiance Colorpict Pattern.


class honeybee.radiance.pattern.colorpict.Colorpict(name, modifier=None, values=None, is_opaque=None)[source]

Bases: honeybee.radiance.pattern.patternbase.RadiancePattern

Radiance Colorpict Pattern.

Colorpict is a special case of colordata, where the pattern is a two-dimensional image stored in the RADIANCE picture format. The dimensions of the image data are determined by the picture such that the smaller dimension is always 1, and the other is the ratio between the larger and the smaller. For example, a 500x338 picture would have coordinates (u,v) in the rectangle between (0,0) and (1.48,1).

mod colorpict id 7+

rfunc gfunc bfunc pictfile funcfile u v transform

0 m A1 A2 .. Am

honeybee.radiance.pattern.colortext module

Radiance Colortext Pattern.


class honeybee.radiance.pattern.colortext.Colortext(name, modifier=None, values=None, is_opaque=None)[source]

Bases: honeybee.radiance.pattern.patternbase.RadiancePattern

Radiance Colortext Pattern.

Colortext is dichromatic writing in a polygonal font. The font is defined in an auxiliary file, such as helvet.fnt. The text itself is also specified in a separate file, or can be part of the material arguments. The character size, orientation, aspect ratio and slant is determined by right and down motion vectors. The upper left origin for the text block as well as the foreground and background colors must also be given.

mod colortext id 2 fontfile textfile 0 15+

Ox Oy Oz Rx Ry Rz Dx Dy Dz rfore gfore bfore rback gback bback [spacing]


mod colortext id 2+N fontfile . This is a line with N words … 0 15+

Ox Oy Oz Rx Ry Rz Dx Dy Dz rfore gfore bfore rback gback bback [spacing]

honeybee.radiance.pattern.patternbase module

Base Radiance Texture class (Texfunc, Texdata).


class honeybee.radiance.pattern.patternbase.RadiancePattern(name, modifier=None, values=None, is_opaque=None)[source]

Bases: honeybee.radiance.primitive.Primitive

Base class for Radiance patterns.

Patterns are used to modify the reflectance of materials..


Primitive name as a string. Do not use white space and special character.


Modifier. It can be primitive, mixture, texture or pattern. (Default: “void”).


A dictionary of primitive data. key is line number and item is the list of values {0: [], 1: [], 2: [‘0.500’, ‘0.500’, ‘0.500’, ‘0.000’, ‘0.050’]}


Indicate that this object is a Radiance Pattern.

Module contents

Radiance Patterns.

Patterns are used to modify the reflectance of materials.

See http://radsite.lbl.gov/radiance/refer/ray.html#Patterns